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Mo Wonderboy

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ICW have now confirmed they're going to be on TV, but no details as of yet. Early 2012 is the time given for the show though, and this Sunday is the first taping.

Mychannel on Sky 219 I was reading this morning Dom.

ETA: That's the source I got it from


Edited by J_Stewart
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Watched BFG last night spoiler free and I thought it was a really mixed bag.

Austin Aries and Kendrick was decent enough. Kendrick is absolutely shite and hopefully the reaction he got from the crowd last night will encourage TNA not to use him. Aries is amazing. I thought the match flowed well and there were some decent spots, although Aries completely oversold the "Sliced Bread" from the top. Correct winner although Aries is far too good for the X-Division.

RVD-Lynn was awful I thought, bordering on the dangerous at times. Lynn is broken down and shouldn't be in a major wrestling company, his powerbomb spot was a good example of his general crappiness. RVD still has a place near the top of the card IMO but they have to give him better guys to work with.

I fell asleep during the triple threat match. All three guys are fine but this match did nothing for me. The negative crowd response to Crimson was bizarre I thought, I quite like the guy.

Bully Ray-Anderson was a strange one in that it really deteriorated as it went on. Bubba's promo before the match was incredible and the opening few minutes was a good brawl. Loved the spot with the microphone. Then it became ridiculous though. Anderson no-selling the piledriver onto the concrete was one of the stupidest things I've seen in wrestling for a long time? How am I supposed to suspend my disbelief watching a guy kick out of that? The blown spot from Anderson at the end was terrible, but not as terrible as Tazz saying on commentary "He just called an audible". WTF? That to me is why Anderson can never be a top guy. He's great on the mic but is too unreliable in the ring. Bubba should be the top heel in the company IMO, he is fantastic right now in every sense.

The women's match was an abomination even by women's wrestling standards. You could see the finish a mile off as well.

Styles and Daniels was poor. The match became a farce as soon as Daniels started cutting his promo midmatch. I called ending with the screwdriver as soon as the toolbox came out from under the ring. The post-match beatdown doesn't fill me with any hope whatsoever, I've seen enough Styles vs Daniels to last me a lifetime. AJ deserves better and Daniels deserves to be in RoH or some other shitey indie.

Sting and Hogan was amazing. One of my favourite matches of the year. This was a perfect example of how timing and mannerisms make a wrestling match. From bringing the Naitch out to Sting selling like a pro to Hogan taking bumps, this was far better than we had any right to expect it to be. The post-match stuff was great. Hogan is still the king, his timing is better than anyone who has ever been in the business and the reaction he got from the crowd was fully deserved. There's not much that makes me mark out these days but Hogan ripping off the shirt was one of those rare occasions. If he could do that every match I'd put the belt on him.

Angle-Roode was shite. One thing which has annoyed me since I got back into wrestling is that Kurt Angle's matches have the worst finisher overkill I have seen from any matches. It makes it impossible to get interested in his matches, or buy any of the "near falls". The Angle Slam is now a meaningless move and the Ankle lock is heading the same way. Roode's crossface looked terrible as well. Angle was carrying an injury obviously but this was a spotfest and I expected a lot better from it. Keeping the title on Angle is stupid, Roode's momentum has been killed regardless of what happens on Impact this week (I haven't read spoilers so I don't know what happens in reality). They pushed him so hard to have him lose? I've not got a problem with the finish being rushed slightly as Angle was obviously fucked (Hebner gave the X sign to the main camera), but Roode absolutely had to win the title last night. Everything about this match was wrong, the presentation of the wrestlers in their entrances, the rushed way it went off air, everything.

Once again, TNA fucks up great potential with mental booking.

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RVD-Lynn was awful I thought, bordering on the dangerous at times. Lynn is broken down and shouldn't be in a major wrestling company, his powerbomb spot was a good example of his general crappiness. RVD still has a place near the top of the card IMO but they have to give him better guys to work with.

