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Mo Wonderboy

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Impact last night was actually pretty good. Have TNA finally got their act together? Plenty of matches, most of which were good, and the jibber jabber kept to a minimum. Very good show, which suprised me! The tournament idea is a decent idea (Roode to win, only fannies think it will be Gunner), and really liking the X Division showcase matches. Destination X looks like it will be cracking. Like how Sting is now mental, but didn't like how he absolutely ripped off The Joker, from adding bits to his face paint to speaking in the same style. There's no need for a blatant rip off.

Keep it up TNA!

I really liked it too. What I'm liking most is that they have feuds all through the card which make sense, as oppose to WWE which just builds a main event feud and throws some other matches together. I don't think TNA know themselves who's going to win the tournament. I'm pretty sure Crimson will stay undefeated and end up not winning it though, and whoever costs him via count-out, DQ, or whatever it is will face him at BFG. I think we'll also see Roode-Storm at BFG, either in a "who's the better man/respect" type angle, or with an angle with them fighting to try and take series points off each other in a tag match. I like what they're doing with Joe, and Steiner in the locker room was phenomenal :lol: . Sting's the man.

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It's all one with the PG product, and I've read DomDom saying time and again that there is nothing wrong than drawing in the future fans of wrestling early, and whilst I agree with him, they really do need to win back a large amount of the older fanbase who have either deserted the product, or simply give it a fleeting glance out of curiosity.

They can do that with a PG product though. If it's booked properly, it shouldn't really be a case of one or the other. The problem is that gems like the other night are rare, and a shit product will be a shit product, PG rating or not.

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They can do that with a PG product though. If it's booked properly, it shouldn't really be a case of one or the other. The problem is that gems like the other night are rare, and a shit product will be a shit product, PG rating or not.

I'm not suggesting one or the other, but the PG product of the last few years has been very dumbed down IMO.

I agree with you though, if it's done properly. But the PG product that has been churned out in the last 3 years hasn't been anything like a fine balance. It's been booked terribly. The same 3 or 4 talents have hogged the top of the billing. The three who come to mind instantly, being Orton, Cena and Edge. Anyone who does seem to make the break that could be entertaining, such as Sheamus, Miz, Danielson or Swagger, is inevitably pushed back to the midcard and the status quo remains. It's like TNA who are at the other end of the demographic scale and churn out shite consistently too as they can't sseem to settle on a direction.

That's why Punk has been a breath of fresh air in general and severely underused in the last few years, IMO. The possibility of him getting a monster push is a direction the WWE should have gone down right from the off, it makes him stand out from all the others in that he's a believable character.

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The stipulation that Cena gets fired if he loses/Punk walks out with the title is a load of shite and potentially destroy a really good angle

Impact last night was actually pretty good. Have TNA finally got their act together? Plenty of matches, most of which were good, and the jibber jabber kept to a minimum. Very good show, which suprised me! The tournament idea is a decent idea (Roode to win, only fannies think it will be Gunner), and really liking the X Division showcase matches. Destination X looks like it will be cracking. Like how Sting is now mental, but didn't like how he absolutely ripped off The Joker, from adding bits to his face paint to speaking in the same style. There's no need for a blatant rip off.

Keep it up TNA!

They've pushed Gunner something crazy past few weeks, pinning the heavyweight champion two weeks in a row and he's getting a lot more mic time than before.

Stings "joker" persona is f****** brilliant though! Going absolutely ape sh*t at Hogan last week was one of the funniest things I think I've ever seen.

There's a lot more actual wrestling than crap Bishoff moments but it's good to have the odd one in there I guess even if it's to feed my hatred of him.

Destination looks like it's going to be awesome!!!

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For what it's worth, the people at WWE Magazine wrote the following online after Monday's RAW: "The mood backstage is...edgy, to put it mildly. @CMPunk is in a meeting with a lot of the people he just called out...

So WWE Magazine are now commenting on it, a definite work.

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Dom, have you got your DG tickets yet sir? Ordered mine and the T-Shirt and i'm doing my hotels this week, fuuuucccckkking hyped for it already.

Leave Wednesday night on the overnighter, Thursday is the generic sight-seeing day, playing some poker during the evening, then hitting up the West End to go see Les Miserables. Friday hitting up a massage place at lunch, then off to the show. Train to Nottingham on Saturday morning, do something there, catch the show, play poker all night, then train home Sunday morning. Sicko weekend!

