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Mo Wonderboy

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I just finished watching the last Broxburne show actually from DG:UK, and a few notes...

* LDRS vs. The All Stars was a pretty nifty pre show match. Lots of nice innovation from both teams including a belting DDT spot from the LDRS. Much better than any other pre-show match from DG:UK so far.

* Cyber Kong vs. Joey Hayes was shit. Boring and too long for a squash.

* The Lion Kid vs. Mark Haskins is a good match, ruined by the idiots in the crowd being smarky c***s just trying to get themselves over.

* Susumu/Shingo II is better than the first match. It all seemed to go together much better. A lot of people didn't like the Cyber Kong over interference but I thought it added to Susumu's likeability.

* Naruki Doi vs. YAMATO is by far the most under-rated match of the weekend. It felt like a sort of main event-lite style match with loads of counters and big moves and a decent amount of time given to it.

* World-1 vs. The Warriors was slightly disappointing. The action before the final stretch was as good as any match you have seen, but the final stretch was very controlled compared to the mad frenzy of other matches of it's type. Still a very good match though.

Shingo vs. PAC is confirmed for Broxburne this time out. Match of the weekend by far.

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I know it's old news but I'm shocked to find out Carlito was/is addicted to pain killers, always thought he was one that could go far in WWE. What happened?

He was good with his original gimmick, then they changed him an fucked it up. Also, if I cut about wearing the ring gear he does I'd be an addict as well. Easily one of the worst ring attires I've ever laid eyes on.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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Guerrero wrote, "Yes, it's true. My release is the big news I was talking about. But let's get something straight. I asked for my release. I was just tired of not being used correctly. Just cuz u can make other ppl look good, doesn't mean they should just have u lose to them. The same thing happened to Eddie. After being champ, they still had him working mid card status. Being a Guerrero, we've been taught since diapers to get the most out of ppl & matches. It's our gift, but also our curse. WWE has always used us to make other ppl look good.

"It all comes down to being happy. I was not happy in WWE anymore. I had a smile on my face last night though when I got my release though! :) now it's time for me to start being a Guerrero again, and start kicking ass again, be able to tell stories in the ring like u know we can. :) Win or lose I will never go back to the place WWE put me in. I will never go back to being under utilized and watching ppl who suck get bigger "pushes" than me!

Thank u to all of u who stuck by me and kept reminding me, I was better than that! :) stay tuned. Big things coming!! Now I will really be able to entertain u! :) like me or hate me, 1 thing I have always tried to do is entertain u and give u fans your $ worth. Even if my hands were tied most of the time. I love u all and can't wait for the future!! So happy. :)"

He continued, "Hey, u guys have me trending World wide!! Thanks. I should of quit a long time ago! I know it may sound like it, but I've got no hard feelings toward the WWE. I've just been unhappy there for a long time & if you have watched the show, u will no why. I made a lot of money, but I'm better than just cashing a paycheck. I wish no hard feelings toward the WWE and want to see them and all my friends there succeed! I love wrestling & want nothing but wrestling to get better & bigger. U fans deserve nothing but a great show and great stories& athleticism for staying so true to wrestling. It's in my blood & always will be. :)

"People asking what I'm gonna do now..I'm gonna stay home and be a Dad. :) going to watch my son's football practice now. :) Happy!"

Far too many smiley faces in there for them to be genuine.

ETA: :)

Edited by Liam.
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Mis-used? He was fucking crap! If he wasn't called Guerrero he probably wouldn't have been there as long as he was.

I will never go back to being under utilized and watching ppl who suck get bigger "pushes" than me

Good luck in incredibly diddy promotions then. :lol:

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I'm Kevin Steen... and f**k Ring of Honor!

:D :D :D

That angle was just fucking gold! "I...I...I'm Kevin Steen, and, and...f**k RING OF HONOUR!" The fingers on the carry out was excellent! ME time now!

What a UFO from Claudio there too!

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What a fucking show, I give the ME ****1/2, and overall the show a huge thumbs up. They need to step up production side of things for TV, other than that, their in ring product will get viewers, and I can't wait to see how Sinclair treats them.

ROH mudafucccckaaaaaaa.

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ROH Best in the World

So here we are. The biggest show in ROH history to date, and a major signal of things to come in the Sinclair-era for the promotion.

Colt Cabana vs. Tommaso Ciampa

I thought they'd have one of the bigger names open the show as a signal of intent, but they have two guys that look good out there, so it's a good enough way to introduce some new fans. The opening comedy was good fun but the actual wrestling action wasn't very good. There was a couple of nice spots from Ciampa. Cabana has gone so far downhill since his first stint in ROH. *

Mike Bennett vs. Jay Lethal

Jay Lethal gets a fantastic reception from the audience which is nice to hear. I always thought he was one of the more underappreciated members of the ROH roster back in 2005. I can't remember Mike Bennett looking as good as he did here. I think most of that is down to the caliber of opponent that he had. The crowd was major into it as well. **3/4

Homicide vs. Rhino - No Holds Barred Match

Pre-match, Homicide looks motivated. I'll be damned if this isn't the best match Homicide has had in yonks. He;s been involved in so many poor brawls that it's nice to see him in one that is actually pretty good. Rhino looked great as well, and seemed to be revelling in the hatred aimed at him from the Hammerstein Ballroom. Didn't like the mongs chanting "We Want Fire" though. Really good match here. ***

Post match, Homicide eats a Gore through a table.