They were lucky that the Powerbomb spot both 1) didn't hurt anyone and 2) looked sick as f**k. That spot should never have happened. That's not just Jerry Lynn's fault. It was destined for failure. I was quite happy with the brutality of the match though. It was the most we could have gotten from them. Totally agree that Jerry Lynn should be done and hopefully he is.

Anderson no-selling the piledriver onto the concrete was one of the stupidest things I've seen in wrestling for a long time? How am I supposed to suspend my disbelief watching a guy kick out of that?

That was mental. Completely stupid shit there. I thought the match itself was a good intense brawl, and to be fair to Anderson, so many could have overshot that Swanton. It's not like anyone who's done a move like that hasn't overshot a million times. The only guy I've seen with any ridiculous accuracy on the mainstream is AJ Styles.

Sting and Hogan was amazing. One of my favourite matches of the year. This was a perfect example of how timing and mannerisms make a wrestling match. From bringing the Naitch out to Sting selling like a pro to Hogan taking bumps, this was far better than we had any right to expect it to be. The post-match stuff was great. Hogan is still the king, his timing is better than anyone who has ever been in the business and the reaction he got from the crowd was fully deserved. There's not much that makes me mark out these days but Hogan ripping off the shirt was one of those rare occasions. If he could do that every match I'd put the belt on him.

There's matches that make you feel about five years old and this was one of them. The pacing as you say was incredible. You expect that from these two guys. They had the crowd eating out of the palms of their hands as well. I think the only person right now who has that sense of timing is John Cena. Everyone else could stand to learn a thing or two.

Roode's momentum has been killed regardless of what happens on Impact this week (I haven't read spoilers so I don't know what happens in reality). They pushed him so hard to have him lose? I've not got a problem with the finish being rushed slightly as Angle was obviously fucked (Hebner gave the X sign to the main camera), but Roode absolutely had to win the title last night. Everything about this match was wrong, the presentation of the wrestlers in their entrances, the rushed way it went off air, everything.

I had a feeling they'd go with the cheap Angle win and have Bobby Roode go on the chase. It's not as bad as everyone seems to think really. Roode isn't in THAT bad a position as the ending was a cheap one. It's just where they go from here. TNA actually seem to be very cautious about not rushing things and I think they've been too cautious here.

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I too watched BFG spoiler free last night. Agree that the opener was good, and Aries was as usual tremendous. Kendrick as usual was total shite, and his gimmick is one of the worst ever.

As said, RVD-Lynn was decent as it was just a spotfest, although many of the crowd must have been wondering who Jerry Lynn is, as the whole feud is based on their ECW feud, of which many won't have a clue about.

The 3 way was pretty average. Morgan is just shit and proved it with his pishy attempt at the Carbon Footprint. In fact he pretty much shat out of it. Good to see Joe being a badass again, even if it was just for a bit.

The woman's match was a travesty. No more can, or should, be said about it.

Bully Ray - Anderson was good. Who said Anderson is good on the mic though? He's terrible. He's just loud and very unfunny. For good on the mic, look at Bully Ray. He was fantastic again last night. Some good spots, and I'm sure Anderson was laughing after he missed the swanton, and you could quite clearly see him and Bully Ray talking after it to improvise a finish, which, to be fair, worked well. Highlight of this match though was when the random woman in the crowd threw beer over them and pished herself laughing about it. Anderson did not look impressed.

The I Quit match had the best pre-match video package of the entire show. It was WWE standard. Shame about the match. Hebner's worked an I Quit match before, so why was he shoving the mic in their faces after every move?! Total pish. And Daniels went rather overboard by saying he was going to 'murder' AJ Styles. Calm it down you daft c**t.

Can't say I share the feeling about the Hogan match. It was dire, and the finish really makes no sense in terms of Hogan turning. Total pish. What purpose does it serve?! To me it also showed how selfish Hogan remains, as after that the crowd were dead for the main event....

...which was dreadful and a total slap in the face for the fans. It was a pretty slow match, the crowd just weren't into it, the build up was shit, and the finish was breathtakingly bad.

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Highlight of this match though was when the random woman in the crowd threw beer over them and pished herself laughing about it. Anderson did not look impressed.

