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Mo Wonderboy

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To be fair, given that it's a show primarily aimed at children, is there really a problem with that? I'm actually intrigued to see what kind of a difference that it makes.

Anyways, I'm heading for Preston tomorrow morning. Show tomorrow night. The card looks great...

PCW Championship

T-Bone © vs. Davey Richards vs. Lionheart vs. ???

Entry to Main Event

Dave Mastiff vs. El Ligero

PCW Tag Team Championships

Fight Club ( Kid Fite and Liam Thomson ) vs. Disco Madness ( Sam Bailey and Mad Man Manson ) vs. MOB ( Ruffneck and Keith Myatt )

PCW Cruiserweight Championship

20 Minute Scramble Match

Noam Dar vs. Martin Kirby vs. Jonathon Gresham vs. Joey Hayes vs. Dean Allmark vs. Dave Rayne

CJ Banks vs. Kay Lee Ray

Rampage Brown vs. Kris Travis

The Hammer vs. Bubblegum

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Regal just absolutely bitched Tensai on Twitter :lol:

Tensai said something along the lines of "You're usually quicker than that" and Regal came back with, "Sorry, was daydreaming about how over you are"

Regal is a hero. I would love to see him win a WHC or WWE title, especially since it would make him a Grand Slam champion.

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Regal just absolutely bitched Tensai on Twitter :lol:

Tensai said something along the lines of "You're usually quicker than that" and Regal came back with, "Sorry, was daydreaming about how over you are"

Heres the full exchange, its epic:

William Regal @RealKingRegal


I'll be signing at Axxess on Saturday from 6-8pm.I'll be the one trick pony insignificant one that no one will know @WWE.


Matthew Bloom @GiantBernard


@RealKingRegal @WWE That is certainly not true. Everybody nose who you are.

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William Regal @RealKingRegal


.The only man with a beer belly on the back of his head is insulting my magnificent nose.Lovely. @GiantBernard

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Matthew Bloom @GiantBernard


@RealKingRegal there you are. I was worried you've fallen. Usually much quicker.

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William Regal


Only just looked.Was daydreaming about how over you are. @GiantBernard

12:20 AM - 18 Aug 12 · Osfoora for iPhone

Regal is magnificent

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There aren't many more enjoyable wrestling experiences than the PCW one, I have to say.

I tried to get blood from a stone, but Davey Richards was not saying anything about the incident in Iowa. I went a bit Paxman before deciding to leave him alone. I then got a death stare from him because of my constant annoyance.

Can't remember a lot of the night thanks to a mix of Jager and lager. It was fun though.

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Full show... Card has...

ICW Championship
Red Lightning © vs. BT Gunn

ICW Zero G Championship
Noam Dar © vs. Christopher vs. Andy Wild

Five Rounds, Two out of Three Falls, No DQ
Chris Renfrew vs. Jimmy Havoc

Last Man Standing Match
Jack Jester vs. Mikey Whiplash

The Bucky Boys vs. Kid Fite and Johnny Moss

The STI vs. Joe and Mark Coffey
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There aren't many more enjoyable wrestling experiences than the PCW one, I have to say.

I tried to get blood from a stone, but Davey Richards was not saying anything about the incident in Iowa. I went a bit Paxman before deciding to leave him alone. I then got a death stare from him because of my constant annoyance.

Can't remember a lot of the night thanks to a mix of Jager and lager. It was fun though.

:lol: Surprised Richards would stand for that, starting on a smart-arse fan seems the kind of thing he'd absolutely thrive on to make himself appear more 'legit'(albeit only in his own mind, while everyone else points and laughs).

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