Steve Corino is out for his match now but firstly he has the microphone. His "trying to do gimmick" has led to some brilliant promos and Corino is such a fantastic character wrestler that he makes it work. He says someone else wants redemption. KEVIN FUCKING STEEN~~~!!! Is there ANYONE better on the US indies at the moment? Officials stop him getting over the railing. This is a fantastic segment. The support from the audience is just insane here. Kevin Steen shakes Cornette's hand and then leaves. The fans don't like that one bit.

Steve Corino vs. Michael Elgin

I can't help but feel the fans aren't really into this one thanks to what we've just seen, but I like Michael Elgin so here we go. Nice solid action from both guys in this one actually and the fans slowly but surely are finding their way into this one. It's solid action from both men. **1/2

Post-match and Jacobs tries to help out Corino, but Truth Martini injects himself into things. Corino puts his body over Jacobs, and then Kevin Steen runs in. Steen with the Powerbomb on Elgin. He then sends Martini to the floor with a Superkick. Jim Cornette comes out with officials. Corino says that Kevin Steen deserves to talk. The fans implore Jim Cornette to let him talk. Cornette gives in and Kevin Steen takes the microphone. Kevin Steen says all he wanted was the chance to apologize. "My name is Kevin Steen... AND f**k RING OF HONOR!!!" :o :o :o The fans sing "Ole" which is just spectacular as is Steen giving them the finger while being carried out. Holy shit. f**k. FUCK !!! That was stunning.

You know what? ROH are doing all of the right things so far. The action has been solid and then they pulled out a spectacular segment like that. You can tell that this is going to be the real big storyline of the Sinclair era.

Christopher Daniels © vs. El Generico - ROH Television Championship

We're into the big title matches now. This one certainly didn't disappoint, which is obvious considering it IS El Generico we're talking about here, and Daniels played ball here as the bitter jaded veteran who is only interested in getting it up everyone, and this stalling added to the fact that he had no Martini by his side was the main problem for him. His execution was sharp as f**k here as well. A cracking wee match. ****

NOTE: Kevin Steen actually helped El Generico win that match thanks to his Superkick in the previous segment taking out Truth Martini. Nice touch.

World's Greatest Tag Team © vs. The Kings of Wrestling vs. The All NIght Express vs. The Briscoes - ROH World Tag Team Championships

The Briscoes are a fantastic heel act right now. ROH seem to have really nailed it as far as characters go. It goes to show that when it comes to the crunch and they have to make people care, they rise to the challenge. I have high hopes for the future of ROH. After each elimination in this one, it seemed to slow down to a crawl, and I think that takes away from the match quite a bit and the crowd reactions seem to confirm this. I also didn't like how the Kings had a gameplan working and then when it came down to them and WGTT, they flung it out the window. This was a great match, but it was also flawed in a big way which is why I can't go higher. ****

The Briscoes run in with steel chairs and lay out the tag team champions. The Kings of Wrestling sit back and allow the Briscoes to do their work. All Night Express turn up and Kenny King has the biggest steel pipe you'll ever see in a wrestling ring. :lol:

Eddie Edwards © vs. Davey Richards - ROH World Heavyweight Championship

These two guys had a pure amazing match on HDNet. It's easy enough to find if you go onto Google videos and it's worth your time. Incidentally, it was the match that crowned the TV champ. They did a lot of things right in this match. Hinting to the rushed finish because of how long the show was running for was the first it meant that people were buying into nearfalls after about 15 minutes of a near 40 minute match. That definately helped this one. The crowd were kinda beat going towards the end which shows that maybe putting those three matches one after the other wasn't a very good idea, because this one was a belter. It's not quite full whammy, but it's very close if you ask me. A great main event. ****3/4

Really impassioned post-match promo from Davey Richards which just adds to the whole thing.


This was a real pull out all the stops show from ROH. They got Rhino and Lethal out there, they had two big title changes and Davey Richards finally got his moment. Kevin Steen somehow manages to steal the show again though with a segment which has to be seen to be believed. This is the PPV of the year without question.

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Take it you were one of the tweeters then?

Right, half way through the year. What are your favourite matches of the year so far? My top 20 is...