I fucking hate when people do things like that. No wonder he wasn't impressed. I'd imagine anyone involved in the match wasn't impressed. A lot of fans look down on it too, including myself. Shows absolutely no respect for the guys who put their bodies on the line. Reckless.

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So the match of the night involved Hogan, Sting, Flair, Steiner, Bully Ray and Bischoff? That's the problem in TNA, you had also on the card Aries, Joe, the lad Crimson, AJ and Roode. Guys like these should be having match of the night. Instead they are either shunted down the card, given little to no build up, or given very little match time.

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Why would Crimson be in the best match of the night? He's shit.

Oh, and AJ and Daniels used to have great matches constantly and their chemistry was always good. You could see why TNA thought their last PPV outing was a one-off. It was just crap though.

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They were lucky that the Powerbomb spot both 1) didn't hurt anyone and 2) looked sick as f**k. That spot should never have happened. That's not just Jerry Lynn's fault. It was destined for failure. I was quite happy with the brutality of the match though. It was the most we could have gotten from them. Totally agree that Jerry Lynn should be done and hopefully he is.

I about shat myself when Lynn German suplexed RVD and it looked like he was going to smash the back of his head off the corner of the ladder.

There's matches that make you feel about five years old and this was one of them. The pacing as you say was incredible. You expect that from these two guys. They had the crowd eating out of the palms of their hands as well. I think the only person right now who has that sense of timing is John Cena. Everyone else could stand to learn a thing or two.

They need the likes of Sting and Hogan to stick around for a couple of reasons:

1) They are over as rover

2) They can still work a good match

3) They need to teach the younger guys in the company to work as well as them.

I had a feeling they'd go with the cheap Angle win and have Bobby Roode go on the chase. It's not as bad as everyone seems to think really. Roode isn't in THAT bad a position as the ending was a cheap one. It's just where they go from here. TNA actually seem to be very cautious about not rushing things and I think they've been too cautious here.

The chase for Roode was the 13 years in the business and the BFG series (he came back from an injury and a poor start in that which I thought TNa would've pushed a lot more). He looked awful in that match IMO, the way he was presented as soon as the video package ended, his finishers look weak because they had little to no effect whatsoever on Angle. His momentum was destroyed on Sunday and I don't think they can get it back easily. Sunday was the right guy at the right time, I can't quite believe they didn't give him the clean win.

Kendrick as usual was total shite, and his gimmick is one of the worst ever.

It's awful isn't it? He's been shite for as long as I can remember, he doesn't bore me though, he actually grates on me and makes me angry in the same way Matt Hardy did/does.

Bully Ray - Anderson was good. Who said Anderson is good on the mic though? He's terrible. He's just loud and very unfunny. For good on the mic, look at Bully Ray. He was fantastic again last night.

People may not like Anderson but the guy can talk very well. Just a shame he is an accident waiting to happen in the ring and it doesn't look like he's been to the gym in about 6 months.

Can't say I share the feeling about the Hogan match. It was dire, and the finish really makes no sense in terms of Hogan turning. Total pish. What purpose does it serve?! To me it also showed how selfish Hogan remains, as after that the crowd were dead for the main event....

How does it show Hogan to be selfish? The finish made perfect sense - the build-up with Bischoff skelping his son with the chair and Sting getting beaten up by Immortal made Hogan realise he's been knocking about with the wrong crowd. Bischoff comes across as a total c**t through his actions and Hogan sees this and decides he's had enough. He "fights for what's right" after all. I loved it, that's what wrestling is all about.

...which was dreadful and a total slap in the face for the fans. It was a pretty slow match, the crowd just weren't into it, the build up was shit, and the finish was breathtakingly bad.

The only thing I'd disagree with is that the build up within the match wasn't shit, it was completely non-existent. It was straight into the finisher overkill that we've come to expect from an Angle match in TNA, there wasn't a comeback of any sorts and the crowd were understandably dead. It was such an easy match to book - trade some holds/blows first, Angle should have taken hold of the match, Roode should have made a comeback and either pinned or tapped Angle cleanly.

