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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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ANyone going to the BCW Nash show in Kilmarnock friday night?

Nah. As soon as Dragon Gate confirmed their shows, I decided anything not named ICW that's happening before I've paid for it is a no go.

ROH Do Or Die

Right, an old ROH show. I'm gonna see how many of these I can do before I get frustrated. Took me long enough to get back to these after getting a bit bored, but I'm back to them now!

Dan Maff vs. BJ Whitmer ( *** )

Tony Mamaluke vs. Jason Cross ( *** )

Oman Tortuga vs. Iceberg ( N/A )

Matt Stryker vs. Tom Carter ( ***1/2 )

Special K vs. The Carnage Crew vs. CM Punk and Colt Cabana vs. The Briscoes, Scramble Match ( ** )

John Walters vs. Andy Anderson ( ** )

Jimmy Rave vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. CM Punk vs. Christopher Daniels ( ***3/4 )

Special K vs. The Backseat Boyz ( * )

Homicide vs. Samoa Joe ( ****1/4 )

Match 1

Dan Maff vs. BJ Whitmer w/ Allison Danger

So this is the opening match of this big show right here. Forearms from Whitmer and Maff with slaps and then a high knee from Whitmer and Maff shouts in his face. The fans applaud for that. Easily pleased this lot, aren't they? They are now cautious again and a kick to the gut and then a chop from Maff and then to the back. Chops to the chest again. Whitmer then runs into a brutal chop again and Maff lands more of the same. Exploder Suplex from Whitmer and that turns the tide again. Forearms from Whitmer and then he misses the high knee as Maff heads for the floor. Maff is walking away from this one and Whitmer stops him and lands some chops and then to the floor and he gets sent HARD into the railing. He then gets sent into another side. Into another side goes Maff and that sounds nowhere near as good as the guys in commentary are trying to make out. Whitmer gets sent into one and THAT sounded better. Whitmer into the ropes and a Back Elbow from Maff. Snapmare from Maff and then a brutal kick to the back from Maff and then he picks Whitmer back up and a chop to the back. Body Slam from Maff and a Senton Splash and that gets a two count for the Prophecy member. Chinlock now from Maff. Whitmer comes back into the match and then gets a Snapmare and a kick and a chop and then kicks and he's really beating on the back. Whitmer hits the ropes and runs into a BRUTAL Lariat. Ouch. Into the corner and Maff beats down Whitmer in the corner. BOOTSCRAPES FROM MAFF IN THE CORNER !!! SAMOAN WRECKING BALL FROM MAFF !!! THE CANNONBALL ... Whitmer catches Maff charging with a High Knee and that gets a two count. Whitmer hits the High Knee in the corner. Whitmer into the corner. HALF NELSON SUPLEX DROPS WHITMER RIGHT ON HIS HEAD !!! Whitmer just shouts in the face of Maff. ANOTHER HALF NELSON SUPLEX FROM MAFF !!! BURNING HAMMER ... stopped. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX DROPS MAFF ON HIS HEAD !!! Whitmer comes in and crotches Whitmer on the top rope. THE BURNING HAMMER FROM MAFF !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : Dan Maff

Match Rating : ***

Match Comments : They seemed to be lost for things to do between the railing shots and the final stretch. They wound up just settling for hard hitting stuff with no selling and it was fun enough stuff.

Match 2

Tony Mamaluke vs. Jason Cross

Tony spits in the face of Cross to get this one underway. Lockup and Tony goes behind and Cross with a reversal, and Cross kips up and gets taken down to his knees and an Overhead Wristlock from Tony and Cross escapes, but winds up in the Side Headlock of Tony. Cross gets up and an Arm Drag from Cross and then Tony with the Hiptoss and a Short Arm Scissors and Cross now escapes and Suplexes his way out of the move. Tony on the apron and he's sent to the floor. CORKSCREW PLANCHA OVER THE TOP ROPE FROM CROSS !!! Tony sends Cross into the railing, but then gets sent into the ringpost. Somersault Pescado from Cross. Is he just gonna dive all over the place and then he sends Tony back into the ring and gets a two count. Back Drop Suplex avoided. BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM MAMALUKE !!! HANGING DDT FROM MAMALUKE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Cross into the ropes and he runs into the knee to the gut and then a Neck Crank from Mamaluke but he lets the move go. Tony now looks for a German Suplex. Both men with counters and Tony with the Snap Suplex and then he rolls through to the Northern Lights Suplex and that gets a two count. Knee Breaker from Tony and then a Dragon Screw and then into the Horse Collar. Cross finds the ropes and then fires back with a kick. Now we have right hands from both men. Dropkick to the knee from Cross. LEAPING SOMERSAULT UNPRETTIER FROM CROSS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Cross into the corner and then he heads to the middle rope. Cross Over Neckbreaker from Cross and that gets a two count. Mamaluke goes for the Fujiwara Armbar. TONY LOCKS IN THE GUILLOTINE CHOKE ... COUNTERED TO A NOTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX INTO THE CORNER !!! BRAINBUSTERS FROM CROSS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! BRAINBUSTER FROM CROSS !!! Mamaluke is then brought into the corner. SHOOTING STAR LEG DROP FROM CROSS ... MISSES !!! SNAP DRAGON SUPLEX FROM CROSS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Cross is crotched on the top rope. SUPERPLEX INTO THE GUILLOTINE CHOKE FROM MAMALUKE AND WE HAVE THE TAP !!!

Match Winner : Tony Mamaluke

Match Rating : ***

Match Comments : The big moves and head drops were pretty much overdone. However, I can appreciate the effort and innovation and this was great fun for the time it was on.

Match 3

Oman Tortuga vs. Iceberg

This isn't going to end well for Oman. CM Punk: "What the hell is that?". Lockup and Oman with forearms. Oman ducks a shot and then lands some forearms. Lariats from Icebeg. Sidewalk Slam from Iceberg. Powerslam from Iceberg and that gets a two count. Forearms from Iceberg. Shoulders in the corner for Iceberg. Suplex into a DDT from Iceberg and then he pulls Oman up. Oman charges and misses and then forearms from Oman. High Knee from Oman. Oman is looking for something and they blow it, because Iceberg is absolutely shit. Monkey Flip blocked. AIR RAID CRASH FROM ICEBERG !!! SENTON SPLASH FROM ICEBERG !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : Iceberg

Match Rating : N/A

Match Comments : The fans chant "Don't Come Back!". Pretty much.

Match 4

Matt Stryker vs. Tom Carter

Lockup and then some nice stuff from Carter to get going and then an Overhead Wristlock. We have some counters and then we have a stalemate. The fans are getting behind both men at the moment. They now lock hands and then Carter elevates Stryker over and then Matt goes to the Overheard Wristlock, and then Carter with a Drop Toe Hold and he goes to the Hammerlock. Headlock now from Matt and then Carter takes him down and then he takes over Matt and keeps the Wristlock hold. Matt is back on his feet and then he goes to the Headlock. He takes down Matt and goes to the Head Scissors. Matt escapes goes to the Side Headlock. Carter takes Matt over and locks in the Cross Armbreaker and then that gets a couple of nearfalls. We have a stalemate now. Lockup and Matt takes him over and goes for the Kimura and then Carter finds his way to the bottom rope. Lockup and Matt with the Hammerlock again and then a Headlock from Carter. We have another stalemate and this is getting a bit old. Some counters leads to the Carter goes back to the Cross Armbreaker again and Matt does everything he can to stop the move being applied, and Matt then goes and locks the legs of Carter together. Matt then goes with the Bow and Arrow Hold. Carter escapes to a two count. Lockup and Matt takes down Carter and he goes to the Front Facelock and then the Hammerlock. Matt then pulls himself up and then lands back elbows and then gets a Drop Toe Hold and then goes to the Camel Clutch. Tom Carter takes his way out and goes to the STF. Punk: "There's a popular hold! :lol: Matt finds his way to the bottom rope, and then Carter with a Knee Drop to the back of the head. Matt gets over Carter and gets a Snapmare for a two count. Half Nelson Facebuster from Carter and then he hits a Running Swanton and that gets a two count. Forearms from Carter and then Matt to the ropes and then a Carter Dropkick gets a two count. Abdominal Stretch into an awkward looking submission on the leg and Matt has to fight his way out of the move. Into the corner and Shoulder Tackles in the corner from Carter. Snapmare and then a Chinlock from Carter. Matt hits the ropes and then he catches Carter coming down with a Powerslam and that gets a two count. European Uppercuts from Matt and that gets a two count. Chinlock then from Stryker. Carter fights his way out and then hits the ropes and winds up getting kicked to the floor. PESCADO FROM MATT STRYKER !!! Carter and Matt now on the apron. TOM CARTER WITH A DDT ON THE APRON !!! Back into the middle of the ring and Carter heads up and Matt stops him. MATT WITH THE POP UP HEAD AND ARM SUPLEX !!! Carter and Matt are now doing battle and Matt gets the better of that. Big forearm from Carter but he runs into a Dropkick and then a Big Boot. CARTER WITH THE BRAINBUSTER !!! THE FROG SPLASH FROM CARTER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Matt hits the ropes and kicks Carter. Some nearfalls now from both men. Forearm from Stryker and then both men hit the canvas. Headbutt from Carter and then he avoids a DVD. MATT HOLDS ON AND HITS THE DEATH VALLEY DRIVER ON CARTER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! STRYKER WITH THE SUPER DVD ... COUNTERED TO A SUPER REVERSE DDT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Crazy Dragon Screw from Carter. THE INVERTED CLOVERLEAF FROM CARTER !!! Stryker manages to make it to the bottom rope. Stryker kicks Carter away and then again. Carter with a knee to the knee and that gets a two count. Stryker avoids and a punch to the leg from Carter. THE INVERTED CLOVERLEAF ... REVERSED BY STRYKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : Matt Stryker

Match Rating : ***1/2

Match Comments : The match was wrestled in a very NOAH Jr. style, with a very deliberate but very good formula to it. This isn't as good as, obviously, these two guys aren't as good as the likes of KENTA and Marufuji. But the two guys do a very good job.