1. Eddie Edwards vs. Kotaro Suzuki - Pro Wrestling NOAH 29/01/2011

2. Team FIST vs. Team Osaka Pro - CHIKARA King of Trios Night Two 16/04/2011

3. Eddie Edwards vs. Davey Richards - ROH Best in the World 26/06/2011

4. Daisuke Sekimoto vs. El Generico - wXw 16 Carat Gold Night Three 13/03/2011

5. Smackdown Elimination Chamber - WWE Elimination Chamber 2011

6. Eddie Edwards vs. Christopher Daniels - ROH Takes Centre Stage Night One 03/04/2011

7. Akira Tozawa vs. PAC - Dragon Gate USA: Mercury Rising 02/04/2011

8. Triple H vs. The Undertaker - WWE Wrestlemania XXVII 03/04/2011

9. Davey Richards vs. Low Ki - PWG Kurt Russellmania 30/01/2011

10. Don Fujii vs. Masato Yoshino - Dragon Gate Infinity 206 18/01/2011

11. Roderick Strong vs. El Generico, No Holds Barred Match - ROH Revolution USA 06/05/2011

12. Roderick Strong vs. Eddie Edwards - ROH Manhattan Mayhem 19/03/2011

13. Kota Ibushi and Kenny Omega vs. Prince Devitt and Ryusuke Tagachi NJPW 01/2011

14. The American Wolves vs. Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team - ROH Takes Centre Stage Night Two 03/04/2011

15. Randy Orton vs. Christian - WWE Over The Limit 05/2011

16. CIMA, Naruki Doi and Gamma vs. Masato Yoshino, Susumu Yokosuka and K-Ness - Dragon Gate Infinity 107 23/01/2011

17. Claudio Castagnoli vs. El Generico - PWG Kurt RussellMania 2011 30/01/2011

18. Davey Richards vs. Zack Sabre Jr. - wXw 16 Carat Gold 2011 Night Two 13/03/2011

19. The Kings of Wrestling vs. Kevin Steen and Akira Tozawa - PWG DDT4 04/03/2011

20. Liam Thomson vs. Andy Wild - ICW Menace 2 Society 06/02/2011

It's been a pretty good year. Still not something that would fall under the 5* category, but the top three run very close if you ask me. That is a fantastic list of matches though.

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Take it you were one of the tweeters then?

Right, half way through the year. What are your favourite matches of the year so far? My top 20 is...

1. Eddie Edwards vs. Kotaro Suzuki - Pro Wrestling NOAH 29/01/2011

2. Team FIST vs. Team Osaka Pro - CHIKARA King of Trios Night Two 16/04/2011

3. Eddie Edwards vs. Davey Richards - ROH Best in the World 26/06/2011

4. Daisuke Sekimoto vs. El Generico - wXw 16 Carat Gold Night Three 13/03/2011

5. Smackdown Elimination Chamber - WWE Elimination Chamber 2011

6. Eddie Edwards vs. Christopher Daniels - ROH Takes Centre Stage Night One 03/04/2011

7. Akira Tozawa vs. PAC - Dragon Gate USA: Mercury Rising 02/04/2011

8. Triple H vs. The Undertaker - WWE Wrestlemania XXVII 03/04/2011

9. Davey Richards vs. Low Ki - PWG Kurt Russellmania 30/01/2011

10. Don Fujii vs. Masato Yoshino - Dragon Gate Infinity 206 18/01/2011

11. Roderick Strong vs. El Generico, No Holds Barred Match - ROH Revolution USA 06/05/2011

12. Roderick Strong vs. Eddie Edwards - ROH Manhattan Mayhem 19/03/2011

13. Kota Ibushi and Kenny Omega vs. Prince Devitt and Ryusuke Tagachi NJPW 01/2011

14. The American Wolves vs. Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team - ROH Takes Centre Stage Night Two 03/04/2011

15. Randy Orton vs. Christian - WWE Over The Limit 05/2011

16. CIMA, Naruki Doi and Gamma vs. Masato Yoshino, Susumu Yokosuka and K-Ness - Dragon Gate Infinity 107 23/01/2011

17. Claudio Castagnoli vs. El Generico - PWG Kurt RussellMania 2011 30/01/2011

18. Davey Richards vs. Zack Sabre Jr. - wXw 16 Carat Gold 2011 Night Two 13/03/2011

19. The Kings of Wrestling vs. Kevin Steen and Akira Tozawa - PWG DDT4 04/03/2011

20. Liam Thomson vs. Andy Wild - ICW Menace 2 Society 06/02/2011

It's been a pretty good year. Still not something that would fall under the 5* category, but the top three run very close if you ask me. That is a fantastic list of matches though.

Aye, I've been tweeted by some sweet ass people like Corino, Steen, JR (which was weird.) Rhett Titus, Roderick Strong, lots of the wrestlers.


Kings of Wrestlign vs Kevin Steen and Tozawa would go up higher in my book

Other than that an awesome list..

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Life has dictated that I haven't been able to watch as much wrestling as I normally would have by this stage of the year.

With that in mind, from what I have seen I'll jut put together as many that come to mind just now, I'll have to have a proper think but in no particular order:

1. Eddie Edwards vs Davey Richards - ROH Best in the World

2. Edge vs Dolph Ziggler - WWE Royal Rumble 2011

3. Triple H vs Undertaker - WWE WrestleMania XXVII

4. Randy Orton vs Christian - WWE Over the Limit

5. Davey Richards vs Low Ki - Kurt RussellReunion II

6.Kevin Steen vs Chris Hero - Kurt RussellReunion II

7.Claudio Castagnoli vs El Generico - Kurt RussellReunion II

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