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Mo Wonderboy

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4 hours ago, TheGoon said:

Justin Roberts re-affirming what most of us already knew in his new book. JBL is a fucking p***k 


JBL tries this shit with anyone he sees as small, timid or afraid. 

He did the exact same thing for a long time with Joey Styles who finally had enough one day and papped him flat on his arse in front of everyone and the shit stopped. 

A few folk have commented that he's an absolute stereotypical bully who is full of it until someone confronts them. 

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Just now, Poet of the Macabre said:

You'd almost think his boss was a bully too...

True. Sadly, the "macho" stuff still seems to get people over with Vince.

Bradshaw also never seems to learn - there are numerous stories of him picking the wrong guy and getting his arse handed to him, yet the fuckwit still tries it with other people.

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46 minutes ago, TheGoon said:

I'm blocked too. I called him out on him being the worst commentator in years though, not him being a bully. 

Was it him Ken Shamrock beat the shit out of in the 90s?  

Not sure about Shamrock, but he tried it with Blackman, and it didn't end well


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He knocked f**k out of the Blue Meanie at ECW One Night Stand (the first one I believe), leaving him a bloody mess.  Later on he was put in a match with the Meanie, during which Stevie Richards came in and gave him the mother of all chair shots, leaving him with a bad concussion.


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6 hours ago, cb_diamond said:

Why would anyone rile up Steve Blackman!!

The Richards chair shot is at 5.28 here: 

it's one of the hardest chair shots I've ever seen! Pure revenge!


Absolutely hard-wayed there. Richards has smashed him with the edge rather than the flat of the seat to cause maximum damage.

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