Match 5

Scramble Match

Special K vs. The Carnage Crew vs. Colt Cabana and CM Punk w/ Lucy vs. The Briscoes

Cabana and Jay open the match and this is hard stuff and then they break. Cabana hits the ropes and so does Jay and then a kick to the back from the Briscoe. Shots to the back from Jay and then some chops. Jay into the ropes and a Rana from Cabana and that gets a two count. School Boy from Jay gets a two cound and a right hand from Cabana and then more of the same. Jay into the ropes and then Cabana with a Knee 2 Face. Vito has some words with Cabana. Cabana onto the apron and he gets his throat dropped over the top rope. PESCADO FROM JAY !!! In comes Dixie and Vito. Dixie avoids a Suplex and then sends Vito to the ropes. Dixie with a Leaping Swinging DDT on Vito and then he charges. SUPLEX INTO THE CORNER FROM VITO !!! Everyone runs into the ring now and Loc lands a Swinging Neckbreaker on Mark. Izzy with a Double Moonsault Dropkick and that leaves him with Mark. He leaps off of Mark and hits the ropes. Standing Sliced Bread #2 gets a two count for Izzy. He then hits the ropes. BRUTAL EXPLODER SUPLEX FROM MARK BRISCOE !!! In comes Punk now with Mark. Loc then takes out Punk and then in comes Dixie. This is actually quite messy now. Dixie and Mark are sent out to the other guys. Izzy hits the ropes and gets caught with a Clothesline. Jay and Punk now exchange forearms and Jay gets the better of that. Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker from Punk. DEVIL LOCK LARIAT !!! Right hands from Loc to Cabana. Backbreaker/Slingshot Senton from the Saints now. In comes Izzy and Dixie and they botch something. Dixie sent to the apron and a forearm to Dixie. DOOMSDAY DEVICE FROM THE SAINTS ... IZZY ESCAPES WITH THE REVERSE RANA !!! Vito comes in with jabs and a Dropkick on Punk. CARNAGE PLEX FROM THE CREW !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Knee to the gut from Vito and then Mark into the ropes. EXPLODER SUPLEX FROM MARK !!! LARIAT !!! BOOT !!! MENTAL ACTION !!! Forearms from Vito and then Izzy is sent onto his head. Super Rana from Izzy. DIXIE WITH A PLANCHA DOWN ONTO JAY !!! Mark is now back in the ring. MARK WITH AN INSANE MOONSAULT TYPE DIVE OVER THE TOP ROPE !!! Izzy now heads up and Vito is now heading up there. MOONSAULT ONTO THE MASS OF GUYS !!! Izzy and Punk are doing battle. COLT 45 ON DIXIE !!! PEPSI PLUNGE ONTO DIXIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winners : CM Punk and Colt Cabana

Match Rating : **

Match Comments : One of the messiest matches of this type I've seen and not in a good way. It was almost impossible to get into because the timing was completely off from everyone.

Match 6

John Walters vs. Andy Anderson

Lockup and they just break. Lockup again and against the ropes they go. Slaps from both men now and another lockup and we have counters from both men. Arm Ringer from Anderson and then Walters goes to the Arm Ringer. Hammerlock from Anderson and then Walters with a flip and then he takes down Anderson and has the arm stretched again. Fireman's Carry and then Anderson with sweeps. Pushes now from both men and then a forearm and a Snapmare. More Snapmares and Walters botches a counter and then gets a two count. Alabama Slam from Anderson and then a Back Drop Suplex. Hanging Falcon Arrow and that gets a two count. Into the corner and forearms from Anderson and then chops. Walters tries to get over Anderson and doesn't. Knees to the gut and then Walters into the corner. SPRINGBOARD SUNSET BOMB FROM WALTERS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Anderson reaches the bottom rope. Body Slam from Walters and then he heads for the top rope. SPLASH OFF THE TOP FROM WALTERS ... MISSES !!! Forearms to the back from Anderson. CRUCIFIX BOMB FROM ANDERSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Walters avoids a move and then misses a charge. SUPER LUNGBLOWER FROM WALTERS !!! Walters goes to a Sunset Flip and then both men with reversals. POWERBOMB INTO A DDT FROM WALTERS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Both men now going for something. SPINNING CRUCIFIX BOMB FROM ANDERSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : Andy Anderson

Match Rating : **

Match Comments : That was a decent enough little showcase match.

Match 7

Jimmy Rave vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. CM Punk w/ Lucy vs. Christopher Daniels w/ Allison Danger

Daniels gets quite the reaction from the audience. Rave and Punk are in the ring and then into the corner they go. We have a clean break from there. Chop from Punk and then a takedown from Rave. Lockup and then a Snapmare from Rave and then he chops and Punk gets the hell out of there. Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock from Punk. Punk escapes and then Arm Drags from Rave and Punk gets out of there and in comes Kaz. Lockup and Kaz goes to the leg and then he works on the leg and rolls through and Rave is trying to get away from this. Rave finds the bottom rope. Rave now works on the arm and then a chop. Kaz into the ropes and a Belly 2 Belly Suplex and in comes Daniels and he works on Kaz. Kaz into the ropes and a Dropkick from Daniels and he gets in the face of Punk. Kaz into the ropes and he gets over Daniels and kicks the gut and then a kick to the head and then a Swinging Neckbreaker and Daniels gets out of there. Rave is back in the ring now. Kick to the gut from Kaz and then Rave into the ropes and a Dropkick from Kaz. Front Facelock from Kaz and against the ropes. Rave into the ropes and then both men collide in the middle of the ring and then in come Punk and Daniels to face each other. The fans are chanting for Daniels in this exchange. They both psych each other a bit. Lockup and then Punk goes to the Arm Ringer. Daniels then goes to the Hammerlock on Punk and then Punk with the Headlock. Punk into the ropes and they both collide in the middle of the ring. Lockup and a Headlock from Daniels and then Daniels hits the ropes and gets over Punk and they collide again. Punk wants Daniels to hit the ropes and then Punk to the Arm Ringer and Daniels escapes and then we have more reversals and Daniels with the Hammerlock. Punk now with elbows but he runs into the Drop Toe Hold and then Punk with the Hammerlock on the canvas. Knee Drops to the arm from Punk. Punk into the ropes and a Hiptoss and a Dropkick on Daniels. Kicks to the gut from Daniels and then he poses a wee bit. Punk gets out of the corner and a kick to the gut and a Jawbreaker. Rave then tags himself in and lands a forearm. Punk to the floor and then the same for Daniels and Rave to the top. PLANCHA ONTO DANIELS !!! Punk avoided it. KAZARIAN WITH THE PESCADO !!! Punk and Rave now in the ring. Snapmare from Punk and then a brutal kick to the back and that gets a two count. HANGING BRAINBUSTER FROM PUNK !!! Rave now fights back into the match with forearms. Rave into the ropes and a Powerslam from Punk gets a two count. Kaz then comes back into the ring and he hits the ropes and a Back Body Drop from Rave and then in comes Daniels. Daniels with a Clothesline in the corner but then Punk is tagged in. Daniels gets an early shot on him. Back Elbow from Daniels and that gets a two count. Gutwrench Suplex from Daniels and that gets a two count. Rake to the eyes from Punk and then back in comes Rave. Chops from Rave but then Daniels into the ropes and a Dropkick from Rave gets a two count. Daniels into the ropes and he sends Kaz down by the hair. Kick to the face from Rave and then an Enziguri. RUNNING KNEE TO THE FACE FROM RAVE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Reverse DDT on Daniels from Rave. Rave and Kaz are doing battle then. Rave into the ropes. TILT-A-WHIRL FUJIWARA ARMBAR FROM RAVE !!! Kaz breaks that with the kick. BRIDGING BACK DROP DRIVER FROM RAVE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Rave and Daniels are now heading for the top rope. Rave is sent to the floor and then Punk heads up. SUPERPLEX FROM PUNK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Welcome 2 Chicago from Punk. Punk and Daniels both gets sweeped down and then Danger and Lucy get in the ring. Punk and Daniels then stop that from happening. Punk and Daniels wrestle. DANIELS WITH THE ROLLUP !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Punk and Daniels reversing each other. LOADS of reversals going on here. Kaz into the ring and a big boot to Daniels. Superkick on Punk and that gets a two count. Slingshot Leg Drop from Kaz. DEVIL LOCK DDT FROM PUNK !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! CM Punk now taking Kaz up and he's looking for something but Punk sent to the floor. NOVACAINE FROM KAZ !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Daniels comes into the ring now and sends Kaz into the corner and lands a chop. ELECTRIC CHAIR DROP FROM KAZARIAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Lariat from Kaz. SPRINGBOARD LEG DROP FROM KAZARIAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! BRUTAL STO FROM DANIELS !!! Kaz avoids a move. THE LAST RITES ON KAZARIAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : Christopher Daniels

Match Rating : ***3/4

Match Comments : This was good solid four way stuff. It wasn't the spotfest style all action that we have seen in the past. It was mostly about Punk and Daniels and making you want to see more of what they do. Rave and Kaz get good chances to show off though towards the end as it does head into that fluid motion action. It's good stuff all the way.

Match 8

Special K vs. The Backseat Boyz

We're gonna get this one going with Jody and Acid who faced off in 2002 in the Best of the Best tourney if I'm not mistaken. Jody into the ropes and then a Springboard Cross Body from Acid and that gets a two count and then some quick counters leading to a Dropkick from Acid. Some sweeps are blocked and we have a stalemate and then more of the same after a kick misses. 720 DDT ... blocked and then a Yakuza Kick is ducked and we have a stalemate again. Kashmere is in the ring with Slim J and then an Arm Ringer from Kash and he gets taken down. Kick to the gut but then Kash just clubs Slim right down. Jody comes into the ring. Kash is about to take the control and again Jody is back in the ring. Jody is the go to guy here! Quick tags here from the Special K skinny kids. Special K look after each other and the Backseats are in. Superkick and down goes Jody. DOUBLE POWERBOMB/NECKBREAKER COMBO FROM THE BACKSEATS !!! STEREO SOMERSAULT PLANCHAS FROM THE BACKSEAT BOYS !!! Jody now back in the ring and then everyone else is in the ring now. Back kicks and then Clotheslines from the Backseats and the fans did quite like that. That gets a two count. Slim now has Acid up. DOUBLE ARM NECKBREAKER FROM SLIM J AND AN ASSISTED REVERSE DDT FROM SPECIAL K !!! That is madness right there. Springboard Cross Body and that gets a two count. Standing Moonsault and Standing Shooting Star gets a two count. Slim J back into the ring. Slim into the corner and Acid runs into the boots. TORNADO DOUBLE UNDERHOOK PILEDRIVER FROM SLIM !!! Kash gets Dropkicked to the floor. Suplex/DDT combo from the Special K kids and that gets a two count. THE 720 ... misses. Acid runs into a boot and then he gets set on the top rope. Jody gets pushed down. Jody misses a move. SUPER REVERSE RANA FROM ACID !!! Slim then knocks Kash down off of the apron. Hot tag. DOUBLE SPEAR FROM KASH TO SPECIAL K !!! Missile Dropkick from Kash. BRUTAL MADE IN JAPAN FROM KASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! THE DREAM SEQUENCE !!! JODY STOPS THE ENDING WITH THE 720 DDT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SAVED !!! Springboard Reverse DDT from Slim gets a two count. This is messy as f**k here. Acid and Slim to the floor now. The brawl is now heading into the crowd. SLIM J AND JODY BOTH WITH INSANE MOONSAULTS OFF OF THE SCAFFOLDS !!! Everyone is now back at the ring. Acid kicks out of that and the fans can't believe it. SUPER T GIMMICK !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : The Backseat Boys

Match Rating : *

Match Comments : I'll give it a snowflake for having some fun spots, but mostly this match is disgusting. Fucking disgusting. All four men have seemingly forgotten what wrestling is at this point and Jody Fleisch trying to fight through a serious injury is ridiculous.

