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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Allowing an appeal for this would make this twice the farce it already is. The SFL have come to a desision that they feel is both best for Livingston and the Scottish Football League. So f**k up and get on with it!

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Coming to this decision 4 days before the start of the season sums up our game's governing bodies.

Anyway, byebye Livi, hello (AGAIN) Airdrie.

Just watch as Airdrie are saved from the drop once again, after Callum Melville withdraws all funding towards the end of next season with his team failing to reach the SPL, and Dundee go into liquidation. You heard it here first.

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Coming to this decision 4 days before the start of the season sums up our game's governing bodies.

Anyway, byebye Livi, hello (AGAIN) Airdrie.

Just watch as Airdrie are saved from the drop once again, after Callum Melville withdraws all funding towards the end of next season with his team failing to reach the SPL, and Dundee go into liquidation. You heard it here first.

Stop press! SFL have just announced a rule change to the effect that Airdrie Utd may not be relegated in future :rolleyes:

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If keithyG's post is true then that will be the end of livingston as rankine and macdougall may have just walked away and left Mcgruther to clean up the mess.

Are you suggesting that the Rankine MacDougall dream team were nothing but a bunch of chancers, and now that their get rich quick scheme has gone down the drain quickly, they'll just walk away conscience clear? Surely not.

I'm genuinely surprised and, more to the point, pleased the the SFL actually had the balls to do this. What people have to remember is that Massone, complete fruit cake that he is, has very little to do with today's decision. If it was, they would hardly have suffered such a fate. This is nothing less than comeuppance for a decade of mismanagement and, from the outside, downright corruption.

Welcome on board, Airdrie, it's nice to see you.

Edited to add; I'm sure Pie and Bovril could enter a team in the third, if Livingston have, as reported, taken their ball (stolen) home.

Edited by Jim Pansy
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Coming to this decision 4 days before the start of the season sums up our game's governing bodies.

Anyway, byebye Livi, hello (AGAIN) Airdrie.

Just watch as Airdrie are saved from the drop once again, after Callum Melville withdraws all funding towards the end of next season with his team failing to reach the SPL, and Dundee go into liquidation. You heard it here first.

Dream on, its your only hope of promotion.

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Coming to this decision 4 days before the start of the season sums up our game's governing bodies.

Coming to this decision 10 days (Last Wednesday was the orginal D-Day) before the start of the season would not have been ideal either. I think they only went into administration about 2 weeks ago, so there is not much the SFL could have done before that.

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Good riddance to bad rubbish. This should have been done the first time round and I for one am glad to see the SFL have a pair of balls.

OK - bit of confusion over fixtures for a few weeks should they have the nerve to appeal but surely a cost worth paying to get rid of this shower and set a precedent to any other clubs thinking of living outlandishly beyond their means.

And good to see Airdrie back - always enjoy our little tussles!

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Good riddance to bad rubbish. This should have been done the first time round and I for one am glad to see the SFL have a pair of balls.

OK - bit of confusion over fixtures for a few weeks should they have the nerve to appeal but surely a cost worth paying to get rid of this shower and set a precedent to any other clubs thinking of living outlandishly beyond their means.

And good to see Airdrie back - always enjoy our little tussles!

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Who can be arsed finding MCL's gloating posts after last week's meeting and re-quoting them for some mild amusement?

On a serious note, i'd say at any other time the punishment was right, but three days before start of the season? That's quite nuts. A 15 point deduction would have been less chaotic, and also ensured pretty much in the long run, that they'd be punished with relegation anyway.

However on the flip-side, it's good to see the blackmail pish coming from McDougall and Rankine has been met with a resounding GIRFUY.

Agree 100% with everything you say.

Relegation should have happened 6 weeks ago NOT 3 days before the season started. This close to the start a points penalty - 15 like Leeds got - would have been more appropriate.

As you say though - Rankine and McDougall deserve contempt for their actions in the last 48 hours.

Now will the SFL deal with Clyde to ensure they actually last the season . . .

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Are you seriously suggesting that Stranraer benefitted from promotion to the Second last year???? :(

Since Stranraer faced their problems last season, I have found it hard to enter into the usual Queens - Stranraer banter. I think I'm suffering from something similar to Stockholm syndrome. :(

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Coming to this decision 10 days (Last Wednesday was the orginal D-Day) before the start of the season would not have been ideal either. I think they only went into administration about 2 weeks ago, so there is not much the SFL could have done before that.

They could have taken some sort of action based on the late wage payments. Tricky though.

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