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Livingston - all the threads merged

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As Raith_94 says, you have missed the boat there.

Thanks for the vote of confidence. Many would happily take a relegation/points penalty but it is outwith our control. We need to move on and create something better regardless of what happens or where we are playing.

Game into disrepute? Yeah, that's a very fair point. But I would say that if you are loyal to the game in general, that you do attend away games at Almondvale. The SFL needs representation in West Lothian and for better or for worse, that's us! It serves Scottish League Football no purpose if there is none. Would you rather we all put our hard earned into the local rugby club? What would that do for the greater benefit of Scottish football? I'm not asking you to love us or even buy our pies, just support your team for the benefit of the game in general.

I always will support my team, but I can happily do so while avoiding Almondvale if and when a fixture arises. The whole point you are trying to make comes full circle (by your logic). If "real footie fans" would pay their money to go to Almondvale, then what type of club is it that pays it debts? Would that be a "real football club"? Ergo one that does not pay its way, and seeks to avoid honouring its debts (and today, right now, that is still the way Livingston want to do it) is not a real football club. Yes?

Lets be clear about this. Livingston are still actively pursuing a policy of paying their debts only when there are no debts to pay. I might be missing something, but it's just the usual rhetoric coming out of Livingston. Nothing has actually changed.

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Guest Flash

All this semi-emotional blackmail regarding "real" football fans supporting their team no matter what is only a smokescreen to attempt to disguise the fact they are worried that a boycott would result in the business plan to save them being flawed.

If other fans wish to go to matches at Almondvale, that is up to them. However, saying that "you're not a real fan" if you don't is utter pish. All they are interestd in is saving their own skins. Which is fine, but don't try to dress that up as being concerned about the greater good of Scottish football.

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Yes, well I will be giving raith the £25 it would have cost me to attend. Times 2 that £50 which i am certain will help the club in some small way.

I could only go to 6 away games this season, 2 were at almondvale. The other 4 EEP and Dundee will get my money.

But if or when livi announce they will pay all creditors, then i may change my mind and go to those two games.

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If their aim is a sustainable club I assume the first move today will be firing their unsustainable squad and downsizing to something that can be paid for by their two men and a dug support? I would be livid if Rae gave Morton's vote to this sordid scheme. No-one knows his actual intentions though, and with one home game til September the chances of it being in the programme are slim...

Edited by vikingTON
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If their aim is a sustainable club I assume the first move today will be firing their unsustainable squad and downsizing to something that can be paid for by their two men and a dug support? I would be livid if Rae gave Morton's vote to this sordid scheme. No-one knows his actual intentions though, and with one home game til September the chances of it being in the programme are slim...

Umm I hope you are not saying I am a 'dug'? :lol:

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If their aim is a sustainable club I assume the first move today will be firing their unsustainable squad and downsizing to something that can be paid for by their two men and a dug support?

I asked this question earlier, no-one answered.

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I asked this question earlier, no-one answered.

It's almost as if yesterday's sales pitch to Longmuir, with the need for First Division football, doesn't square with their pledge to be financially responsible in future. That's a development I did not expect to see.

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Sorry took offence to the 'dug' part. :D I would assume that would be happening now yes as we really cannot afford to pay for a fair amount of the squads large wages & pay back the debts. It will be whittled down to the minimum now.

Under 19s it is then :D

Oh, and :D

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Perhaps now that the SFL's rulebook has been shown to be a complete joke, and can be altered/amended/ignored when it suits the body which is supposed to enforce the rules that THEY put in place, there will be a backlash by disgruntled clubs. Perhaps the SPL 2 idea will be raised once again.

Once again, I quote from the Guardian article regarding Airdrieonians' ejection from the SFL:

"But the chairmen decided that to allow Airdrie United to emerge from the blackened ashes of Airdrieonians would be setting a dangerous precedent that might see cash-strapped football clubs disappear only to reappear under a different guise. Donald said: "I think the potential precedent that may have been set may have been a major factor.

"There was certainly concern about that and I think it was certainly one element that went towards it.""

So basically, the SFL are now proposing the very same thing that they used to reject the Airdrieonians bid to stay in the SFL. Indeed, they are proposing rule changes to make it easier.

It just goes to show that the SFL is a paper tiger, run by unbelievably unscrupulous and clueless fuckwits.

I will add that I hoped that Livi would survive, but there should have been a series of hard and fast rules in place - rules which applied to ALL member clubs. The fact that the SFL let this rumble on to this late in the day and then attempted to save face by fucking over the resto of the SFL members speaks volumes for their integrity.

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Staggering. Simply staggering. Longmuir has just told the world he is utterly unfit to hold office. I am already in the place where I will never give one penny to Livingston FC for the rest of my days. I have three boys who are in exactly the same place (a bit of support for Dad). It currently sits as the only away fixture (be it league or Cup) that I will never attend again.

I can't possibly hope to convince other travelling supporters to do the same, but I would certainly encourage it. Longmuir in all of his magnificent stupidity, has give the official viewpoint of the SFL. It's no bad thing oif the footballing supporters of this country give their alternate opinion in a way that these nuggets understand...........stay away from Almondvale.

You really do need to get a life. Seriously.

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