Match 9

ROH World Heavyweight Championship

Samoa Joe © vs. Homicide w/ Julius Smokes

Homicide goes to the arm early and Joe goes to the Front Facelock. Joe takes Homicide down onto his knees and then a knee to the face. Arm Ringer and then Homicide and he gets the Hammerlock. Homicide with one of his own and then we have some reversals from both men and a stalemate. Joe then tries to go with the slaps and then kicks and knees and then a knee to the jaw and down goes Homicide. Homicide hits the ropes and Dropkicks the knee and then the face a couple of times. Drop Toe Hold and then he unloads and Joe finds the bottom rope. Joe then gets sent to the floor but he gets right back in. Joe into the corner and a big forearm from Homicide but that doesn't end well, so Homicide with the poke to the eye. RUNNING KNEE TO THE FACE FROM HOMICIDE !!! HOMICIDE RUNS INTO THE S-T-JOE !!! The fans quite like that obviously. Snapmare from Joe and then the chop/kick combo and that gets a two count. Kicks to the chest from Joe. BRUTAL EXPLODER DROPS JOE RIGHT ON HIS HEAD !!! HOMICIDE MISSES A BASEBALL SLIDE AND GETS LAUNCHED INTO THE RAILING !!! You get the sense that this is going to be quite a match. Homicide then gets put on a chair. OLE KICK ON THE FLOOR ... Homicide catches it. BELLY 2 BELLY SUPLEX ON THE FLOOR FROM JOE !!! THE OLE KICK FROM JOE !!! He then gets the fans to sing and we're going to see it again? THE OLE KICK FROM SAMOA JOE !!! Homicide is now busted open and we go back into the ring. That gets a two count from these guys. Joe is now biting the cut of Homicide and that's just sick right there. Homicide blocks a Suplex. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX !!! RELEASE DRAGON SUPLEX !!! CROSS ARM GERMAN SUPLEX FROM SAMOA JOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! They then exchange some slaps. Joe charges into the boots. LEAPING SWINGING DDT FROM HOMICIDE !!! Samoa Joe then heads for the floor and Homicide goes out there. Smokes is now bringing out a table and now he has it against the railing. HOMICIDE WITH THE TOPE CON HILO AND BOTH MEN CRASH THROUGH THE TABLE !!! Back into the ring and that gets a two count. THE POWERBOMB FROM JOE INTO THE STF ON HOMICIDE !!! THE CHOKE FROM SAMOA JOE !!! Low Ki now heads for the ring. HOMICIDE ESCAPES FROM THE CHOKE !!! Right hands from Homicide and then shots. Big knee to the gut from Joe. SAMOA JOE WITH A BRUTAL KNEE TO THE HEAD OF HOMICIDE !!! Homicide is out of it at the moment and Joe pulls him up and then he slaps down Homicide. Low Ki is screaming in the face of Homicide and he seems to have fired up the challenger. BACK DROP DRIVER FROM HOMICIDE !!! THE FANS ARE GOING FUCKING MENTAL !!! THE ACE CRUSHER FROM HOMICIDE !!! He then heads for the top rope. THE DOUBLE STOMP TO THE GUT FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Brutal boots. HOMICIDE LANDS A DEAD WEIGHT BRAINBUSTER !!! HOLY SHIT !!! Samoa Joe heads for the floor now. Homicide wants Samoa Joe up and he sends him back into the ring. ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Yeah, nobody bought that as a nearfall there. Another brutal kick to the head though. YAKUZA KICK FROM HOMICIDE !!! Joe gets set on the top rope and Smokes and Ki argue on the floor. Homicide is disrtracted. THE SUPER MUSCLE BUSTER FROM SAMOA JOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEE !!!

Match Winner : Samoa Joe

Match Rating : ****1/4

Match Comments : This was a bit of an epic battle right here. Samoa Joe was the aggressive big man and Homicide took an absolutely vicious beating. The spell when he got fired up was the only real downpoint as it was a bit anti-climatic paired with the ending, but this is a fantastic battle.

This is a consistant show most of the way with a cracking main event worthy of it's slot. There is one match which is actually painful to watch at times though. Anyways, a good 2003 show.

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Good news for TNA fans in Australia.

IMPACT WRESTLING comes to FUEL TV in June, after Australia’s only dedicated 24-hour action sports channel acquired the broadcast rights. Previously broadcast on Fox 8, IMPACT WRESTlING will premiere on Saturday 11 June at 8.30pm AEST on FUEL TV.

Australian Fans - Get caught up on the IMPACT WRESTLING episodes you've missed! As we prepare for IMPACT WRESTLING's return to Australia, Fuel TV will be airing the catch-up episodes on Saturdays on the schedule below:

28/05 | 2:30:00 PM | Saturday | Episode 627

28/05 | 4:10:00 PM | Saturday | Episode 628

28/05 | 5:50:00 PM | Saturday | Episode 629

4/06 | 2:30:00 PM | Saturday | Episode 630

4/06 | 4:10:00 PM | Saturday | Episode 631

4/06 | 5:50:00 PM | Saturday | Episode 632

11/06 | 3:30:00 PM | Saturday | Episode 633

11/06 | 5:10:00 PM | Saturday | Episode 634

11/06 | 6:50:00 PM | Saturday | Episode 635

11/06 | 8:30:00 PM | Saturday | Episode 636

IMPACT WRESTLING features the most innovative and exciting brand of professional wrestling in the world today, joining Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair and "The Icon" Sting with the superstars of tomorrow; Rob Van Dam, Ken Anderson, "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles, Samoa Joe and many more. TNA Wrestling also features the lovely and lethal TNA Knockouts, and the no-limits, high-flying X-Division.

Adam Howarth, Fuel TV Australia Channel Manager, said TNA iMPACT! is a welcome addition to the channel’s ever-expanding action sports portfolio.

“We’re absolutely wrapt to be bringing IMPACT to FUEL TV and building on our TNA wrestling offering for its legion of fans across the country,” said Howarth.

“Since April 2010 we’ve screened the classics series, TNA Epics, and now we’ve secured TNA’s most popular television series which is a massive win for fans. Now they’ll be able to tune into FUEL TV to get their total TNA fix,” he said.

"We're glad to partner with FUEL to provide Australian wrestling fans with the best professional wrestling in the world today. Bringing "iMPACT!" to FUEL will allow TNA's Australian fans a one-stop destination for programming," TNA Executive Vice President Andy Barton said.

“Each episode of IMPACT WRESTLING will go to air on FUEL TV less than 48 hours after they debut in the U.S., so the turnaround on broadcasts will be fast and Australian fans will be able to keep pace with the series in America.”

Howarth said FUEL TV’s coverage of IMPACT WRESTLING will supplement FOXTEL and AUSTAR’s coverage of Pay-Per-View TNA events on the Main Event channel.

“If you are a fan of TNA then FOXTEL and AUSTAR are the only place you will be able to see IMPACT WRESTLING and the Pay-Per-View events.”


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If you're going to BCW tomorrow tomorrow, you'll be happy to know that Kevin Nash is in the UK and on his way up here.

The card is actually decent. Kevin Nash's opponent hasn't been announced. There's one mystery spot on the card, but I can't see it being him taking it as it's a heel. I reckon it might be Waltman. Anyways, the card...

"Bad Bones" John Kay vs "Darkside" James Scott

Johnny Moss vs. BT Gunn

Joe Coffey and The Highlander vs. The Aggrssion ( A combo of Chris Rampage, Davey Blaze or Steven Xavier, I think Kid Fite is in 1PW )

Sean Maxer vs. ???

Andy Wild vs. Red Lightning

"Tango" Timm Wylie vs. Jack Jester

Then you have some extra Kevin Nash on the show. The top two matches will deliver, and Nash is Nash. There's potential in another couple of the matches.

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ANyone going to the BCW Nash show in Kilmarnock friday night?

I've been watching some old Nash videos in preparation.

Anyone remember this cracking feud? HHH was in his pomp, Nash looked like a monster and Foley was brilliant in his role.


If you're going to BCW tomorrow tomorrow, you'll be happy to know that Kevin Nash is in the UK and on his way up here.

The card is actually decent. Kevin Nash's opponent hasn't been announced. There's one mystery spot on the card, but I can't see it being him taking it as it's a heel. I reckon it might be Waltman. Anyways, the card...

"Bad Bones" John Kay vs "Darkside" James Scott

Johnny Moss vs. BT Gunn

Joe Coffey and The Highlander vs. The Aggrssion ( A combo of Chris Rampage, Davey Blaze or Steven Xavier, I think Kid Fite is in 1PW )

Sean Maxer vs. ???

Andy Wild vs. Red Lightning

"Tango" Timm Wylie vs. Jack Jester

Then you have some extra Kevin Nash on the show. The top two matches will deliver, and Nash is Nash. There's potential in another couple of the matches.

If it is indeed Waltman I'll mark out like I never have before!

Edited by Marshmallo
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I should note that I only think it's Waltman because it'd make sense if he was was with Nash, ya know?

He had a pure belter with El Generico earlier in the year with CHIKARA so he's having something of a resurgance at the moment.

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I missed it. What WILL he be doing?

ROH Night of the Grudges

This would be the big one between AJ Styles and Paul London.

