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Mo Wonderboy

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It can make sense, but in a bit of a roundabout way. John Cena may well see it as a case of "Nash would have come in and stop it anyways" so he is going after ADR. We all know Cena is a man who likes his morals. Of course, he hasn't cared before so that's another massive logic gap, but there's some sort of weird twisted logic to it.

To me it just doesn't work. Under what circumstances would you go after the guy who won the title fairly and just forget about the guy who cost you it in the first place?

That one is much more simple. He's pissed at Nash because he's the one that cost him the title. There's no reason to see anything more into it I reckon and it's plausible.

I'll give you that one. I can understand why Punk forgets about Del Rio. He's cashed in MITB twice nd understands that it's fair game, instead he goes after the one guy who screwed him and the people who instructed him to do so. This one is alot easier to believe.

We were always going to get ADR vs. Cena for the title at some point so the key is what CM Punk does untill then, and putting him over a guy like Kevin Nash is going to be good, and it also allows Punk to stay on the mic with someone who's fairly good at it, and keep him relevant, and of course, then you have the issue of who DID send Nash, which is most likely Triple H, which means we're going to keep at the big level stuff for Punk.

I'm still pretty excited about the direction that it's going.

At this stage there are still a million differetn directions it can go. But I can almost guarantee you that HHH will win the feud. Punk will take out Nash within a couple of weeks. HHH will bring in various other "contacts" who Punk will probably take out...but Punk will ultimately loose rendering this whole thing completely and utterly pointless. Yes it has given us the best 2 months of wrestling oin years, but I can't see the heel authority figure loosing against the first guy that opposes him.

I'd like to be wrong. I'd love to see this feud go all the way to Mania at least where Punk puts it to bed in a match with HHH. I disagree with taking the title off Punk, but having him involved in promos with Nash can only be a good thing. Their segment the other night was superb, hopefully they have 3-way segments with Nash/Punk/HHH for many weeks to come. They can still save the whole thing and make it amazing, but the way I predict it going is far from the desired outcome.

RAW always has an over-run, hence why even the TV listings here have it as a 4.15 finish time.

I know but it rarely ran anymore than 4.05am....but the past 2 months or so it has went all the way to 4.15am.

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This, but the WWE are retards so it 99% won't happen.

I can't believe how boring wrestling is now when only 10 years ago they had the greatest roster of all time. And making it PG is just romanovpalm.png. Although there was a fair bit of swearing etc at times last night.

Kind of off topic but Randy Orton is an absolutely shit face. All WWE have tried to do is make Cena like The Rock and at the time make Batista like Stone Cold, since he left it's Orton who has taken over as the other face and is trying to be like Austin. Yawn.

SmackDown is actually pish and almost irrelevant. It's such a chore watching it that I just fast forward through most of it, same with Raw at times tbh.

How is wrestling boring right now? Did you not watch Money in the Bank? It had 4 brilliant matches with Punk and Cena being pretty much flawless.

Orton isn't trying to be like Austin, he's trying to be like HHH. Although I am liking how he's gone a wee bit crazy now.

Vince doesn't need to come back into the storyline. It wouldn't make sense for HHH to be in control then the old owner comes back.

You should have HHH, HBK, X-Pac, Nash, Stephanie and John Laurinaitis form the group. And then build it on people like Cena turning heel. Maybe even the New Age Outlaws, sure I saw some interesting tweets posted by someone somewhere.

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Under what circumstances would you go after the guy who won the title fairly and just forget about the guy who cost you it in the first place?

He didn't exactly win it "fairly" though, did he? I mean, in the strictest sense it was, but he blatantly took advantage of a fallen Punk. All is fair with the case, as Punk rightly pointed out later on, but I don't think it's beyond reason that Cena is acting as moral crusader here. As I said, it requires one massive logic leap in that he hasn't cared before.

But I can almost guarantee you that HHH will win the feud. Punk will take out Nash within a couple of weeks. HHH will bring in various other "contacts" who Punk will probably take out...but Punk will ultimately loose rendering this whole thing completely and utterly pointless. Yes it has given us the best 2 months of wrestling oin years, but I can't see the heel authority figure loosing against the first guy that opposes him.

He won't lose. Triple H isn't going to be wrestling much longer if you believe the dirtsheets. I wouldn't be surprised if CM Punk has become one of his projects. Even if he DOES win the fued, CM Punk is going to come out looking good, because he has defeated many and fallen to a guy who hasn't lost his aura of "one of the best" yet. So it's a worthwhile exercise and makes a long term job of making CM Punk look like a main eventer and a draw.

Orton isn't trying to be like Austin, he's trying to be like HHH.

I don't know if I get this comparison. The closest thing I can think of to Orton when you consider mannerisms and the way he does moves, it's probably Ted Dibiase Sr.

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He didn't exactly win it "fairly" though, did he? I mean, in the strictest sense it was, but he blatantly took advantage of a fallen Punk. All is fair with the case, as Punk rightly pointed out later on, but I don't think it's beyond reason that Cena is acting as moral crusader here. As I said, it requires one massive logic leap in that he hasn't cared before.