I fucking hate when people do things like that. No wonder he wasn't impressed. I'd imagine anyone involved in the match wasn't impressed. A lot of fans look down on it too, including myself. Shows absolutely no respect for the guys who put their bodies on the line. Reckless.

I completely agree. I hope she got chucked out. I did laugh however when Dixie got poked in the face by the guy dressed as the nWo Hulkster and looked raging.

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So the match of the night involved Hogan, Sting, Flair, Steiner, Bully Ray and Bischoff? That's the problem in TNA, you had also on the card Aries, Joe, the lad Crimson, AJ and Roode. Guys like these should be having match of the night. Instead they are either shunted down the card, given little to no build up, or given very little match time.

Or they aren't good enough to have a match of the night.

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Or they aren't good enough to have a match of the night.

Maybe the lad Crimson isn't, I've barely saw him. Aries should be higher up the card than the X-Division he is good enough, Joe and AJ are most certainly good enough and they obviously think Roode is good enough since they put him in the main event of their biggest show of the year, so why can't they have MOTN's? They just need to show more faith in the other guys I reckon, they seem to scared to push some of them.

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It's obvious Samoa Joe, AJ Styles and Roode are good enough. They've been involved in the best matches on TNA shows before. They've all been involved in utter crackers actually. Austin Aries has proven himself elsewhere. These guys are good enough.

That doesn't mean to say that Hogan/Sting being the most enjoyable match is a bad thing though. I didn't think it was MOTN because I do prefer to have more in it, and I thought Aries and Kendrick had the best match on the show, but it was ridiculously entertaining.

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I too watched BFG last night without prior spoiler knowledge.

AA v Kendrick was a terrific start to the show and I thought we'd finally see TNA turn back onto the right lines again. Kendrick getting booed was justified as he's an extremely limited wrestler whereas AA has a very good all round game about him. His flying move that resulted in them smashing into the barracade was oustanding and my favourite moment of the whole show!

Bully Ray v Anderson I thought was a good match let down by the botched finish. Bully Ray is brilliant on the mic right now although his rape line about fans certainly was a shock (and yes I'm sure it wasn't quite what he meant but still). Other people must see something in Anderson that I don't. I think he's another limited wrestler who has been pushing above his weight when involved in title feuds. Still, it was mental when they used the barracade in the ring.

RVD V Lynn- built up to be something of a feud that I felt was over-sold. However it was a good match and I agree that Lynn was dangerous with his usage of the ladder. I've thought RVD has slowed down a lot because of his age and wear n tear, but showed he can still be a good performer.

The triple threat match was only good during the moments Morgan was out the equation. He's absolutely terrible. Crimson and Joe are good performers though, especially Joe who is an excellent heel and bloody quick for a man of his size.

The womens match was awful and they've put the belt on the worst wrestler in the womens roster. Nuff said.

AJ v Daniels. Hebner led me to start punching things in anger with his persistance to shove the mic into someones face after what felt like every move. Then Daniels basically declaring his intention to murder AJ? That was a bit too much even for me, a lover of hardcore!!! I'll say it again for the umpteenth time, AJ should be working so much higher up. This should have been a feud ender, but looks like it will drag on even more.

Hogan v Sting. Why Hogan is still in the ring I don't understand. He's far too old and still hasn't learned how to sell a move properly in his 150 years in the business. The ending still doesn't make sense, why turn Hogan face? Angle's now lost his buddy within Immortal leaving him with JJ who he has feuded with for years, it's absolutely daft. Hogan and Sting to buddy up with Hardly to take on Immortal now? Bully Ray to lead them perhaps? F*ck knows.

The title match. Absolutely raging as it was built up to f*ck for weeks and weeks. Then on the night, it came across like just another match. No proper build up of tension or anything. Whoever mentioned that Angle's finishers are pointless now I said last night whilst watching it. Renders them pointless. Absolute sh*t ending to what was built up to be (before the actual night) and SHOULD have been an absolute classic, no matter who won.

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