The Christopher Street Connection vs. The Carnage Crew ( **1/2 )

Chance Beckett vs. Matt Stryker ( **3/4 )

John Walters vs. Justin Credible vs. Chris Sabin vs. Homicide ( ***3/4 )

CM Punk and Colt Cabana vs. BJ Whitmer and Raven ( **** )

Diablo Santiago vs. Prince Nana ( N/A )

Dixie and Mikey Whipwreck vs. The SAT ( ** )

Paul London vs. AJ Styles ( ****1/2 )

CW Anderson, Samoa Joe and Michael Shane vs. Christopher Daniels, Donovan Morgan and Dan Maff ( ***1/2 )

Match 1

The Carnage Crew vs. The Christopher Street Connection

It's amazing how over the CSC were at this point. Anyways, who's getting this bad boy going? Mace and Loc to get the match going. Buff says he wanted the sexy heavy b*****d. Loc doesn't want any of that, but Buff says he can have anything he wants, and he gets tagged into the match. Loc shouts in the face and then takes some right hands. Hiptoss from Buff and then a double team kiss on the forehead and Loc gets into the corner. Mace now into the ring. Into the ring comes Mace and then he grabs the ass of Vito and then a Drop Toe Hold from Mace and he gives Vito a spanking. Loc comes in with the Dropkick but then a Body Slam from Buff and then Mace slithers over Loc. It's great seeing this happening to The Carnage Crew. Fingers to the eye from Buff but then a Clothesline from Vito. THE CARNAGE PLEX !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Loc with a forearm to Mace and then into the ropes and a Back Elbow from Loc. Loc then tags out and lays some big boots to Mace and then some jabs. A Standing Dropkick from Vito and that gets a two count. Into the ropes and a choke over the middle rope from Vito and then he clubs on the back. Snapmare from Vito and then he lands some crossface forearms. Double pin gets a two count as they botch something big. Neck Snap Russian Legsweep from Loc and then a Body Slam. He is now heading for the top rope. Aye, we'll see how this ends. TESTICULAR CLAW FROM MACE !!! In comes Vito to get revenge for his partner and then he legally comes in and locks in the Chinlock. Mace hits the ropes and runs into the STO and that gets a two count. Kick to the chest from Loc and then a chop. Mace now with big chops of his own. Mace into the ropes and he lands the Swinging DDT and he's now looking for the tag. In comes Buff and he is the preverbial house on fire and he lands some Clotheslines and then he charges and lands HUGE Clotheslines in the corner. BRONCO BUSTERS FROM MACE WITH ADDED CROTCH !!! They then kiss in the middle of the ring. THE GAY BASHER ON LOC !!! Vito then throws Mace out and breaks the count. Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Vito and then Loc gets Buff. SPIKE PILEDRIVER ... Mace does what he can to break. KISSES !!! Swinging Neckbreaker from Loc. MOONSAULT FROM VITO !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winners : The Carnage Crew

Match Rating : **1/2

Match Comments : It was a good opener. The action was pretty hot and the CSC's charisma made the match work. The fued worked because of the characters and the differences in them, so watching the CSC in action was very satisfying.

Match 2

Chance Beckett vs. Matt Stryker

I get the feeling that this match is just here to give Matt Stryker something to do while there's other things going on. We have the handshake and this one is going to get going! Lockup and an Arm Drag from Matt. Lockup and Chance with a takedown and the fans are already getting on his back. Hammerlock from Matt and then Chance is able to find his way out with the Snapmare, but Matt rolls through and keeps the Hammerlock in. Chance pulls himself back up and then tries for the Snapmare elevated this time, and winds up right back in the Hammerlock from Matt. Fireman's Carry from Chance and then he stretches the arms with the head in the back. Matt pulls himself to his feet and then stretches the arms himself. Chance kicks his way out of that and Matt has a slight advantage at this point. Matt sweeps down Chance and then works on the leg. He then drops the knees on Chance's knee, and Chance finds his way out and drops a knee on the back of the leg of Matt and then he does a nice Catapult Faceplant and then a Half Crab and Matt finds his way to the bottom rope. Lockup and a Headlock from Matt and then a Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock and then we have reversals from that. Cravat from Matt and then Chance reverses into the Neckbreaker. Dragon Sleeper now from Chance. Matt finds his way to the ropes again. They now lock hands and we have a Test of Strength between them and Matt bridges back Chance. Matt tries to take down Chance with his knees and he can't do it. He just kicks the legs out, so Chance rolls through and then turns the move around into a Neckbreaker. Knee Drop with an exposed knee from Chance and then he puts on a cocky cover and that gets a two count, obviously. Matt sends Chance into a Tree of Woe in the corner. Running Dropkick to the stomach from Matt and that gets a two count. European Uppercuts and then chops from Matt and then he's sent into the ropes and a big knee to the gut. Chinlock from Chance. Matt then fights out with elbows and hits the ropes and then lands a Flying Forearm and now both men are getting to their feet. Right hands from Matt and Chance is sent to the ropes and a Back Elbow from Matt and that gets a two count. Dropkick from Matt and that gets a two count. Chops from Matt but that fires up Chance. Back Body Drop from Matt. THE STRYKER LOCK ... countered from Chance. THE INVERTED CLOVERLEAF FROM CHANCE !!! Matt rolls through. THE STRYKER LOCK !!! CHANCE TAPS !!!

Match Winner : Matt Stryker

Match Rating : **3/4

Match Comments : I like how Matt Stryker is ALWAYS going for the pinfalls at every oppertunity. I don't like how Chance Beckett's big submission was the exact same as Tom Carter's. It was a decent match with good counters and good action.

Match 3

John Walters vs. Justin Credible vs. Chris Sabin vs. Homicide w/ Julius Smokes

Credible's appearance sends the hall into an absolute frenzy. This was a complete unannounced appearance from him. Homicide gets going after a big disappointment in his title match against Samoa Joe. Lockup and a Headlock Takedown and then we have other counters and a stalemate between the two men. They lock hands and then Walters bridges Homicide back. Homicide takes Walters down by the legs and goes for the STF and Walters finds his way to the bottom rope. Chops from Homicide and then more of the same and a forearm. Homicide into the ropes and he charges down Walters. Arm Drags from both men and then Walters lands a Dropkick to send Homicide to the floor. Homicide challenges Walters to go to the floor and then lands a forearm. Back into the ring and a big boot in the corner from Homicide. BUTTERFLY SUPLEX INTO THE CORNER FROM HOMICIDE !!! Walters is set on the top rope and then in the Tree of Woe. BASEBALL DROPKICK TO THE FACE !!! Snapmare from Homicide but Walters with one of his own. Walters avoids a move. LUNGBLOWER FROM WALTERS !!! Walters then rolls through to the Bow and Arrow Hold but he lets it go and gives a Snapmare. Leg Drop from Homicide, but Walters locks in another submission. Homicide finds his way to the bottom rope. Walters with chops and then a poke to the eyes from Homicide and then some more chops. Sabin into the match and he steals a nearfall after the blind tag. Sabin to the apron and Homicide was in the ring. GERMAN SUPLEX/SUNSET FLIP COMBO ON WALTERS !!! Homicide is dumped to the floor and Sabin gets a two count. Sabin gets under Walters and then lands a Rana. Sabin gets over Walters and lands a Dropkick and in comes Justin. Justin into the ropes. Swinging DDT from Credible and then into the corner. Chops from Justin and then he kicks down Sabin and chokes with the boot. Powerbomb out of the corner gets a two count as well. Dropkick misses and in comes Homicide. T-Bone Suplex from Homicide and then a bridging one gets a two count. In comes Sabin now with Homicide and he lands a Leg Drop and a Fist Drop and that gets a two count. Right hand from Sabin and then the big kick from Homicide and he sets Sabin on the top. SUPER PULLOVER FALCON ARROW FROM HOMICIDE !!! Into the corner and then Homicide is sent in. REVELATION BACKBREAKER FROM SABIN !!! Homicide into the ropes and then a knee to the head from Sabin and that gets a two count. Chop from Homicide and then Sabin into the ropes and a Belly 2 Belly Suplex from Homicide and that gets a two count. In comes Walters. Tornado Divorce Court from Walters and that gets a two count. Walters now has the arm stretched over the top rope. Sabin now with the Enziguri to get back into the match and that gets a two count. Back in comes Credible and he simply stomps on Walters. Into the corner and Credible with a big right hand and then more of the same and he lays in the stomps and now a choke with the boot and then he tags back out. Sabin misses a Dropkick and Walters now goes with the Mexican Surfboard into a Japanese Stranglehold. CREDIBLE BREAKS ALL OF THAT WITH A SUPERKICK !!! PESCADO FROM CREDIBLE ONTO HOMICIDE !!! PLANCHA OVER THE TOP FROM WALTERS !!! SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM SABIN !!! Homicide is now in the ring. TOPE CON HILO FROM HOMICIDE !!! He then gets right back into the ring. THAT'S INCREDIBLE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SABIN MAKES THE SAVE !!! Credible is sent to the floor. DDT BOMB FROM WALTERS !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... HOMICIDE SAVES !!! SUNSET BOMB FROM WALTERS TO HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! The fans are booing for that. Dragon Screw from Homicide and then a Dropkick to the knee. THE MICHINOKU DRIVER #2 FROM HOMICIDE !!! LEG LOCK STF AND WALTERS TAPS !!!

Match Winner : Homicide

Match Rating : ***3/4

Match Comments : That was a nice all action outing. John Walters came out of this one looking like a million as he adapted to the spotfest style brilliantly. Credible didn't look very good at all, but to be honest this isn't his style.

Match 4

CM Punk and Colt Cabana vs. BJ Whitmer and Raven

Punk goes over and gets the chair and takes it into the Second City Saints corner. Punk then circles Raven and we have a lockup and into the corner and Punk works over Raven in a brutal fashion and the fans don't like that. Punk then pulls himself to his feet and then into the corner and knees to the gut of Raven and then shoulder charges and then he kicks Raven down in the corner again. Raven gets back up and unloads with right hands and boots in the corner. Kicks to the gut and then to the head from Raven and Punk into the ropes and a knee to the gut from Raven. Jawbreaker from Punk and then Raven into the ropes and he lands a Superkick and Punk gets out of there. Cabana now comes into the ring. Whitmer is in the ring as well now. They now lock hands but Cabana lets go and goes into the corner. They lock hands and then Whitmer with a Drop Toe Hold and a Front Facelock from Whitmer. Cabana rolls through and then goes to the arm. Headbutt from Whitmer and then he works on the arm. Cabana into the ropes and then Whitmer catches him and lands a Brainbuster and that gets a two count. Punk has the chair behind Whitmer. CHAIR TO THE HEAD OF WHITMER !!! Raven now has a chair. CHAIR TO THE HEAD OF CABANA !!! Raven and Punk now have the chairs. Punk drops his chair and does a runner and Raven chases him. Cabana and Whitmer are in the ring. RAVEN CROWNS PUNK WITH A BIN !!! Punk is now busted open. Raven now has a trashcan lid and smacks Punk with it. Trashcan shots to the head from Raven and he's doing some big damage here. The forehead of Punk gets smashed into the trashcan now. Punk then gets sent into another trashcan face first. Whitmer has been busted open as well and now Punk and Raven are in the crowd as Raven lays a beating on Punk. Punk then gets sent into the notice board at the back of the hall and then Raven gets a table and takes it towards the ring. Whitmer and Cabana wind up on the floor with the Cactus Clothesline. Raven goes back to the crowd. HIPTOSS INTO A SECTION OF THE CHAIRS FROM RAVEN !!! Raven is asking for the help of Whitmer. Cabana eats a Drop Toe Hold into a chair from Raven as Raven is the director of madness here. Whitmer does the same to Punk now. Now we go back over the railing to the ringside area and back into the ring they go. Raven then gets crotched on the railing by Punk and Cabana is back in things in the ring. Right hands from Punk to Raven and then he sends Raven into the railing. Cabana works on Whitmer as Punk poses to the crowd. Cabana with right hands to Whitmer. Whitmer into the ropes and a Backbreaker/Slingshot Senton combo gets a two count for Punk and Cabana. Cabana comes in and gets a Knee Drop and then he works on the cut and then knocks Raven off of the apron and then more right hands to the cut. Punk comes back into the ring and into the corner. High Knee from Punk and then knees from Cabana. Punk with a Back Drop Suplex and that gets a two count. BOOTSCRAPES FROM PUNK ... THE FACEWASH FROM PUNK !!! PUNK MISSES A SECOND AND WINDS UP ON THE FLOOR !!! Colt Cabana is in the ring though and he nails Whitmer. Whitmer into the ropes and a Back Elbow from Cabana and that gets a two count. Punk lands a Rana on Cabana by mistake and Whitmer is now looking for the tag out. Raven gets the fans behind Whitmer and in comes Raven with right hands to both men. Back Body Drop on Raven and then a Clothesline to Cabana. Knee Lifts to both of the Saints. Bulldog/Clothesline combo on the Saints gets a two count. Cabana into the ropes and then he's sent to the floor. RAVEN EFFECT FROM RAVEN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... CABANA MAKES THE SAVE !!! WHITMER WITH THE FLYING HEADBUTT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... THE REF GETS PULLED OUT !!! Cabana on the apron. EXPLODER 98 BRINGS CABANA IN !!! There's no referee though as he was dragged to the floor. SHINING WIZARD WITH THE CHAIR FROM PUNK !!! There is still no referee. ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! COLT 45 FROM CABANA !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : Punk and Cabana