Fairly in the sense that a MITB can cash in at any time and it is accepted. Thats the point in MITB.

He won't lose. Triple H isn't going to be wrestling much longer if you believe the dirtsheets. I wouldn't be surprised if CM Punk has become one of his projects. Even if he DOES win the fued, CM Punk is going to come out looking good, because he has defeated many and fallen to a guy who hasn't lost his aura of "one of the best" yet. So it's a worthwhile exercise and makes a long term job of making CM Punk look like a main eventer and a draw.

To save fucking it up for anyone:

I read on LordsofPain.com a week or two back that the current plan is for HHH to win the feud for the reason I gave, they dont want him, as an authority figure, no to loose his first major feud. Not exactly the gospel I know, but the way SummerSlam ended it's making me think that it's a possibility

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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How is wrestling boring right now? Did you not watch Money in the Bank? It had 4 brilliant matches with Punk and Cena being pretty much flawless.

Orton isn't trying to be like Austin, he's trying to be like HHH. Although I am liking how he's gone a wee bit crazy now.

Vince doesn't need to come back into the storyline. It wouldn't make sense for HHH to be in control then the old owner comes back.

You should have HHH, HBK, X-Pac, Nash, Stephanie and John Laurinaitis form the group. And then build it on people like Cena turning heel. Maybe even the New Age Outlaws, sure I saw some interesting tweets posted by someone somewhere.

It's still utter shite 99% of the time and the only thing worth looking out for these days is what's going on with the WWE title, WrestleMania is usually always good too but it always will be because of the spectacle that it is. He is, all his fist pumping the matt etc is like when Austin used to go crazy and the RKO is just a shit version of the stunner.

Vince coming back would easily make sense if a "Corporation" like storyline emerged, for all we know it could have actually been him who told Nash to "screw" CM Punk.

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Anyone catch Nitro Impact last night?

The Cruiserweight X Division; it’s not about weight limits, it’s about no limits. Oh no, my mistake, it now is about weight limits, 225 pounds and under according to professional wrestling company destroyer Eric Bischoff. So tough luck Samoa Joe. You may have been a pioneer of the division, but now you can’t compete in it. At all. And I didn’t recognise half of them when they were in the meeting. Was one of them Xema Ion? If so then the match he competed in a DX was pointless.

Kurt Angle’s heel turn was boring and pish. No one gives a shit about Dixie Carter, a woman so bland she makes Linda McMahon seem like the Rock. And has he now joined the

nWO Immortal? Yawn.

Talking of the nWO Immortal, are they chucking Anderson out? So he turned heel for no reason basically? Great booking.

The Goldberg Crimson push continues, although the conclusion of the match seemed very familiar, especially since I’ve been watching best of Nitro. One would think that they’re just copying en masse things from that show. You know, the one that ultimately failed. Unfortunately for them they also seem to be copying all the things that made it fail and ultimately go out of business. Anyway, seems Goldberg Crimson will win the BFG series and face Angle.

For an older guy, Hector Guerrero can move pretty well. In fact he can move better than most of the nWO Immortal. What’s the chances of a Guerrero’s vs Jarrett feud? I can see them bringing in Chavo (jnr, although maybe classic too). The stuff from Jarrett about cutting grass etc is so old and boring and also pretty racist. Get some original banter and some that isn’t racist. They wouldn’t have two black guys come out and have them eating watermelon or something similarly offensive. This is the sort of crap that gives wrestling a bad name.

They’ve just annihilated AJ haven’t they? He’s just another mid carder now, when he could have been the best in the company.

And I know it’s been said so many times before, but they have to move away from the Impact Zone. I think you’d get better crowds in Pizza Hut! It may be one of the worst wrestling venues ever. The crowd are just so dreadful. So much so in fact that the added crowd noises were very evident last night. At one point boos were raining on Kurt Angle, yet those in the audience you could see behind him were all just sitting there not doing anything.

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The Cruiserweight X Division; it's not about weight limits, it's about no limits. Oh no, my mistake, it now is about weight limits, 225 pounds and under according to professional wrestling company destroyer Eric Bischoff. So tough luck Samoa Joe. You may have been a pioneer of the division, but now you can't compete in it. At all.

I thought this as well, they should just move Joe back into the X-Division since he's just a midcard jobber now

And I know it's been said so many times before, but they have to move away from the Impact Zone. I think you'd get better crowds in Pizza Hut! It may be one of the worst wrestling venues ever. The crowd are just so dreadful. So much so in fact that the added crowd noises were very evident last night. At one point boos were raining on Kurt Angle, yet those in the audience you could see behind him were all just sitting there not doing anything.

It's not so much the Impact Zone, it's the fact that if you take the Universal Studios tour you get in for free. They need to start charging people to enter and they'll get a better crowd.

