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Mo Wonderboy

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To be honest that match was a bit shite, in the sense that I was hoping for some major swerve, or heel turn, it all ended a bit meh.....but at the same time, it was fucking fantastic. The Rock made me feel 12 again!!! Love that guywub.gif

No matter what's going on, he always gets you going. To be fair to Cena so does he.

Oh and Punk won and Henry retained.....I'm happysmile.gif

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To be honest that match was a bit shite, in the sense that I was hoping for some major swerve, or heel turn, it all ended a bit meh.....but at the same time, it was fucking fantastic. The Rock made me feel 12 again!!! Love that guywub.gif

Oh and Punk won and Henry retained.....I'm happysmile.gif

I'm not gonna bother to type out a post as you've already summed up my feelings.

Decent PPV but I'd never play 15 quid to see it.

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Quite happy with the results in most of the matches and was fantastic seeing the great one back in action! Is it just me or is anybody else starting to feel a bit sorry for Cena with all the boos he gets wherever he goes these days? Far from a fan of the guy but he's supposed to be the biggest face in the company.

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Not only did The Rock score the pin over R-Truth in his tag bout against The "Awesome Truth" at Survivor Series but he nailed hisWrestleMania opponent, John Cena, with a Rock Bottom after the match.

He then spoke to the Madison Square Garden audience following the pay-per-view broadcast. He started off his speech by saying "Can The Rock get some water? Jesus Christ!" The Rock told a ringside attendant "You better give The Rock some water, or I'll kick your monkey ass."

A loud chant then broke out with half the crowd chanting "You still got it!" while the other half chanted "Welcome back!". The Rock told the audience "to make up their damn minds." He then addressed one-half of the crowd by saying "As far as you still got it, shit, I always had it!"

A "We want Ryder" chant then broke out. The Rock said "Yeah, I love him. I can't believe how tall that son of a bitch is!". A fan in the crowd yelled "Are you gonna cry?!" and The Rock responded, "Hell no! I'll put boots to asses before I cry! There must be some good weed in NYC for people to ask if The Rock is gonna cry!".

The Rock continued speaking by saying that he came to entertain the fans tonight. He thanks them all and says tonight was the greatest night in the history of his WWE career. He says tonight is only the beginning and "the money isn't that bad either."The Rock thanks the fans once more and says goodnight.

He spent a lot of time shaking hands around ringside, including the announcers and attendants.


Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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Fell asleep just before Punk/Del Rio so just finished watching the final two matches there.

I thought it was a really good PPV and the only thing I didn't really like about it was the finish to Henry/Show - it sort of seemed like they had got the crowd back onside after a few "boring" chants, and then BAM! It was over.

I do sort of feel sorry for Cena and it'd actually perhaps be better for both him and the WWE if they did turn him heel. Chanting "you can't wrestle" at John Cena and then chanting they want Zack Ryder just seems insanely stupid.

The crowd were red hot throughout, Michael Cole actually stuck to commentating, and The Rock was electrifying.


Read a comment on Twitter earlier which made me chuckle: "TLC is now known as Twitter, Ladders, and Chairs."

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I thought it was a largely disappointing show. Two really good matches, a fun main event and a load of shite. Two MASSIVE wasted oppertunities.

1) That crowd would have made Zack Ryder winning the US title feel like a big deal. And that in turn makes HIM look like a big deal. Instead, they'll be doing it on a show where you never know what the reaction is going to be, which seems to be the way with Ryder at the minute.

2) A month after Henry beats Orton clean, they should have been cementing that here. Their refusal to do so is ridiculously frustrating. Mark Henry should have won clean last night and then crushed Daniel Bryan so as we don't have to see him in a big title match at Mania. He clearly isn't ready.

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Will The Rock be on Raw later?

I doubt it but who knows. Maybe if RAW was coming from NY again, but I think it's Hershey,PA tonight. Probably not would be my guess.

On a side note,

WWE Champion CM Punk spoke with The New York Daily News today. Punk had the following to say about The Rock's return:"You know, the thing about that is, he's not around. He's not around. It doesn't help morale when the guy goes right from his limo to the dressing room to the dressing room to the ring. He's very bourgeois Hollywood."

CM Punk told the paper that The Rock has made little effort to interact with the rest of the locker room."He came back, he did WWE Raw after that. He said he was never gonna leave. And the next time we saw him is a month later. Yeah, it does bother me. A little hello would have been nice. He could have run by with his own entourage."

Punk was asked if The Rock is a diva. He replied:"I can't say that. At least the WWE Divas say hi to me in the halls."

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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