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Mo Wonderboy

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The problem with Cole is, do you keep him as an annoying fanny or do you make the shite, boring, commentator he was before? I've never rated him to be perfectly honest. How WWE can have a guy like Joey Styles on the books and have him working for WWE.com rather at an announce desk is beyond me.

Get JR and King on RAW and Styles and Foley.....or JBL on Smackdown along with Josh Matthews.

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It would be nice to have commentators who actually called some moves and put over the wrestlers in the match, Cole only puts over himself. I have no problem with him playing the heel commentator role, but his constant burying of wrestlers should have been nipped in the bud by Vince or someone in Gorilla many months ago.

I think if I hear Cole yap on about Daniel Bryan being a nerd again, I will do a SOL and never watch Smackdown again!

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The problem with Cole is, do you keep him as an annoying fanny or do you make the shite, boring, commentator he was before?

Middle ground. Be annoying at times, as he's supposed to be, but don't let him overwhelm the show.

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Middle ground. Be annoying at times, as he's supposed to be, but don't let him overwhelm the show.

Can he do that though? All I've ever seen from him is boring as f**k and annoying as f**k. If he's going to be that annoying, get him off commentary and make him a manager.

Nobody can do heel commentary well anymore.

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I've always found that Cole isn't that bad on RAW. He can go OTT at times but he generally seems to keep things in check. It seems to be Smackdown that brings the worst in him.

On a similar subject, I've seen this mentioned on the UKFF. I didn't really notice it so it wasn't a GREAT bury job, but apparently Lawler was burying Punk any way he could on commentary. Seems odd considering the higher ups clearly want CM Punk to be put over big. Was it a case of Lawler going into business for himself?

The Kings of Wrestling had their last show for PWG and have already had their last show for ROH a while back so it looks like we'll be seeing them soon.

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Ye sused it on me ya dick, didn't ye? :P

Have a green for the below comment:

Well he botched the finish, so what do you think?

It would be nice to have commentators who actually called some moves and put over the wrestlers in the match, Cole only puts over himself. I have no problem with him playing the heel commentator role, but his constant burying of wrestlers should have been nipped in the bud by Vince or someone in Gorilla many months ago.

I think if I hear Cole yap on about Daniel Bryan being a nerd again, I will do a SOL and never watch Smackdown again!

That's why I liked Matt Striker, he called the moves well, the reason why I don't mind TNA's commentary, although Don West is the man, they also call the moves and Tazz knows the proper names for moves rather than Booker T calling a spinebuster a side walk slam(or vice versa). Booker T's worse than Hulk Hogan at speaking, "goodness" is fast becoming the new "brother"

On a similar subject, I've seen this mentioned on the UKFF. I didn't really notice it so it wasn't a GREAT bury job, but apparently Lawler was burying Punk any way he could on commentary. Seems odd considering the higher ups clearly want CM Punk to be put over big. Was it a case of Lawler going into business for himself?

Lawler and Punk really don't like each other, I very much got that impression when they were on the desk with each other, pretty sure Punk got a few shots in.

If not then Lawler's probably just jealous cause Punk's the man and is better behind the desk.

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I remember when Punk said "even as a commentator, I was the best. NOBODY can touch me." and that might have rubbed Lawler the wrong way!

That's why I liked Matt Striker, he called the moves well

His knowledge was overwhelmed by his incredible ability to be an utter cock though.

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ADR vs. JoMo WAS a belter though. Bourne/Kofi seems like a good tag team to try and kickstart the tag division which WWE are clearly working on. I reckon the All Night Express would be a good tag team for WWE to sign for the record. Kenny King has previous in Tough Enough and has a great look and Titus has bags of charisma. King also wrestles in a sort of quasi-WWE style so he'd fit right in right away. I'm sure there's plenty of other guys that WWE could just throw together in the meantime, and you now have good challengers in The Miz and R-Truth who gave us a fun promo last night.

So clearly in fact that the WWE have decided to give them a (fan decided) team name. Which suggests that this is where they want to go with them for the longer term.