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I want TNA to be good but it is just fucking horrendous right now and last night was the icing on the cake. Angle has seemingly turned heel while it looks like Anderson will go back face after being heel for about 2 seconds, it's a fucking joke. Get Hogan and Bischoff off my TV screen they were good characters back in the day but it's 2011 and they are out dated and not needed. Look at the nick of Hogan giving Sting a few punches I mean come on you can't take that seriously the c**t can't barely move.

AJ Styles should have been pushed to the moon and Fortune should be the top faction on the company but that seems to be taking a back seat as well. Immortal are a bunch of fucking shite apart from Gunner who has potential to be a class wrestler.

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TNA is atrocious. I watched it every week, whether it was good or bad the week before, like I do with RAW, but it just got to a stage where it was so bad I couldn't bare to.

It's not so much the Impact Zone, it's the fact that if you take the Universal Studios tour you get in for free. They need to start charging people to enter and they'll get a better crowd.

Aye I can imagine the scene right now. "Whit? You're charging now? Aye I'll go, sounds much better than when you used to get in for free, let's sell this bitch out!!!"

In all seriousness though, the crowd seem dead because they literally have no clue what the f**k is going on half the time. I went to Impact about two years ago, and they didn't record episodes in chronological order. Sting was cutting a promo back stage which was shown on the tron and someone was champ....about an hour later Sting comes out with the title and gets announced as world champion :blink:

Once I got home and watched the episode I went to, it showed you a tonne of backstage stuff that was never shown at the time. They really don't help themselves. Just show the crowd exactly what the world is going to see and the crowd will pop, rather than sitting on their arses looking at each other thinking "What the f**k is going on? This doesn't even make sense."

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Aye I can imagine the scene right now. "Whit? You're charging now? Aye I'll go, sounds much better than when you used to get in for free, let's sell this bitch out!!!"

Yeah, they'll probably lose attendance but the people who are there will want to be there and more likely to make actual noise, rather than some fucking tourist who went to go to the Spider-man ride but got in the wrong line.

They could probably reduce the size of the arena as well, make it smaller and the noise will seem louder if you get the acoustics right.

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Yeah, they'll probably lose attendance but the people who are there will want to be there and more likely to make actual noise, rather than some fucking tourist who went to go to the Spider-man ride but got in the wrong line.

They could probably reduce the size of the arena as well, make it smaller and the noise will seem louder if you get the acoustics right.

They need to take Impact on the road across the south. Not to the arenas, like they tried to do when they take PPV's on the road.....small halls, with people who want to be there.

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They did an Impact in South Carolina (I think) a few months back it was easily the best crowd and reactions they've had to a televised event in years. It actually made them seem big league.

Sadly the in ring content did not, as it was the one where Dixie Carter, a robot, tried to produce human tears after being informed by Hulk Hogan, a pterodactyl, that she was out in some confusing legal battle nonsense that no one understood or really cared about.

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They did an Impact in South Carolina (I think) a few months back it was easily the best crowd and reactions they've had to a televised event in years. It actually made them seem big league.

That's my point. It's a southern based company...so take it on the road across the south. I reckon they'd get good crowds in the Virginias, Carolinas, Georgia, Forida, Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi, Kentucky and Louisiana. It's no use doing shows ust for tourists in Orlando.

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Four matches confirmed for ICW's big show in October, which is basically their Wrestlemania.

ICW Championship: "Darkside" James Scott © vs. BT Gunn

ICW Zero G Championship: Lionheart © vs. Noam Dar

Final Match in the Best of Five Series: Liam Thomson vs. Andy Wild

ICW Deathmatch: Carmel vs. Kay Lee Ray

Also Confirmed: Mikey Whiplash and Mark Andrews making their ICW debuts.

The real eye opener is obviously the ladies' deathmatch. Main event has been building for yonks and the best of five has been amazing. Should be good!

In other news, The Young Bucks apparently had a tryout before RAW which is just amazing to me. They look ridiculous in TNA so I can't imagine how they'd look on WWE TV. I appreciate they're pretty good. Infact, I fucking LOVE them in PWG. But the idea of them in WWE makes me laugh.

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Can only echo what's been said about Impact by Neilly and Matrix. Baracus.

Impact had actually been getting really good until 2-3 weeks ago and it's now gone completely tits up. Again. The whole Angle heel turn is stupid and pointless, Andersons heel turn was pointless and why would Angle join Immortal with JJ and Karen in it? STUPID. And no one gives a shyt about Dixie Farter either.

The X Division is now utterly f*cking sh*te if it's got a weight limit. It should be about flamboyance and style, not about LIMITS. It once stood for a style that had no limits and it's been raped by that c*** Fishoff and that pr*ck Hogan.

Was talking the other day about getting it on the road too. It would bring so much more to the programme and company as a whole.

And lastly, the decision to turn AJ into a mid carder is the worst of the lot. He's clearly one of the most talented guys in the game right now and one of the reasons why I kept tuning into TNA once I had started watching it. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

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