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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Livingston ARE in administration - thats why you have an administrator running things. Until you pay the creditors what they have asked the courts for, you will remain in administration. Liquidation is still a possibility if the administrator cannot come to agreement with the creditors. And on that note I am mystified why Livingston can talk about bringing in a new manager as I understood that Livingston could not take on staff while in administration.

I can see why you are mystified. :rolleyes:

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It's common place but it is not endemic. As to my own club..............every single penny of debt paid back in full. It is hard to argue with that.........so there's really no point to be made or discussion to be had on that subject.

Look, Dunfermline are still there, and as far as I know, are servicing their debt (if not reducing it). Livingston bumped the MTFC creditors is 94, and set off with a completely clean slate, and had no ground to acquire.........every taxpayer paid for it............and despite that, in ten brief years, they ran up 10 million pounds worth of debt, and ruined a not so bright lottery winner. Despite having everything served up to them on a silver platter, your club performed in an accelerated binge of hedonism that no-one else has come close to matching. To escape scot free from that mess and leave many (including you and me) creditors decimated by their disgusting 2.8p in the pound, your club went and did it again. It matters not what other clubs in trouble might be doing..........this is about what is seen by most as a tawdry outfit in West Lothian has done.

You guys need to get off this kick of trying to demonstrate that you are no worse than the poorest, and try to see that you are about as bad as it gets.

Suddenly Rankine is your man, and you all trust him. Come back and tell me that in a year's time. You have gone from crook to crook to chancer to lunatic to chancer. Your man Ged Nixon is going to have his arse kicked from day one. Rankine will run rings round him.

Are you trying to bore us to death?

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You certainly are making a play to corner the market in talking horseshit. Fill your boots kid. Schaudenfreude it isn't. I take no pleasure in the misfortune of others. By that definition, you will claim that the Gretna and Livingston scenarios as being "unfortunate". I can only presume your insight into how things work doesn't extend too far.

On a personal level, having been ripped off by Livingston for a significant sum, it's amazing how motivated it can make you in trying to express what justice should look like. I do not expect you to understand or side with me. We all apply our God given gifts and limitations as best we can. Your posting above has amply demonstrated that.

"On a personal level, having been ripped off by Livingston for a significant sum"

Oh come off it Duncan - now we know you're at it!

You played that tune as well about Gretna!

So how many other football clubs are you going to claim "ripped me off" whenever they get into soapy bubble? Away and play with yourself, you sad little Walter Mitty :lol:

To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, your posting is both original and funny. Unfortunately, the original parts are not funny, and the funny parts are not original.

If you are going to pull the pseudo-intellectual routine, at least try and get your paraphrase right rather than just the only other pseudo-intellectual you've heard of.

The line in question was by Dr Samual Johnston, not Wilde (and he probably ripped it off from Chaucer anyway) :rolleyes:

Edited by WaffenThinMint
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Anybody got a direct quote (and source :P ) from McDougall or Rankine withdrawing their offer if there is a demotion from Division 1. I know Longmuir drivelled something but he's hardly trustworthy

If true it's not so much a gun, but a .44 magnum, they've put to his head.

Meantime, whilst awaiting replies to my questions, I'll adopt yours as number 3 on my list of things not known. I hope you don't mind :rolleyes:

1/ Is Hegarty situation resolved, yes or no?

2/ Can the SFL reject the business plan? yes or no?

3/ Can the offer be withdrawn? yes or no?

Can't be hard for someone Livi-minded shed some light on the above. :huh:

Edited by glensburgh
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Here was me thinking Schadenfraude would be a Germanic psychological trait...


"scha·den·freu·de audio.gifPronunciation: \ˈshä-dən-ˌfrȯi-də\ Function:noun Usage:often capitalized Etymology:German, from Schaden damage + Freude joyDate:1895 : enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others

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From what I've read that's a bit unfair. Yes Massone was a loony but Flynn (allegedly) hid the true nature of Livi's debts as well as their structural debt.

To be honest none of your owners come out of this smelling of roses!!