This suggests, like you say, that they are finally taking the tag division seriously and forming actual tag teams rather than 'midcrader X & midcarder Y' being put together, keeping their own names, tagging until they lose the titles, then stop teaming up. Aside from Edge and Christian, most of the best tag teams in the business had a name.

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I remember when Punk said "even as a commentator, I was the best. NOBODY can touch me." and that might have rubbed Lawler the wrong way!

His knowledge was overwhelmed by his incredible ability to be an utter cock though.

Indeed. His "marking out" at the Royal Rumble was cringeworthy. It is no coincidence he was punted from Smackdown by the Tuesday after. I was looking at NXT results a few weeks back and was surprised to see he is back wrestling.

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I thought Raw was absolutely brilliant last night. Del Rio-Morisson was a very decent match, the Nash-Punk-HHH segment was superb, Otunga and McGillicutty dropping the tag belts was very good (loved how JR put over the title win), Miz and R-Truth were fucking unreal in their section (great idea and they executed it really well), and then the main event was a cracking match. The stuff with Johnny Ace is tremendous. I'm disgusted at having to wait a week for the next episode and I haven't felt like that about wrestling in a long, long time.

Indeed. "We have new champions! Bourne and McGillicutty! Oh, err, Bourne and Kingston rather!"

Him, Lawler and Booker need punted from commentary. It was an excellent Raw though. Skipped the Divas match, and Riley-Swagger was pointless, but loved everything else.

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I remember when Punk said "even as a commentator, I was the best. NOBODY can touch me." and that might have rubbed Lawler the wrong way!

His knowledge was overwhelmed by his incredible ability to be an utter cock though.

Yeah that, but I think he might've said something when he was injured, in a similar way to how he made a bunch of drugs/under the influence jokes at Riley.

It was, I recall one time he was on with Grisham and they were doing the shitty banter that WWE always do and Grisham said something, like a smart comeback and Striker replied with "that was actually pretty good", the way he said it was so c**t-ish.

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Just watched Matt Hardys video of him staggering around his house, accusing the furniture of laughing at him. Doesn't look good at all. Latest reports say hes in hospital after a fall at home but should be out of hospital tomorrow.

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Who said it and to/about who?:

"I would slap you on the face but it looks like god already beat me to it"

"Didn't you die three years ago or something?"

"You know what I think of Bret hart, just put an 's' in front of hitman, that's what I think."

"But here you've got a 46-year old bald movie star wannabe who looks like Uncle Creepy with a good build taking on a guy with an artificial hip who hasn't wrestled a full schedule in ten years. It's a tribute to the massive egotism - in my mind - of both men and an indictment of WCW's promotional policy that this match even took place - much less in the main event - when the card was one of the best WCW was capable of having. By the ten minute mark they were sucking wind so bad, the first three rows passed out of oxygen deprivation. Would have been funny if it wasn't so sad."

"You're a Nature Boy? DO you like Nature? DO You Like Boys?"

"A guy who looks like Tarzan and wrestles like Jane."

"If you had anymore brain cells you'd only be a complete moron."

"You Tap-Dancing Poof."

"Even a 747 looks small when you're flying it into the Grand Canyon."

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TMZ reports today that Matt Hardy has been rushed to the hospital after falling at home. Here's their report:

"Troubled wrestling star Matt Hardy was rushed to an emergency room in North Carolina this morning after falling down in his home ... TMZ has learned.

Sources close to Matt tell us ... the ex-TNA star hadn't been feeling well ... but it's unclear as to what caused Matt to fall down.

So far, the extent of his injuries are unknown -- but a family member tells us Hardy is expected to be released from the hospital tomorrow.

It's been a rough month for Hardy -- as TMZ first reported, he was arrested on suspicion of DWI last weekend and was subsequently fired from his gig at TNA wrestling."

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So clearly in fact that the WWE have decided to give them a (fan decided) team name. Which suggests that this is where they want to go with them for the longer term.

This suggests, like you say, that they are finally taking the tag division seriously and forming actual tag teams rather than 'midcrader X & midcarder Y' being put together, keeping their own names, tagging until they lose the titles, then stop teaming up. Aside from Edge and Christian, most of the best tag teams in the business had a name.