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From Lords of Pain:

One person close to the situation notes that CM Punk mentioning Colt Cabana, Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar during his promo on Monday's RAW has to do with all three of those stars possibly coming back to WWE.

Apparently Punk recently asked for his friend Colt Cabana to be re-hired and put on the main roster, as one of the points in Punk's new deal if he should re-sign. Regarding Punk staying or going, WWE creative has been told that he's finishing up at Money in the Bank and most feel that he is still leaving, despite Monday's promo. WWE still does have an offer on the table to Punk for him to stay.

Heyman and Lesnar have reportedly either made a deal or are at least in very serious negotiations to have a business relationship with WWE. Regarding Lesnar, word is that he won't be wrestling and won't be a TV character, should he have a business relationship with WWE again. Heyman would start working with the company again under a deal similar to Lesnar, according to the report by the Wrestling Observer.

In all honesty, I don't think Punk has the kind of stroke backstage to make demands like that.

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From Lords of Pain:

One person close to the situation notes that CM Punk mentioning Colt Cabana, Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar during his promo on Monday's RAW has to do with all three of those stars possibly coming back to WWE.

Apparently Punk recently asked for his friend Colt Cabana to be re-hired and put on the main roster, as one of the points in Punk's new deal if he should re-sign. Regarding Punk staying or going, WWE creative has been told that he's finishing up at Money in the Bank and most feel that he is still leaving, despite Monday's promo. WWE still does have an offer on the table to Punk for him to stay.

Heyman and Lesnar have reportedly either made a deal or are at least in very serious negotiations to have a business relationship with WWE. Regarding Lesnar, word is that he won't be wrestling and won't be a TV character, should he have a business relationship with WWE again. Heyman would start working with the company again under a deal similar to Lesnar, according to the report by the Wrestling Observer.

In all honesty, I don't think Punk has the kind of stroke backstage to make demands like that.

I don't see why not, Cabana won't be demanding that big a wage and Punk quite clearly gets people talking(I mean look at what's happened since Monday)

I don't like the Lesnar/Heyman situation, he's not gonna wrestle or be on TV? Doesn't sound good. Heyman probably won't get creative control either which he needs.

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I don't see why not, Cabana won't be demanding that big a wage and Punk quite clearly gets people talking(I mean look at what's happened since Monday)

I think quite clearly that one of Punks problems is life on the road, so I understand why he wants Cabana back. Travelling/rooming with your mate would make life on the road a hell of a lot easier.

But to be honest, unless WWE agree to it to obtain Punks name, I don't think he'd get his wish. That priviliege is reserved for guys like Cena, and even at that I'm not sure.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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The Cabana thing would be simple enough for CM Punk to get. As mentioned, it wouldn't be that big a deal for WWE to do so. He probably chanced his arm on the Heyman/Brock thing.

Brock Lesnar wouldn't take a small role in WWE. I don't think WWE would be willing to pay over the odds for someone in a smaller role and Brock Lesnar wouldn't be willing to take anything other than over the odds. Otherwise he'd just stay where he is. That's even before you start talking about his UFC obligations.

WWE will be desperate for CM Punk's name, as they know he's got pull. They've now given it even more pull. I reckon Punk is "gone" after Money in the Bank, but they've sorted out his return. Kind of like Daniel Bryan.

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WWE will be desperate for CM Punk's name, as they know he's got pull. They've now given it even more pull. I reckon Punk is "gone" after Money in the Bank, but they've sorted out his return. Kind of like Daniel Bryan.

Didn't they sort out a return for Hardy when he left only for him to jump ship to TNA? Or did I just make that up?

EDIT: Speaking of WWE owning workers names. Do they own many others names which they have created themselves and WWE want.

I know they bought out Rhinos name.


I can't imagine they'd have rights to Chris Jericho.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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Chris Jericho doesn't get fucked about though. There'd be no negotiations with him. He'd basically say "f**k off" and that'd be the end of it.

They had Rob Van Dam who had his own name. WWE don't tend to have guys who own their name though. Which makes it all the weirder that they went with CM Punk.

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Chris Jericho doesn't get fucked about though. There'd be no negotiations with him. He'd basically say "f**k off" and that'd be the end of it.

They had Rob Van Dam who had his own name. WWE don't tend to have guys who own their name though. Which makes it all the weirder that they went with CM Punk.

Well CM Punk fits with his gimick. Can you imagine him portraying the character he is while having some generic, indy jobber name that recent FCW guys have been given.....I mean I don't think you could create much more indy names than Evan Bourne and Heath Slater.

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