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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Time the SFL brought in a similar rule to impose some financial reality on clubs.

Sounds fair, although I think there would probably be a number of clubs who would be hit straight away by any ruling, such is the state of the scottish game.

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Every taxpayer has been shafted by Livingston as they will no doubt have their repayments dramatically slashed to WLC and HMRC. I fall into the taxpayer bracket so therefore I am p'd off.

What a drama queen! Your share of Livi's tax debt will only be a tiny fraction of a penny - goodness knows what reaction you would have if you lost a 5p down a drain.

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Time the SFL brought in a similar rule to impose some financial reality on clubs.

That's really the point, isn't it. The SFL are just making it up as they go along. It beggars belief that we find ourselves in this situation a mere few days away from the start of the league campaign. Last Thursday's shenanigans has left the SFL with little room for manoeuvre tomorrow. If I was a betting man, I'd expect no punishment to be given but there has been much disquiet since the initial decision was reached to support Livi's new backers. Does the SFL have the balls to impose a points deduction?

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Actually, Clydebank changed their name (to Airdrie United) and moved to a new registered ground. Both perfectly legal under league rules.

Yes I'm well aware of what happened but the effect was that the leaugue membership of one club was transferred to another

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Clubs have voted that teams that build up high levels of debt to the Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs will face a transfer embargo and will not be allowed to sign new players until that debt is erased. It is hoped this will bring financial responsibility to clubs and act as an early warning system to highlight mismanaged clubs.

This is what should happen to Livingston. They shouldn't be allowed to sign anyone until every penny has been paid to every creditor, not just HMRC.

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I agree with many of the comments on the board; unfortunately I feel that many people forget that it is the owner of the club that drove Livi down this road and he is the person who is walking away with £50K. The owner needs to be punished not just those left picking up the pieces.

A good point.

I don't think Livvy should avoid a points penalty but something has to be done to stop these "businessmen" from coming to clubs, running up huge debts then walking away with a tidy wee sum in the bank.

I don't recall many complaints about the lack of financial prudence when Livvy were doing well on the park however!

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If I was a betting man, I'd expect no punishment to be given but there has been much disquiet since the initial decision was reached to support Livi's new backers. Does the SFL have the balls to impose a points deduction?

I have to say that I'd be appalled if no punishment is applied... and since the only realistic and fair punishment is a points deduction, that's what it has to be surely? Personally I'd say 10 pts.

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Knowing the SFL, they'll bowl us all another googly and decide to award Livingston 50 points "in view of the present difficulties being experienced by the club and to ensure that the first division championship is competed for in equitable terms".

McGruther, MacDougall and Rankine will threaten to withdraw the club from the league unless their £1.7 million debt is parcelled out and shared equally by all 30 member clubs "as clearly it is unreasonable that one member club should toil alone under the weight of past regimes through no fault of their own". The SFL agrees wholeheartedly, but only after the chairman of the LMC has retired for an extended toilet break after feeling "a bitty unwell" after the third sherry of the afternoon.

Most of the meeting will be spent on the far more pressing matters of the exact dimensions of the pitch at Glebe Park, rumours that Stranraer are flying the wrong type of corner flags at Stair Park on home match days (penalty if proven guilty: 300 point deduction, unlimited fine), and a discussion of rumours that there's been some unseemly conduct in the boardroom at Queen's Park, after a fractiously disputed rubber of gin rummy on the coach home from Elgin. This will be starred on the next agenda "for discussion with a view to possible sanctions".

Edited by Ivo den Bieman
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Yes I'm well aware of what happened but the effect was that the leaugue membership of one club was transferred to another

As has been said before, by posters with more knowledge of the event than me, no transfer took place because although the team is trading as Airdrie, it is still the same company that Clydebank was, the only thing that changed was the name of the team, so stop labouring a point.

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I don't have a problem with a full time working employee who also happens to have been appointed a director receiving a wage. That's only reasonable. However, I would agree that any person appointed as a director of an SFL club who has their own full time job / income source that they lived on merrily before they joined the football club board certainly shouldn't then get an income from the football club purely for being a director.

During McDougalls 20 years at Cowdenbeath no director ever received a penny from the club. On the contrary, many paid an annual fee for the privilege of being a blazer.

I think Livi fans will find McDougall's attitude to spending rather refereshing. :D:D

Edited by bleubrazil
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Knowing the SFL, they'll bowl us all another googly and decide to award Livingston 50 points "in view of the present difficulties being experienced by the club and to ensure that the first division championship is competed for in equitable terms".