Match Rating : ****

Match Comments : That was brilliant! Much better than I remember it being! Everyone brought their A game to this one and they set out to give us a brutal brutal match with all sorts of heat between them.

Match 5

Diablo Santiago vs. Prince Nana

What the f**k? Do we need more Prince Nana? I know he was good as the leader of The Embassy, but that was as a manager. Diablo with a Dropkick and then forearms and chops. Santiago works on Nana and lands a Back Drop Suplex for a two count. Santiago ducks a Clothesline and lands a Neckbreaker and that gets a two count. We then have some chops from Nana and then more chops. Snapmare from Santiago and then a Perfect Neck Snap and then a Seated Neckbreaker and that gets a two count. Santiago in the corner. SAMOAN WRECKING BALL FROM NANA !!! DDT from Nana gets three.

Match Winner : Prince Nana

Match Rating : N/A

Match Comments : Next.

Match 6

Mikey Whipwreck and Dixie w/ Special K vs. The SAT

Mikey is going to get this match going with Joel. Headlock from Joel and then he gets sent to the ropes and Mikey is charged down. Mikey with a Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissor and then a Rana. In true Special K style, he botches both. Enziguri from Joel and then Jose and Dixie come in the ring. WHEELBARROW BACKBREAKER ON DIXIE FROM THE SAT !!! Mikey is now back in the ring with Joel and we have the legal men now. Mikey runs into an elbow. In comes Jose. THE CRAB CLUTCH ON BOTH MEMBERS !!! Only the Camel Clutch is left and we see a Dropkick to the face of Mikey. THE WASHING MACHINE FROM THE SAT !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Into the corner and we have some chops from Joel and they are HARD chops right there. Mikey gets knocked off the apron and then Mikey with a Slingshot Leg Drop and then over the middle rope and a Guillotine Leg Drop from Mikey. That gets a two count for him. Snapmare from Mikey and then a kick to the back. Joel is now in the corner. JOSE GETS DUMPED INTO HIM IN THE CORNER !!! Back into the ropes goes Jose. Double Gutbuster from Mikey and then the Inverted Muta Lock and then a Springboard Knee Drop from Dixie. That gets a two count. Joel takes more right hands. SNAP BACK DROP DRIVER FROM JOEL MAXIMO !!! He then unloads on both guys and misses a German Suplex. Jose comes in. Baseball Slide misses. MAXIMO EXPLOSION ON THE APRON ON DIXIE !!! Back into the ring where Mikey catches him and then Special K get involved and Mikey heads for the top rope. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM MIKEY WHIPWRECK !!! Mikey and Jose in the ring. Sunset Flip from Jose gets a two count. Reverse Tiger Suplex from Mikey and that gets a two count. Mikey runs into a boot. TORNADO DDT FROM JOSE MAXIMO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Dixie now in the ring. AIR RAID CRASH OVER THE KNEE FROM DIXIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! SERIES OF POWERBOMB FROM JOEL TO DIXIE !!! BRUTAL LIGER BOMB !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Slam from Joel and then he heads up and Mikey stops him up there. SUPER RANA !!! WHIPPERSNAPPER FROM MIKEY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... JOSE MAKES THE SAVE !!! Into the corner goes Mikey. Dixie now gets crotched and then Mikey sent to the floor. DOOMSDAY DDT FROM THE SAT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winners : The SAT

Match Rating : **

Match Comments : There was some nice stuff in the match as always with The SAT, but it was an absolute mess at times. There was just too much big move stuff and again it was too messy to get into it.

Match 7

#1 Contender's Trophy

Paul London vs. AJ Styles w/ Alexis Laree

We open with the handshake and here we go with one of the most praised matches of 2003 in ROH. They lock hands and Styles goes to the leg and London avoids that and then both men with reversals on each other and both guys looking for some sort of position. Front Facelock from London and he gets taken down and then both guys jockey for position. The fans are getting right behind this bad boy right now. Lockup and they lock hands. London goes behind. Styles then with the takedown and a Head Scissors from London and then Styles finds his way to a Side Headlock, and then to the Waistlock. London gets to his feet and goes to the Arm Ringer. Kick to the stomach then from London and then he wants the handshake. There is definately some level of mind games going on here and then the Snapmare and kick to the back and then Styles offers the handshake and we have it. Very interesting start from this match here. They lock hands and then London rolls through and takes advantage of this one. Styles takes down London and goes to the Cross Armbreaker and then London finds the bottom rope. Styles sweeps down London and then has in the Leg Grapevine and London finds himself in some trouble. Shot to the head from Styles and then they push each other and then London offers the handshake and Styles has finally had enough of these games from London. Lockup and into the corner and then we have a clean break from there. They now go face to face and London slaps AJ and then Styles with one of his own. London then wants a handshake and we see it. Headlock from London and then into the ropes and they collide in the middle of the ring. They lockup again and against the ropes they go again. London with the cheap shot and then he's sent into the ropes and he gets behind Styles and we have some reversals and London with the takedown. Arm Drags from both men and then a Spin Kick misses and now both men miss Dropkicks and that creates a stalemate between the two men. London now heads for the floor as he takes a breather. London back into the ring now. Styles now heads to the floor when London comes back into the ring. Both men now back in the ring. Styles with the cheap shot and then he charges into a forearm. STYLES CLASH ... London finds his way into the bottom rope. Styles onto the apron. Springboard Dropkick and now London heads for the floor and Styles goes over. PESCADO FROM STYLES ... MISSES !!! DROPKICK THROUGH THE ROPES FROM LONDON !!! London gets sent into the railing and then Styles works on London on the floor and then sends him into another railing. London slides. DROP TOE HOLD SENDS STYLES HEAD FIRST INTO THE RAILING !!! Stomp to the back and then a kick to the stomach from London and then more kicks and now he just toys with London and he wants the cheers of the audience. Styles jumps over the railing. LONDON RAMS THE LEG OF STYLES INTO THE RAILING AND THEN KICKS THE RAILING !!! LONDON TRIES FOR THE SPRINGBOARD AND GETS KICKED BACK DOWN !!! Styles and London are now both back into the ring. Styles to the apron and into the ring. Styles and London now exchange chops. Kick to the back of the head from Styles but his knee is still hurting. Snap Suplex from Styles and then he rolls through. Snap Swinging Neckbreaker from Styles and that gets a two count. London into the corner and a Running Forearm from Styles and then he pulls London out and he kicks off. ENZIGURI AND A HARD ONE ... LONDON TAKES IT !!! BRUTAL DRAGON SCREW COUNTERS THE SECOND ONE !!! The fans are now chanting for both men. Styles into the ropes and then an Elbow Drop and then Fist Drop and that gets a two count for Styles. London now works on the leg with a sort of submission locked in there. He then picks up the leg and drops an elbow on it. Kick to the back of the head from London. Styles blocks a Suplex and London blocks the Neckbreaker. BRAINBUSTER FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! London avoids a shot and lands an elbow and then rolls to the floor and smacks the knee off of the apron and then kicks the back of the knee and then heads back into the ring. SLINGSHOT LEG DROP TO THE BACK OF THE KNEE FROM LONDON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! London then works on the leg. Styles with some BRUTAL shots to avoid that. London and Styles now go to work with right hands on each other and the fans love that. STYLES FUCKING MURDERS LONDON WITH THE DISCUS LARIAT !!! HAMMERLOCK BACK DROP DRIVER FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! AJ Styles doesn't know what he has to do. London into the second buckle. Spinning Heel Kick from London there and that gets a two count. London onto the apron and then he gets over London. THE QUEDABRA DDT FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! The fans are getting right into this one. London pulls himself to his feet and then AJ Styles puts him on the top rope and follows. Headbutts from London and then Styles gets dropped. LONDON WITH A SHOOTING STAR PRESS ONTO THE LEG OF AJ STYLES !!! THE FIGURE FOUR LEG LOCK ... COUNTERED TO THE SMALL PACKAGE FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! LONDON LOCKS IN THE FIGURE FOUR LEG LOCK ON AJ STYLES !!! STYLES FINDS THE BOTTOM ROPE !!! AJ Styles is then set on the top rope and London with some right hands and London winds up in the middle of the ring. Styles can't get enough balance on the middle rope it seems. STYLES WITH THE SUNSET BOMB AND THEN HE GOES THROUGH TO THE STYLES CLASH !!! AJ Styles couldn't roll through for the pin right away because the knee was injured. ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! The fans are getting back into this one now. Both guys up. GERMAN SUPLEX !!! BOTH MEN DOWN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : Draw.

Match Rating : ****1/2

Match Comments : LOVE the mindgames from the start of the match. It created amazing tension between the two guys. It was definately one of the smartest matches that ROH had ever had. Paul London was just trying to outsmart AJ Styles at every turn, working on the leg to delete the high flying stuff while Styles flung everything at him just to give his leg some rest. The ending made sense but just seemed like a big cop out, especially considering that Paul London was going to be going elsewhere soon enough.

