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Mo Wonderboy

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I thought I seen a report that mentioned drink.

It's a shame. He had gotten into shape and was decent in TNA. Of course, it's only so long these days untill either Hardy has a breakdown. You KNOW you've fucked up when even TNA have had enough of you.

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If they showed Raw from 1997 onwards, it would probably outdo the modern day raw in ratings and viewing figures.

Yep. Raw in early 97 was a total shitfest. But from about May onwards it was excellent.

I have all the Raws from 97, 98 and 99 and most of it is brilliant. Raw in 99 especially is totally groundbreaking stuff. The problem is obviously without competition the WWE are no longer under the cosh to be innovative. I don't mean even in ring or storyline wise. I mean the general layout and format of the show. There was just so much going on and the booking of the show seemed so much more intricate than the stale A-Z format they have now. I've watched the first 6 Raws of 99 already you've had:

The WWF title juggled between Rock and Mankind twice

The Ministry formed taking in Big Vis, Mideon and the Brood

The Hardcore title fought for in the snow outside the arena.

HHH fighting rock in an I quit.

Chyna turning on DX.

HHH - Kane in a cage

Big Show debuting

Vince going to Texas to provoke Austin onto breaching his contract

Val Venis and Billy Gunn trying to pump Shamrock's sister, Venis making a porno of it called Shaving Ryan's Privates.

Teri Runnels losing D'lo's imaginary wean

Mark Henry trying to pump a tranny and Chyna (same thing)

Xpac starting what will be cracking feud with Shane McMahon.

Brilliant telly all round. Hundred miles an hour. And that's me not even including Gillberg and the shite Goldust/Blue Meanie feud that has blue meanie sitting in the scud cutting a promo. :lol:

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I thought I seen a report that mentioned drink.

It's a shame. He had gotten into shape and was decent in TNA. Of course, it's only so long these days untill either Hardy has a breakdown. You KNOW you've fucked up when even TNA have had enough of you.

Cool, just presumed it was drugs tbh. I was actually surprised he was still a member cause he's not been on TV(well Impact) in fucking ages.

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That actually reminds me. See if Austin was shagging Stephanie, he'd be hounded. He actively made every single heel in the WWE look like shit, and in some cases, completely on purpose.

Apart from HHH, The Rock, Mick Foley, The Undertaker, and Chris Jericho I presume?

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Riiiiiiiiight. You might have a case with one of those and I'll get to that one first...

Triple H: Well yeah. He did eventually get that clean win over Austin. Incidentally, how many clean wins did heels get over Austin. This is the only one that I can think of.

The Rock: Eh... whit? All that ever happened between Austin and Rock when Rock was heel was Austin Stunnering Rock all over the shop and beating him what felt like every month. The Rock DID beat him once at Wrestlemania XIX but what did that matter? Both men were on the way out. Hell, Austin was already as good as gone.

Mick Foley: Eh... whit? The Dude Love fued was the only fued that these two guys had with Foley as heel and, you guessed it, Austin just beat him over and over again, even when Dude had four guys helping him. But yeah, not made to look weak at all. No siree.

The Undertaker: The Undertaker only had an advantage over Austin when he had his 10 man Corporate Ministry, and even then he couldn't keep a handle on him.

Chris Jericho: You mean when Jericho was made to look weak against EVERYONE. That wasn't an Austin problem though. That was WWE just completely bricking it when it came to giving Jericho a proper run.

You can also look at the likes of Kane, nWo, Jeff Jarrett, the ENTIRE 1998 DX AND Nation of Domination and many others for examples of what Austin in his heyday was all about. 2000 was one of the best eras for consistant entertainment ever, and it's no coincidence that a LOT of that was down to the Austin character not dominating everything.

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2000 was one of the best eras for consistant entertainment ever, and it's no coincidence that a LOT of that was down to the Austin character not dominating everything.

Austin dominated over everything because he was hands-down the most over thing in Wrestling at the time. Nothing, not even the Rock, came close. And this was in an era where most wrestlers, even the likes of Steve Blackman, were getting over to an extent, that's how hot the crowds were. No-one touched Austin for drawing a reaction.

They let Austin dominate as that's what the people wanted, no doubt about it.

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Not sure if it's of use to anyone but Garymcc but my CM Punk t-shirt has apparently shipped, got the email a couple of days ago saying so.

Baws. Mines still says Progressing. I'll be emailing them again!

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The weight limit in the X Division hasn't been imposed for the sole reason to keep Abyss out of it, it's been done by "the network" for whatever reason. Also, Samoa Joe's been shit for ages now, and if you like him that much then surely you don't want him in the spotfest division.

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Austin dominated over everything because he was hands-down the most over thing in Wrestling at the time. Nothing, not even the Rock, came close. And this was in an era where most wrestlers, even the likes of Steve Blackman, were getting over to an extent, that's how hot the crowds were. No-one touched Austin for drawing a reaction.

They let Austin dominate as that's what the people wanted, no doubt about it.

Hard to deny that, but it seems funny that everyone used to slaughter Triple H for burying everyone when the loved Steve Austin did a LOT worse than he did, and somehow managed to escape criticism for it which is kinda the point I've been making.

When I look back, I'm glad Austin retired when he did and I'm glad he wasn't around much after the nWo debacle.

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Also, Samoa Joe's been shit for ages now, and if you like him that much then surely you don't want him in the spotfest division.

I'd rather him be used in the X Division instead of mid-card obscurity. At least his matches would be entertaining rather than stuff like him and Devon or the Pope where it's just plain shite.

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I know someone that will be raging at that news.

Yes. You! Get to f**k Chilly McFreeze, you useless c**t!

AJ and Daniels are in the X Division now, and have been for few months. They headlined Destination X.

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Funniest wrestling gif of all time?


laugh.gif didn't even realise it was midgets the first time. Just adds to the hilarity.

edit: Shuggie's image isn't working, Ringsde News seems to be down unsure.gif

But is this the same one? Looks funny at least.


Edited by forehead7
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