What options are there? I reckon the old name, High Energy, would really work for them, with Bourne being the "High" and Kofi being the "Energy" or something along those lines.

I definately think they're going to have Miz and Truth win the titles soon and go onto fued with JoMo and Rey, which gets some high profile names fueding for the belt, and they also have other teams on standby. This is Triple H's doing btw. He's been high on getting a proper tag division going for a good while now.

"I would slap you on the face but it looks like god already beat me to it"

That was the glorious Tazz/Lawler fued, and he said it to JR. I say glorious because the fued itself was very good. The matches weren't so good. That seems to be a trend for Lawler fueds.

"But here you've got a 46-year old bald movie star wannabe who looks like Uncle Creepy with a good build taking on a guy with an artificial hip who hasn't wrestled a full schedule in ten years. It's a tribute to the massive egotism - in my mind - of both men and an indictment of WCW's promotional policy that this match even took place - much less in the main event - when the card was one of the best WCW was capable of having. By the ten minute mark they were sucking wind so bad, the first three rows passed out of oxygen deprivation. Would have been funny if it wasn't so sad."

This is a guess, but Jim Cornette? Sounds like one of his rants he did.

That's all I've got I'm afraid. Will you be giving answers after a while?

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Who said it and to/about who?:

"I would slap you on the face but it looks like god already beat me to it"

"Didn't you die three years ago or something?"

"You know what I think of Bret hart, just put an 's' in front of hitman, that's what I think."

"But here you've got a 46-year old bald movie star wannabe who looks like Uncle Creepy with a good build taking on a guy with an artificial hip who hasn't wrestled a full schedule in ten years. It's a tribute to the massive egotism - in my mind - of both men and an indictment of WCW's promotional policy that this match even took place - much less in the main event - when the card was one of the best WCW was capable of having. By the ten minute mark they were sucking wind so bad, the first three rows passed out of oxygen deprivation. Would have been funny if it wasn't so sad."

"You're a Nature Boy? DO you like Nature? DO You Like Boys?"

"A guy who looks like Tarzan and wrestles like Jane."

"If you had anymore brain cells you'd only be a complete moron."

"You Tap-Dancing Poof."

"Even a 747 looks small when you're flying it into the Grand Canyon."

Some are familiar and I'm trying to rack my brain. The only one I can get now is the Hitman one, which was Austin about Bret Hart.

The brain cells one has to involve Sid Viscious, and if not, it should have.

The Tarzan one was a commentator I'm sure.

The top one about the face slapping could be Terry Funk.

The one about WCW was regarding the Hogan-Piper main event at Starcade 97 I think, and was in the Death Of WCW book perhaps.

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I went looking for these to cure my curiosity and came across this absolute gem.

"I got the largest arms in the world; you see that Joe? That's a vein. Something you don't have you fat b*****d."

Scott Steiner had that to say about the tubby Samoan. :lol:

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That was the glorious Tazz/Lawler fued, and he said it to JR. I say glorious because the fued itself was very good. The matches weren't so good. That seems to be a trend for Lawler fueds.


This is a guess, but Jim Cornette? Sounds like one of his rants he did.


That's all I've got I'm afraid. Will you be giving answers after a while?

If people care to try answer I'll give them a chance before giving answers.

Some are familiar and I'm trying to rack my brain. The only one I can get now is the Hitman one, which was Austin about Bret Hart.


The brain cells one has to involve Sid Viscious, and if not, it should have.


The Tarzan one was a commentator I'm sure.


The top one about the face slapping could be Terry Funk.

Dom already has that one correct. It was Tazz talking about JR.

The one about WCW was regarding the Hogan-Piper main event at Starcade 97 I think, and was in the Death Of WCW book perhaps.

Dom has that one too.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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I went looking for these to cure my curiosity and came across this absolute gem.

"I got the largest arms in the world; you see that Joe? That's a vein. Something you don't have you fat b*****d."

Scott Steiner had that to say about the tubby Samoan. :lol:

I loved Steiner and Joe's feud, the maths promo is one of the greatest things in the world.

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