Match 8

Samoa Joe, Michael Shane and CW Anderson vs. Christopher Daniels, Donovan Morgan and Dan Maff

This is your main event. The losing faction must disband. Amazingly, this is the first time that I have ever watched this match. Morgan wouldn't be around in ROH for much longer after this. Maff's jaw is covered up after what Joe did to him at Do or Die. Shane is going to open the match and he goes against Daniels. Lockup and then we have a break from that and then Daniels goes to the Waistlock as well. Shane now with the Arm Ringer and then he works the arm of Daniels and Daniels rolls through and goes to the Hammerlock and then Shane goes to a Hammerlock of his own and then a Headlock. Shane into the ropes and both guys work on each other. Shane with the School Boy and that gets a two count and then more pins. Both men hit each other with right hands and we have a standoff. Maff and Anderson are now in the ring. A strong ECW presence on this show and both men with chops. Anderson comes back with right hands and chops and they go back and forth. Maff is not happy and Anderson then slaps Maff and Maff comes back with one. Anderson spits at Maff and then Joe comes into the ring. Morgan comes into the ring. Kicks to the leg from Joe and he works on the body of Morgan and then sends him to the floor and follows. Morgan gets into the ring and Joe isn't happy. Forearms from Morgan and then Joe goes to the Arm Ringer. Arm Ringer from Joe and then he drops a knee on the arm and that gets a two count. Snapmare and then a Chinlock from Joe. Into the corner and then Maff grabs him and in comes Daniels as he beats on Joe. Double Hiptoss and then some nice double teaming from The Prophecy. Right hands from Shane as he is now tagged into the match and a Back Elbow from Shane and that gets a two count. Right hands from Shane and then Daniels sends Shane into the corner and then into another corner. In comes Maff and he works on Shane. In comes Morgan and Shane into the topes and a Double Back Elbow gets at two count for The Prophecy. Morgan with a Dropkick to the back of the head for a two count. Shane with a Suplex to bring himself back into the match. Morgan into the ropes and a kick. Morgan into the ropes again and they collide in the middle of the ring. Poke to the eye and then a Headlock Takedown and Side Headlock from Morgan. S-T-Joe sends down Morgan in the corner and then Anderson comes in the ring. Half Crab/Camel Clutch combo from The Group and then Anderson goes to the Arm Bar. Stomps to the arm from Anderson. Forearms from Morgan and then an Arm Breaker from Anderson. Leg Drop to the arm from Shane and then a Short Arm Scissors. Anderson now comes into the ring and works over Morgan and we now have a hot tag. Maff is the house o' fire. Knee to the head from Maff and then a Senton Splash and that gets a two count. Into the corner and a series of chops from Maff and then Morgan jumps over him and leaps into the arms of Maff. THE SUPERKICK FROM SHANE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Shane now heading for the top rope. Danger gets involved and gets dumped to the floor and Maff is now up there with her. Shane is now up there. SUPER X-FACTOR FROM SHANE !!! Swinging DDT from Shane and that gets a two count. Maff into the corner and then Shane with the Running Forearm in the corner. Cannonball in the corner from Maff and then into the middle of the ring and that gets a two count for him. Superkick from Anderson and down goes Maff. Maff then gets sent to the floor and Joe is now looking for something. OLE KICK FROM JOE TO MAFF !!! Shane then heads out and he has a chair. Daniels is being held back by the referee. Around the ring they go and then back into the ring. Joe is in there and he unleashes some kicks to the chest and then a Butterfly Suplex from Joe and that gets a two count. Daniels and Joe are having some major issues with each other. Right hands from Shane and then he misses an Enziguri. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM MAFF !!! The fans are actually now getting into the match. Daniels and Anderson in the ring and Daniels is the house on fire. DDT/Downward Spiral from Daniels and the fans are liking this. Enziguri from Daniels and then a Standing Rock Bottom. BEST MOONSAULT EVER FROM DANIELS !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! In comes Joe with the Enziguri. Lovely Ace Crusher from Joe and that gets a two count and Morgan comes in. BACK DROP SUPLEX FROM MORGAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Joe now fights back and then goes for knees. GOLDEN GATE SWING FROM MORGAN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Morgan is sent into a boot and then Joe gets a boot to the head and then in comes Anderson. Ferris Wheel from Anderson and that gets a two count. Morgan into the corner and Anderson runs into a boot. Superplex from Anderson. PICTURE PERFECT ELBOW FROM SHANE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... SAVED !!! This is breaking down in a big way. Chops from Joe and then he sends Maff into the railing. Shane with a Sunset Flip and that gets a two count. Both Shane and Daniels with counters. REVELATIONS FROM THE PROPHECY !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... THE SAVE IS MADE !!! SAYONARA FROM MORGAN ... COUNTERED TO THE SPINEBUSTER FROM ANDERSON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... DANIELS SAVES !!! Kick and then Daniels. LAST RITES ... countered. Daniels gets a two count from a Sunset Flip and then a Small Package from Anderson gets a two count and then both men collide in the middle of the ring. Maff and Joe doing battle. BURNING HAMMER FROM MAFF ... countered and Joe with the knees. Joe with a series of slaps. MAFF WITH THE JACKNIFE PIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winners : The Prophecy

Match Rating : ***1/2

Match Comments : The heel vs. heel dynamic of the match made much of it very awkward and the fans never got into it, but by the end they wanted the Prophecy win because it meant more Christopher Daniels. Yeah, that confuses me too. Anyways, this was a very solid six man tag which was ruined a wee bit by the dynamic.

The main event itself makes this a must-see show, but there is also a typically fun four way and one of the better instalments in the Raven/Punk fued with a chaotic brawl. There really is a something for everyone sense on this show that makes it worth your while.

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And here the lucky fella in question


I imagine that bedroom scene would be akin to the one in Family Guy when Lois puts on all the weight.

"Fat sex is the best sex we've ever had, there were so many boobs I didn't know whose boobs I was grabbing, your boobs or my boobs"

Apologies for lowering the tone lads, it had to be done.

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I missed it. What WILL he be doing?

He said something along the lines of "one of my friends called me, he's seriously outnumbered and needs my help". I'd guess Colin McKay will be getting beaten down by the Agression, only for Nash to emerge and squash the lot of them.

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Cheers. Looks like some young 'uns are gonna get owned! :D

ROH Wrestlerave 2003

They added the year to the end of this show for some weird reason. We didn't see another Wrestlerave show, at least, not as far as I can remember.

Dunn and Marcos vs. Prince Nana and Jimmy Jact Cash ( * )

Alexis Laree vs. Sumie Sakai ( **1/2 )

Chad Collyer vs. Matt Stryker, Tap Out Match ( ***1/4 )

Special K vs. The Carnage Crew ( ***1/2 )

Samoa Joe © vs. Dan Maff - ROH World Heavyweight Championship ( **1/2 )

Alex Shelley vs. Jimmy Jacobs vs. BJ Whitmer vs. Tony Mamaluke ( ***1/2 )

Colt Cabana and CM Punk vs. Raven and Christopher Daniels ( ** )

AJ Styles © vs. Chris Sabin - NWA World Heavyweight Championship ( *** )

Trent Acid vs. Homicide, Fight Without Honor ( **1/2 )

Match 1

Dunn and Marcos vs. Prince Nana and Jimmy Jact Cash

A fan chants "You Still Suck!" at Nana. He's probably right as well. Nana and Cash get cheap shots in and then Dunn and Marcos avoid moves and get two counts. Clotheslines from the heels and the production means we miss something. Drop Toe Hold/Senton Splash from the heels. European Uppercuts from Cash. Knees to the gut from Cash and then a right hand. Marcos into the corner and a Shoulder Tackle from Cash. T-Bone Suplex from Cash. Elbow Drop off the top gets a two count from Cash. Cash shouts at Dunn and this allows Nana to get in some cheap shots. Northern Lights Suplex from Marcos but he can't hold on and looks for the tag. Tags now and in come Nana and Dunn, and Nana floors Dunn with the Clothesline and then he lands some big chops. Avalanche from Nana. SAMOAN WRECKING BALL FROM NANA !!! Sidewalk Slam/Leg Drop combo from Cash and Nana gets a two count. HUUUGE Spinebuster from Cash. GORY BUSTER FROM DUNN !!! Cash and Dunn tag out and in come Nana and Marcos and Marcos is the house on fire. Boots from Dunn and Marcos. Assisted Senton from Dunn and Marcos and that gets a two count. ASSISTED SLICED BREAD #2 AND THEY WIN !!!

Match Winners : Dunn and Marcos

Match Rating : *

Match Comments : A feel good moment to open the show. It was basically a squash with the surprise win, but the surprise was a nice one.

Match 2

Alexis Laree vs. Sumie Sakai

Oh, that's what I was wanting to see. Ladies' wrestling. Lockup and then we have a break between them. Lockup and a Headlock from Sumie and then Arm Drags from both ladies and we have a stalemate. Running Dropkick from Sumie and that gets a two count. Dropkick from Laree gets a two count as well. Hiptoss from Laree and then a Snapmare and a kick to the back and then a Dropkick to the face and that gets a two count. Into the corner and face first into the top buckle goes Laree. Laree runs into the boot and then a Second Rope Dropkick from Sumie and she heads for the top rope. Top Rope Dropkick and that gets a two count. The Human Dropkick Machine? To the arm and then she takes Laree down. Bow and Arrow Hold from Sumie. Sumie then transitions to a Camel Clutch. Sumie then with some cheating to make the referee make loads of five counts. Chinlock now from Sumie. Tilt-a-Whirl Head Scissors from Laree, but she meets a big knee. Victory Rolls from both ladies now. Small Package all over the place and we have a two count at the end from Laree and the fans are on their feet. Back Drop Suplex from Sumie and that gets a two count. Northern Lights Suplex from Sumie and then a Body Slam from Sumie. MOONSAULT FROM SUMIE ... MISSES !!! THE REVERSE DDT FROM LAREE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : Alexis Laree

Match Rating : **1/2

Match Comments : I forgot about that match completely, but it's pretty decent. The action is just constant and the Small Package spot is fucking sweet and sent the crowd mental.

