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Mo Wonderboy

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Smackdown spoiler below incase people don't want to know until Friday.

Then we had the main event which was a pretty good match with a few twists and turns and kickouts then came the finish where it looked like Christian was in control when he went up to the top rope and boom Randy Orton hits an RKO out of nowhere to become the new World Heavyweight Champion.

f**k off :angry:

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Smackdown spoiler below incase people don't want to know until Friday.

Then we had the main event which was a pretty good match with a few twists and turns and kickouts then came the finish where it looked like Christian was in control when he went up to the top rope and boom Randy Orton hits an RKO out of nowhere to become the new World Heavyweight Champion.

f**k sake. That is complete shite, did Vince no hear the reaction Christian winning got, and now it seems there gonna go with Christian turning heel. Make Orton heel again, at least he has a bit of character when he is, he's boring as f**k being the way he is the now.

Dont think I've ever been properly pissed off a something WWE have done before but Orton winning the belt 2 days after Christian finally does it isjust fucking shit, I would expect that kinda booking from fucking TNA.

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f**k sake. That is complete shite, did Vince no hear the reaction Christian winning got, and now it seems there gonna go with Christian turning heel. Make Orton heel again, at least he has a bit of character when he is, he's boring as f**k being the way he is the now.

Dont think I've ever been properly pissed off a something WWE have done before but Orton winning the belt 2 days after Christian finally does it isjust fucking shit, I would expect that kinda booking from fucking TNA.

There is currently a dearth of top heels on Smackdown, so if this leads to a feud with Christian as the top heel on the brand, gets him the title back in the not too distant future and legitimizes him as a bona fide main eventer then this is fair enough. If the outcome is anything else (other than Orton turning heel instead but with same outcome as above) then this is complete and total bull shit. We shall see, but I was seriously pissed off reading that this morning.

Edited by J_Stewart
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Unreal. Listen to that crowd.

If Road Dogg was presented with that entrance music and afterwards he came up with the words in between pauses of the song then that is absolute genius.

Thing is, they gave Road Dogg so much freedom on the mike and it was him that worked the crowd into a frenzy. They could do with giving guys more creative license these days.

They were a great tag team. Road Dogg had the mike skills and Billy Gunn was a great athlete. They worked well together. Two bitter, bitter men though, if the shoot interview I saw with them is anything to go by.

The New Age Outlaws were probably the most over tag team in all of the Attitude Era. Although I cant say I agree with more mic freedom, Anderson and Flair have it and it all looks a bit too sloppy.

Fair enough about Bubba pushed as a heel but they really need to start pushing younger talent. Personally I loved Kurt Angle when he was heel in the WWE.

Kurt Angle is such a boring boring character these days compared to 10 years ago. He was funny, had a great gimmick 10 years ago. Now he just shows up, all serious wanting revenge on Jarrett for what feels about 4 years.

This will be unpopular but Christian is not championship material.

Possibly, 5 years ago Christian should have been a world champ. He's not really the same character he was 5 years ago. He still a lot more entertaining than Orton, Morrison and R Truth

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Impact is worth watching if only for 2 reasons:

1: let some steam off at the screen for the sh*te that Hogan, Pishoff and Russo are STILL conjuring up all these years later

2: Scott Steroids absolutely retarded rants! Something about badminton and basketball last night :lol:

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Impact last night staged a WWE tribute show it would seem.

Anderson now has a monster truck. The originality. Even more original, Sting smashed in the windows with a lead pipe. Why don't they just make Mr Anderson come out to the ring in black boots and black trunks? Actually, he already has the black boots. Now he just needs to shave his head and wear the black trunks. Maybe a black waistcoat? He's still awful with his promos.

There was a shot of Anderson peeking up from the ring apron with a lead pipe and a maniacal grin ala Vince McMahon. Only difference is he wasn't busted open.

Crimson now has a streak. Are they ripping off Goldberg or Undertaker here? Fair enough an undefeated storyline is common, but to purposely use the term 'streak' (many times) is just rank chat.

The main event featured Bubba Ray. Dear me. It also featured in his 50's champion Sting and RVD. Way to push the talent.

They're trying to get that commentator (who's name escapes me now for some reason) to be like Michale Buffer with the introductions for the main event. Fail.