Flynn ran up debts of £287k which as I've said again and again is a perfectably manageable amount. How that increases by £1.5 million in a year is completely alien to me. I really don't know how he did it with the Celtic game, the sale of four of the best players in the league and the Dorrans money coming in.

No, no it isnt

For a small support in only two weeks, that is a good amount. You're looking at about £700 a day despite the fact there have only been two games and one fundraiser.

Now that you are apparently saved will you simply blame EVERYTHING on Massone? The fact is Livingston have NEVER had a "perfectly manageable" debt.

No, I won't blame everything on Massone, as I've said above though 99% of the blame goes to him for his complete financial mismanagement. Did we really not have a perfectly manageable debt when the slate was wiped clean?

Like who?

Dave Mackay for free, for one.

Are you accusing Albion Rovers of fiddling the gate then?

If you saw the crowd yesterday, I don't think you would have said there was only 600 there.

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Dave Mackay for free, for one.

You couldn't afford to pay his wages, and I don't think any side would pay a fee for him. Good player to have, but at his stage of his career, not one that yields a transfer fee.

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You couldn't afford to pay his wages, and I don't think any side would pay a fee for him. Good player to have, but at his stage of his career, not one that yields a transfer fee.

I disagree with that but whatever.

I think St. Johnstone certiainly got a steal for both Davidson and Mackay for £50k.

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I disagree with that but whatever.

I think St. Johnstone certiainly got a steal for both Davidson and Mackay for £50k.

It was certainly a good deal. The fee for Griffiths, in the current climate was probably right. A player is only worth what clubs are willing to pay at that time. I was extremely surprised Hibs didnt put in a decent bid though.

I agree with most of your sentiments regarding Massone. Flynn doubtless pulled a few fast ones in his time, but Massone has somehow pissed away some decent lump sum incomes, AND allowed the debt to grow. He wasnt using the money to pay players, or indeed bills, so where the f**k was it going?

Mind you, adding up the costs of his rented property, cars, fines and other flights and accommodation, not just for him but no doubt the other consortium members must account for a fair whack of money.

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"On a personal level, having been ripped off by Livingston for a significant sum"

Oh come off it Duncan - now we know you're at it!

You played that tune as well about Gretna!

So how many other football clubs are you going to claim "ripped me off" whenever they get into soapy bubble? Away and play with yourself, you sad little Walter Mitty :lol:

If you are going to pull the pseudo-intellectual routine, at least try and get your paraphrase right rather than just the only other pseudo-intellectual you've heard of.

The line in question was by Dr Samual Johnston, not Wilde (and he probably ripped it off from Chaucer anyway) :rolleyes:

REALLY??? :o I'm off to inspect the Gretna thread now, cheers for that.

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If true it's not so much a gun, but a .44 magnum, they've put to his head.

Meantime, whilst awaiting replies to my questions, I'll adopt yours as number 3 on my list of things not known. I hope you don't mind :rolleyes:

1/ Is Hegarty situation resolved, yes or no?

2/ Can the SFL reject the business plan? yes or no?

3/ Can the offer be withdrawn? yes or no?

Can't be hard for someone Livi-minded shed some light on the above. :huh:

I am as confused as you about the Hegarty situation, I assumed that as Murphy was head coach that the managers position was still under the scrutiny of legal action from Hegarty, but have you ever tried to question Massone & receive a sensible answer? I hope we shall find out now though exactly what happened here.

I must add though that I have been unable to keep up with the posts on here & livilions in the last week so this may be discussed elsewhere.

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REALLY??? :o I'm off to inspect the Gretna thread now, cheers for that.

Don't think Duncan has said anything about losing money in Gretna. Perhaps someone has confused him with Alibi.

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That's what I assumed but somehow I doubt it.

Why's that?

I must say, I've done a bit of trawling through the Gretna Thread and it doesn't seem like Duncan Freemason was claiming he was a creditor.

Waffen probably has him mixed up with someone else. I do remember someone posting on it that had been due money, pretty sure it wasn't Duncan though **

** Too hungover to bother checking

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