Match 3

Tap Out Match

Chad Collyer vs. Matt Stryker

Chad has built something of a character in ROH, in a sort of "I'm mental but smart!" kinda way. Chad and Matt now lockup and against the ropes they go and we have a clean break from there. Matt goes behind and then a Full Nelson from Chad and we have a clean break against the ropes again. Matt goes to the arm and Chad finds his way to the ropes and we have a clean break from there. Hammerlock from Matt and then a Headlock Takedown and a Side Headlock and an escape and another stop to the match. Lockup and a Headlock from Chad and then he goes to the Drop Toe Hold and Front Facelock. Matt escapes and then grabs the leg but Chad goes behind and then both men with counters and Chad scissors and goes to the Chinlock. Chad is trying to grab an arm and Matt rolls him over and then has the legs tied and now both men looking to get away from something, but Matt then goes to the legs again. Matt now goes to a Modified STF. Chad finds his way to the bottom rope and we have a clean break again. Chad takes down Matt and then rolls through and has the legs together. Chad now has the beginnings of an Indian Deathlock and then opts to stretch the arms from there and then sticks a foot into the back and Matt finds the ropes and that was nice. They now lock hands and Matt goes to the Overhead Wristlock and then he grounds Chad with that and then lands a Knee Drop onto that and continues to work the arm. Chad escapes and then goes for something of a Figure Four but Matt finds his way to the bottom rope. Key Lock from Matt now and then he goes to a Head Scissors and looks for a Cross Armbreaker, but he has to opt for the Arm Bar as Chad is doing what he can to escape. Headbutt from Chad and then he lays on the beating of a lifetime on Matt. Chop from Chad and down goes Matt and then an Elbow Drop from Chad and then the Arm Bar. Matt with the Hiptoss but he misses the Elbow Drop and then Chad with the Single Arm DDT. Cross Armbreaker now from Chad and then Matt is doing what he can to block that. MATT MANAGES TO COUNTER TO THE CLOVERLEAF FROM STRYKER !!! Chad has found his way to the bottom rope. Into the corner goes Chad and then he rams the leg of Matt into the ringpost. Kicks to the leg now from Chad. Chad then drops a vicious shot on the knee and then he locks in a nasty submission with the leg pulled back. Matt finds his way into the bottom rope. Chad pulls Matt into the middle of the ring and drops his weight on the leg and then locks in something of an Indian Deathlock. Headbutt from Chad. Matt pounds away at the legs of Chad and then turns the move over. Both men then let the move go. Stomp on the leg from Chad and then he pulls Matt back into the middle of the ring and he is locking in a Horse Collar, and Matt finds his way into the match. Right hands from both men now. Kick to the gut from Chad and then a European Uppercut. Figure Four Leglock from Chad. Matt manages to turn that one over and now Chad is trying to find his way to the ropes, but then again we have the hold broken. We now have an exchange of strikes from the two men. Back Elbows from Matt and then into the ropes and a Drop Toe Hold. ANKLE LOCK FROM STRYKER !!! Chad finds his way to the bottom rope. ANOTHER ANKLE LOCK FROM MATT !!! Chad kicks Matt away. STRYKER ROLLS THROUGH TO THE ANKLE LOCK AGAIN !!! Chad avoids a move. THE CLOVERLEAF FROM COLLYER !!! Matt finds his way to the bottom rope. Chad now heads for the top rope. Chad leaps into a Dropkick from Matt and he signals for the end. THE STRYKER LOCK !!! Chad reaches the bottom rope this time. Chad then gets a big Dragon Screw. THE CLOVERLEAF !!! STRYKER TAPS !!!

Match Winner : Chad Collyer

Match Rating : ***1/4

Match Comments : This match was completely void of character and you couldn't get into the match as a result. The work was nice enough, but it was just basically two guys grappling for nothing.

Match 4

Special K vs. The Carnage Crew

Deranged is in the ring and this isn't going to end well for this guy. Credible is going to get the match going with him. They now circle. Justin then rides Deranged a bit and the Special K kid isn't happy about that. They lockup and then a Headlock from Justin. Deranged escapes and then eats a slap to the face. Deranged: "He hits too hard!" Justin doesn't care and he lays in some right hands and kicks and then Back Elbows. Head Scissor Takedown from Deranged. Running Rana from Deranged and then a Hurricane Kick and Justin backs off. Deranged is very happy with his work. In come Dixie and Loc. Loc just clubs down Dixie. Chops from Loc. Dixie into the ropes and then a Gorilla Press Slam into the X-Factor from Loc. Dixie into the ropes and he lands a Swinging DDT and then a Leg Lariat and in come Vito and Izzy. Right hands from Vito and then he clubs on the back of Izzy. Izzy into the ropes and he blocks a Hiptoss and hits one of his own and then an Enziguri. Kick to the back from Izzy and then some forearms. Hiptoss from Vito and then an Arm Drag and then a Dropkick and then the Northern Lariat. Izzy somehow fights out of the corner and we have Justin and Deranged in the ring again. The referee nearly gets taken out. SUPERKICK FROM CREDIBLE !!! SAITO SUPLEX FROM LOC !!! Vito comes into the ring and gets the two count from that. Vito rips the t-shirt and then some chops. Crossface Forearms from Vito and into the corner where Credible tags into the match and then we have some stomps. Justin then with a big chop and Deranged is feeling lots and lots of pain! Body Slam from Credible and then Vito. MOONSAULT FROM VITO ... MISSES !!! This is actually a naw bad wee match so far! Dixie with a series of shots to the Crew. Into the corner and then Stereo Dropkicks and then Credible gets sent to the floor. DIXIE WITH THE SOMERSAULT PLANCHA !!! SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OFF OF THE BACK OF IZZY !!! IZZY WITH HIS SPRINGBOARD CORKSCREW PLANCHA !!! THE CARNAGE PLEX ON DERANGED !!! DOUBLE STANDING SLICED BREAD #2 !!! SUPERKICK ON IZZY !!! THAT'S INCREDIBLE ON DIXIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winners : The Carnage Crew

Match Rating : ***1/2

Match Comments : Who knew that The Carnage Crew would be one of the teams that could control Special K to the point of making a very good wrestling match! The spot style clashed with the Crew's hard hitting but it worked.

Match 5

ROH World Heavyweight Championship

Samoa Joe © vs. Dan Maff

The fans give Maff all of the respect in the world as he's wrestling having lost his dad the night before. Maff attacks before the bell as he's on fire. THE SAMOAN WRECKING BALL !!! Joe heads for the floor right away and Maff hits the ropes. THE SUICIDE DIVE FROM MAFF !!! Joe then gets sent into the railing. Back into the ring they go. Kicks to the face from Maff now and then he slaps Joe and that might not have been the best idea. Joe with a big slap and Maff's jaw is injured but they not exchange and Joe with a flurry and a big kick to the head and Maff heads for the floor and now Joe goes out there and sends Maff into the railing. Onto the chair and now Joe has him there. OLE KICK FROM JOE ... misses. JOE SWEEPS MAFF ONTO HIS FOREHEAD ON THE FLOOR !!! OLE KICK !!! Joe asks the fans if they want one more of these and he puts Maff on the chair. OLE KICK AGAIN FROM JOE !!! Maff gets sent hard into the railing and now he has another chair. CHAIR TO THE HEAD FROM JOE !!! A chair and then a kick to the chest from Joe. Back into the ring they go and that gets a two count. Butterfly Suplex from Joe and then he locks in a submission. Snapmare from Joe and then a kick to the chest and then he lands the Knee Drop and that gets a two count. Kicks to the chest from Joe and then Maff blocks one. RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX FROM JOE !!! Maff comes back with a Clothesline and the fans are now behind this one. Chop across the back from Maff and then a chop and into the corner they go. Running Back Elbow and then right hands in the corner. Kick to the leg from Maff. Cannonball to the standing Joe. Another one of them. Knee to the head from Maff. Lariat from Maff and that gets a two count. BACK DROP DRIVER FROM MAFF !!! Joe into the corner and Maff runs right into the S-T-Joe. POWERBOMB INTO THE STF FROM JOE !!! Maff is firing up after escaping. Maff now puts Joe on the top rope. BURNING HAMMER ... avoided. DRAGON SUPLEX FROM JOE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : Samoa Joe

Match Rating : **3/4

Match Comments : I suppose it felt like a right battle between the two guys. I'm surprised such a short match managed to have such long dead spots. It was a bit flat and maybe Maff was struggling a bit under the circumstances, but something wasn't right.

Match 6

Alex Shelley vs. Jimmy Jacobs vs. BJ Whitmer vs. Tony Mamaluke

We're seeing big matches for Jacobs and Shelley here. Jacobs would of course to become a real star in ROH. Alex Shelley WOULD have been, but he ended up going onto "bigger" things. Tony isn't happy with Shelley and then the lockup and Tony takes down Shelley and goes behind. Both guys are looking for control and neither man can seem to get it and then Tony finds the bottom rope. Jacobs and Tony are in the ring now. They then have a lock of hands. Tony pushes Jacobs into a pin and then both men with reversals of pinfalls. Tony goes to the arm and Jacobs finds his way to the bottom rope. Lockup and Jacobs goes to the Arm Ringer and then Shelley with some nice movement and then Jacobs goes to the legs and goes with the Half Crab and that gets a rope break. Lockup and then Jacobs goes to the arm and then Alex Shelley takes him down and has a nice submission but then Jacobs with a nice pin and that gets a two count. Lockup and then a Headlock from Shelley and he gets sent to the ropes and a right hand and then more of the same. Wheelbarrow Arm Drag from Jacobs and then Shelley with an Arm Drag and then Jacobs looks for something and then a nice Arm Drag and Shelley misses a Dropkick and a Cradle gets two for Jacobs. WHITMER COMES IN AND HITS A DOUBLE EXPLODER ON JACOBS AND SHELLEY !!! Tony with a leg sweep as he comes into the ring and then he works on the leg. Whitmer tries to roll through but Tony is holding on for dear life. Whitmer just rag dolls Tony out of the move, but then Tony goes right back and locks in a modified Surfboard Stretch and then lets go and rolls through and locks in the Camel Clutch, giving Whitmer no time to get away from anything. Whitmer then counters and goes to the Camel Clutch of his own. Tony finds the ropes and then Bootscrapes from Shelley when he blind tags in. Knee 2 Face and a kick to the head from Shelley but then Jacobs in with a boot. Whitmer comes in with a boot of his own and Jacobs winds up on the floor. Jawbreaker from Tony and then in comes Whitmer and then he lands forearms on Shelley. Back Elbow from Whitmer and that gets a two count for him. Whitmer then just tosses Jacobs into the ring and I guess that's a tag! Jacobs now with chops to Shelley and then he gets sent into the corner. Cross Arm Neckbreaker from Jacobs over the knee and then he tags out. In comes Tony. BACK DROP DRIVER FROM MAMALUKE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Tony then tags in Whitmer again and he lands some boots on Shelley. Chop and a hard one there. More chops from Whitmer. Snap Suplex from Whitmer and that gets a two count. Into the corner and then in comes Tony. Shelley into the ropes and then he goes for the Double Clothesline, but is met by a Double Fujiwara Armbar. Into the corner now goes Shelley and Tony has him in trouble up there. SUPERPLEX FROM MAMALUKE ... avoided by Shelley. Whitmer then crotches him up there and Jacobs gets a shot in at Whitmer and that leaves him up there. SUPER POWERBOMB DROPS JACOBS FACE FIRST ON THE TOP BUCKLE !!! The fans chant "Holy Huss!" at that one. Tony then goes for the Russian Legsweep. Flying Headbutt from Whitmer breaks the submission that Tony has locked in. BRAINBUSTER FROM WHITMER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! JACOBS WITH THE BACK SENTON !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! BLUE THUNDER FROM WHITMER !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Shelley and Whitmer are now in the ring and Shelley hits the ropes. BRUTAL LARIAT FROM WHITMER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Mamaluke now goes for the Cross Armbreaker which Jacobs breaks with the Double Stomp. TORNADO DIVORCE COURT INTO THE BRIDGING HAMMERLOCK !!! SHELLEY BREAKS THAT WITH A MASSIVE TOP ROPE SPLASH !!! Enziguri from Shelley to Tony. LARIAT FROM WHITMER !!! EXPLODER COUNTERED TO A SMALL PACKAGE !!! WRIST CLUTCH EXPLODER FROM BJ WHITMER TO SHELLEY !!! BRUTAL EXPLODER 98 FROM WHITMER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : BJ Whitmer

Match Rating : ***1/2

Match Comments : That was a nifty ending to the match. BJ Whitmer was the best thing about this match when he was rag dolling people but the fans were right behind Jimmy Jacobs most of the way which comes as no surprise.