The opening segment was exceptionally shit, and took about 20 minutes. Could have had an actual wrestler talking or, oh I don't know, actual wrestling. And why the f**k did the caterer come out to the ring with a frying tool and the seamstress with fabric and a measuring tape?

The Angelina Love is being controlled by drugs pish continues to be breathtakingly terrible. What fucking sort of magic drugs are these that can be slipped into her drink that make her seemingly feel no pain and respond only to one person?! Hypnotherapy would be fucking stupid but it would make sense.

As stated, Steiner's promos were hilarious last night.

The closing segment of promos was pish too, and really pointless.

Again, at least half of the roster weren't on the show. They were bumped for a whole load of Karen Jarrett nonsense (in total, about 25 minutes), some Steiner rambling, some pishy Bubba Ray shouting and the usual crappy Sting promo.

One good thing though. The TV title was actually defended on TV, and it was a good match and had a clean finish with no run ins or interference or ref bumps or anything!

Edited by DA Baracus
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Whenever someone goes on an undefeated run, it's normally called a streak. Doesn't matter who it is really.

Oh and on the subject of Smackdown...

Can't really comment on the Christian thing yet. Contrary to what some think, Christian isn't really that popular. At least not brand speaheading popular. If he turns heel, that's his best bet. He has the mic skills and a good fued with Randy Orton might be what he needs to push him into the main event playing field.

Edited by DomDom
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Aye it was absolutely rank. Shame, as WWE is probably the worst it's been since the early to mid 90's and even half decent programming from TNA would probably draw a lot of viewers from WWE.

Talking of WWE, it's just so bad right now. I'm actually glad I don't get to see it.

Orton and Cena as champions; the joy.

No major feuds going. No major new stars. Miz, Punk, Nexus, The Corre, Kingston, Del Rio, Sheamus, Bryan, Ziggler all stripped of any credibility. Titles mean f**k all. Atmosphere at shows boring. No element of fun or unpredictability. Same matches. Utterly stale. They're in big trouble.

Edited by DA Baracus
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Really, Forehead? *sigh*

On the bright note, I'll be delighted about Angle's mistress if it's true and I'll be letting Baracus know all about it :lol:

X Division get's shat on once again. I'm not really a long term follower of TNA but I do know they have a lot of good talent there and it's being wasted on WWE rejects and has-been mid carders. Especially Jeff Jizzit, absolute CNUT I hate him beyond words for all the tv time that's getting wasted on him.

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Aye it was absolutely rank. Shame, as WWE is probably the worst it's been since the early to mid 90's and even half decent programming from TNA would probably draw a lot of viewers from WWE.

Talking of WWE, it's just so bad right now. I'm actually glad I don't get to see it.

Orton and Cena as champions;

the joy. No major feuds going. No major new stars. Miz, Punk, Nexus, The Corre, Kingston, Del Rio, Sheamus, Bryan, Ziggler all stripped of any credibility. Titles mean f**k all. Atmosphere at shows boring. No element of fun or unpredictability. Same matches. Utterly stale. They're in big trouble.

Spoiler!!!! dry.gif

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Have they ever went with a storyline whereby the title has changed hands between 2 competitors for several weeks running with each invoking their re-match clauses or whatever bollocks they give?

Another way of looking at it is this: Christian isn't a young guy anymore. Who knows how many years he has left, and when he's finishing up it sounds much better to say he was a (for example) 3 time World Champion than it does to say he was once a World Champion. He could very well win it back sooner rather than later.

I hope they haven't just given it to him as a way of keeping the title on SD before pissing all over him. :(

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Someone on another board has said that the reason Punk isn't signing a new contract is because WWE want to own the CM Punk name. Fucking assholes, I hope he doesn't sign then. They have no right to his name that he's worked years to build up on his own.

edit: to reply to Gary's suggestion:

That wouldn't be terrible, when Miz got the pinfall I was initially very shocked until I realised that he'd lose it because he'd drop the title or someone would show the footage so that could work.

Edited by forehead7
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How are WWE "fucking assholes" for wanting to protect an investment? Why do you think WWE use the name Daniel Bryan? Why do you think that hardly ANYONE uses their real name in WWE anymore? They are well within their rights to do what they do.

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