McGruther, MacDougall and Rankine will threaten to withdraw the club from the league unless their £1.7 million debt is parcelled out and shared equally by all 30 member clubs "as clearly it is unreasonable that one member club should toil alone under the weight of past regimes through no fault of their own". The SFL agrees wholeheartedly, but only after the chairman of the LMC has retired for an extended toilet break after feeling "a bitty unwell" after the third sherry of the afternoon.

Most of the meeting will be spent on the far more pressing matters of the exact dimensions of the pitch at Glebe Park, rumours that Stranraer are flying the wrong type of corner flags at Stair Park on home match days (penalty if proven guilty: 300 point deduction, unlimited fine), and a discussion of rumours that there's been some unseemly conduct in the boardroom at Queen's Park, after a fractiously disputed rubber of gin rummy on the coach home from Elgin. This will be starred on the next agenda "for discussion with a view to possible sanctions".

I'd have awarded you a :lol: if the gist of it wasn't so close to the damn truth.

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This is what should happen to Livingston. They shouldn't be allowed to sign anyone until every penny has been paid to every creditor, not just HMRC.

I have to take a slight issue to that. Whilst we should pay what we are due, we should not be banned from signing whilst we make payment arrangements if that's what we do. I don't think we would find all clubs 100% up to date with all their invoices and payments. Should they be forbidden to sign? Punish us yes, insist we repay yes, ask us to settle everything at once, I don't think so. Please be realistic.

During McDougalls 20 years at Cowdenbeath no director ever received a penny from the club. On the contrary, many paid an annual fee for the privilege of being a blazer.

I think Livi fans will find McDougall's attitude to spending rather refereshing. :D:D

He clearly plans the same regime here and rightly so. So many people are in the game for the love of it and as long as it doesn't interfere unduly with the way you earn your own wage, why would you bleed money out of your own club? It all sounds rather refreshing.

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Yes I'm well aware of what happened but the effect was that the leaugue membership of one club was transferred to another

Listen, here's a wee secret. Don't tell anybody this, but no, it didn't. They are ACTUALLY the same club under a different name!! Gonnae no tell anyone. Let's just keep it between me and you.......oops....too late.......everybody else seems to understand it.....except you!!

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There has to be a points deduction here - 15 points I would say- plus a transfer embargo.

And can I urge all fans in Scotland NOT to attend their side's away fixtures at Livingston. This "club" has laughed at Scottish football/paying public/other clubs/taxpayers virtually since it's birth and it's about time it got what has been coming for a number of years.

RIP Livi - away to the East of Scotland league to join Gretna (remember them?).

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Guest Flash
I have to take a slight issue to that. Whilst we should pay what we are due, we should not be banned from signing whilst we make payment arrangements if that's what we do. I don't think we would find all clubs 100% up to date with all their invoices and payments. Should they be forbidden to sign? Punish us yes, insist we repay yes, ask us to settle everything at once, I don't think so. Please be realistic.

A player registration embargo is one of the sanctions available under the same rule as the points deduction. It is nothing to do with preventing you signing anyone while you get up to date with your payments. It would be a punishment for past wrong doing, same as a points deduction, same as relegation. So, if you are willing to accept a punishment (as you say you are) a player registration embargo is one of the puishments available.

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And can I urge all fans in Scotland NOT to attend their side's away fixtures at Livingston.

Dead right. No way that club are getting any of my hard earned cash when they've been behaving the way they have. And it's not as if they bring bus loads to away games either. One c*nt wi' a drum is all I remember.

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I have to take a slight issue to that. Whilst we should pay what we are due, we should not be banned from signing whilst we make payment arrangements if that's what we do. I don't think we would find all clubs 100% up to date with all their invoices and payments. Should they be forbidden to sign? Punish us yes, insist we repay yes, ask us to settle everything at once, I don't think so. Please be realistic.

You're in administration, other clubs aren't.

This stupid canard played by some Livingston drones that they're the same as other clubs does not wash anymore. You are not. You are different, and will be treated as such.

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On good thing about Livi was the right good laugh we all got when seeing the "INTELLIGENT FINANCE" hoardings around the pitch.

What finance adverts are there now? "Claw-hammer Finance - lend you a tenner: you pay us a grand".

Or in Livi's case - borrow a tenner and pay back 7p under the terms of a CVA!!!


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Listen, here's a wee secret. Don't tell anybody this, but no, it didn't. They are ACTUALLY the same club under a different name!! Gonnae no tell anyone. Let's just keep it between me and you.......oops....too late.......everybody else seems to understand it.....except you!!

Same company under a different name. Same club, don't think so

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