Match 7

Colt Cabana and CM Punk w/ Lucy vs. Raven and Christopher Daniels w/ Allison Danger

Daniels is enjoying the cheering of the crowd. Should he not be dead against that kind of thing? Raven then lays down and that invites Punk into the ring. Raven gets up and then Punk heads back to the floor. CABANA MISSES THE FROG SPLASH !!! Punk then gets sent over the top rope and this brawl heads for the floor early. Punk then gets sent into the railing and then back into the ring with everyone. Punk and Cabana get sent face first into each other. Double Hiptoss and then the Row Boat from Daniels and Raven. That is some nice stuff. Double Bulldog on Cabana sends him right into the balls of Punk. Daniels then heads for the floor and he sends a chair into Raven and it's set in the seated position. DANIELS SENDS THE CHAIR INTO THE FACE OF PUNK !!! Daniels now wants Punk on his feet. Daniels then misses a charge into the corner. BRUTAL CHAIR SHOT TO THE HEAD OF DANIELS FROM PUNK !!! Into the ring gets Punk and Daniels is busted open now. Punk now works on the cut with right hands. Cabana now tagged into the match and he hands out some more of the same to the head of Daniels. Elbow to the head from Cabana and then he rubs his fist in the face of Daniels and he's got the bald man in trouble. Punk is busted open again and then he lands a Divorce Court and then a Slingshot Senton onto the arm from Punk. Punk into the ropes and he kicks Daniels and that gets a two count. Into the corner and in comes Cabana. High Knee in the corner and then the same from Cabana and then Raven gets knocked to the floor and that gets a two count. Raven then gets back into the ring and he's laying on a beating and that gives Punk a chance to come in without tagging and he works on the arm. Punk flips Daniels over and then locks in the Crippler Crossface and Daniels is in trouble yet again. Raven breaks the move and now Cabana is tagged into the match. Cabana with a judo takedown and then he lands more right hands to the cut of Daniels. Cabana hits the ropes. THE DOWNWARD SPIRAL INTO THE KOJI CLUTCH FROM DANIELS !!! Punk breaks that one with a Top Rope Leg Drop and everyone is down. Punk then heads to the floor. Daniels then fights his way out of the corner and goes for the tag, but Cabana lands a Spinebuster to stop him and that gets a two count. Cabana now with forearms and then Cabana gets sent into Punk. Reverse DDT from Daniels now and he is looking for the tag. Raven is then tagged in and he's the preverbial house on fire. Clothesline from Raven and then the Running Knee Lift from Raven. Drop Toe Hold on the chair on Punk. The same thing happens to Cabana. Clothesline/Bulldog combo from Raven and that gets a two count. Cabana takes out the referee and the fans don't like that. THE RAVEN EFFECT DDT FROM RAVEN !!! Lucy comes in and she gets Speared by Danger. DDT OUT OF THE CORNER !!! SUPERKICK KNOCKS DOWN DANGER !!! ANGEL'S WINGS ON PUNK !!! COLT 45 ON DANIELS !!! RAVEN EFFECT ON CABANA !!! CM Punk now has a dog collar and then he hits Raven and it's over.

Match Winners : CM Punk and Colt Cabana

Match Rating : **

Match Comments : This was another heated brawl, but it wasn't anywhere near the last match in the fued. Once again, you can't fault the effort of anyone, but the rules made some of the stuff a little nonsensical.

CM Punk then cuts his career promo, explaining why he hates Raven so much. "This is true! THIS IS REAL!!! THIS! IS! STRAIGHT! EDGE!".

Match 8

NWA World Heavyweight Championship

AJ Styles © vs. Chris Sabin

The bell rings and this one is getting underway. Sabin goes to the Waistlock and then Styles goes to a Front Facelock. Sabin takes down Styles and then Styles with the takedown and now he looks for what looks like a Sleeper Hold but then Sabin gets to his feet and then he goes behind and takes Styles down. Hammerlock from Styles and then Sabin escapes and we have a standoff. Sabin into the ropes and then the Rebound Dropkick misses and Sabin looks for a three count but the shoulders are not down. Styles now with the Headlock. Styles into the ropes but he avoids that and almost gets behind Sabin, but he can't and Sabin holds onto the Headlock. Sabin avoids the Styles Clash and finds the bottom rope. Headlock from Styles and then he gets onto the apron and Sabin is on the other side of the buckles and a nice Slingshot Head Scissors drops Sabin's throat on the top rope. Styles slides to the floor and then Sabin sends him face first into the railing with a Head Scissor Takedown. Back into the ring they go and Sabin heads for the top rope and a Flying Clothesline and that gets a two count. Forearm from Sabin and then he's sent to the ropes and then Sabin with The Stroke and then the Border City Stretch. Forearm from Sabin and then Styles blocks the Suplex. BRUTAL SUPLEX INTO THE NECKBREAKER FROM STYLES !!! Got to think that it was a bit botched there. BRAINBUSTER FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Styles clubs on the back and then a kick to the gut from AJ Styles and then he looks for the Muta Lock, but he pulls Sabin up into the Chinlock with both men on their knees. Styles then lets that move go, mainly due to fatigue you have to believe and then chops from Styles. Snap Powerslam from Styles and that gets a two count. Right hand from Styles and then Sabin into the corner and Styles runs into a boot. Both men with kicks to the head. Both men now with chops. SABIN WITH A BRUTAL RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Styles drops behind Sabin. HAMMERLOCK BACK DROP DRIVER FROM STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! REVOLUTION BACKBREAKER REVERSED BY STYLES !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! REVOLUTION BACKBREAKER FROM SABIN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! STYLES CLASH !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : AJ Styles

Match Rating : ***

Match Comments : Much like many Sabin X matches, this one felt very reheared and very contrived. AJ Styles managed to do a good job of keeping things from getting ridiculous.

Match 9

Fight Without Honor

Trent Acid w/ Johnny Kashmere vs. Homicide w/ Julius Smokes

Acid goes on the attack on the floor. The bell rings and we're off! He then rakes the face of Homicide and then he clubs on the back and then he smacks the head into the apron. ASAI MOONSAULT FROM ACID !!! Homicide is sent back into the ring and Acid then goes in and lays in the stomps. Right hands from Acid and then he chokes Homicide with the boot. YAKUZA KICK FROM HOMICIDE !!! Forearm in the corner. RUNNING KNEE IN THE CORNER FROM HOMICIDE !!! T-Bone Suplex and then more of the same. Northern Lights Suplex and that gets a two count. Homicide then lands some chops in the corner. Acid runs into a boot and then winds up on the apron. Both men try for shots and Acid with the Superkick. Knees in the corner from Acid and the fans don't like this guy. Missile Dropkick to the back of the head and the females in the crowd are screaming away. Trent Acid heads for the floor and brings a ladder into the ring which is readily available from the floor. Ladder is set against the corner. Homicide hits the breaks. BELLY 2 BELLY SUPLEX FROM HOMICIDE !!! Homicide is wanting some weapons and he now has a chair. To the floor we go now and Homicide has a chair in the seated position. SUICIDE DIVE FROM HOMICIDE SENDS ACID OFF OF THE CHAIR !!! Homicide now has a ladder and what on earth is he up to now. Homicide bridges the apron and the railing with the ladder. Acid onto the apron and now he and Homicide are on the ladder bridge. DDT ON THE LADDER BRIDGE AND BOTH MEN CRASH TO THE FLOOR !!! Acid then sends Homicide but he gets under the ladder. ACID KICKS THE LADDER INTO THE FACE OF HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Ladder now in the ring and Acid heads for the floor and he gets a chair and another one and sends them into the ring. CHAIR BROKEN OVER THE HEAD OF HOMICIDE !!! Two chairs in the seated position facing each other and then he bridges them with a ladder. BLUE THUNDER DRIVER THROUGH THE LADDER FROM ACID !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Dropkick to the knee from Homicide and then another one of them. STF FROM HOMICIDE !!! Chair in the seated position now. BRAINBUSTER THROUGH THE CHAIR FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! COP KILLER ... Kashmere is in. THE T GIMMICK ON HOMICIDE !!! Julius Smokes comes in and he and Kashmere are brawling. ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! BACKSEAT DRIVER FROM ACID !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! Homicide is set on the top rope. He avoids it. Ace Crusher from Homicide. NORTHERN LIGHTS BOMB FROM HOMICIDE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! He then heads for the floor and gets the table ready. Chair to the ribs and then Homicide heads for the top rope and Acid throws the chair at him. Acid then sends a table into the ring. Acid heads for the top rope with Homicide. HOMICIDE WITH THE ACE CRUSHER OFF OF THE TOP ROPE THROUGH THE TABLE ON THE FLOOR !!! Back into the ring they go and that gets a two count for Homicide. YAKUZA KICKS FROM BOTH MEN NOW !!! ACID TAKES HIM DOWN WITH IT !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Acid now has a ladder and he's getting it ready. Front Slam from Acid and then he heads up the ladder. HOMICIDE PUSHES THE LADDER OVER AND ACID CRASHES INTO THE RAILING ON THE FLOOR !!! Homicide now has another ladder against the railing and then he takes Acid over to it. HOMICIDE WITH THE TOPE CON HILO ... HITS NOTHING BUT LADDER !!! Back into the ring now. ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Forearms from Homicide and Acid. Kick to the head from both Acid and Homicide. COP KILLER FROM HOMICIDE !!! COUNTERED !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Match Winner : Trent Acid

Match Rating : **1/2

Match Comments : I wasn't fussed about the big moves or anything. That's part and parcel with matches like this, but at LEAST have it resemble a match. I appreciate the big moves and a couple of them were cringeworthy brutal, and those spots are brilliant which is why I went as high as I did on the rating, but that's it.

The main event is spectacular, but it's also disjointed as hell and not the selling point that I thought it used to be. Thankfully the undercard has a whole bunch of stuff and like all ROH stuff from those days, there's the whole "something for everyone" thing that makes these shows easier to get through than the 2002 stuff.

Edited by DomDom
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