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Livingston - all the threads merged

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We as fans had zero control of the club and were at the mercy of several loose cannons. Now we are finally rid of them our fellow scots and football fans turn and say EXACTLY THE SAME SHIT OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

The fans of livi have a lot to answer for, but you lot are last in the list. I'm not being self righteous, look at the awful posts leading up to my outburst. Penis. Do you think all livi fans will lie down for some reason?

What does that have to do with anything?

And did you not say, in your admittedly heartfelt monologue, that Livingston fans had nothing to be ashamed of, and nobody to apologise for? How then can you have a lot to answer for?

I appreciate where you are coming from, but I just think you have to think of the wider perception.

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Take your moralising and fucking ram it. Your stupid mob has got away for years without paying the people who made your quote-unquote success possible. The creditors who were fucked over repeatedly by Livingston FC earned none of your sympathy, so why the f**k are you white knighting for the players and staff? Hypocrite.

I was a creditor during the last admin and had Massone in court a few months ago to recover more than £4000 this time so I think I've got an idea what we are talking about.

I know many of the players and staff personally so I won't be making any apology for 'moralising' as you put it. Some of my friends are going to be out of a job because of this farce of a decision and it disgusts me that people think it's cause for celebration.

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Larry, this isn't a go at you personally, but it's been said on this thread by several Livingston fans that relegation means that Airdrie and Cowdenbeath would be among those to suffer because they aren't prepared to compete in a higher league....yet you and one or two others keep going on about how they will have voted in self interest for promotion.....which is it? Will they suffer, or will they benefit? If they benefit then it negates the "other teams will suffer" argument and, in effect, only serves to strengthen the argument that the SFL made the right decision. If the answer is that they will suffer, then how can you go about decrying guys who are more likely to have voted in your favour as they wouldn't want their club to suffer.

As I keep on stressing, I do not want to see Livingston, or any club, go to the wall....but Livingston have absolutley no argument against whatever sanction they were going to get today. Letting the club stay in a league they have no right to be in (they spent beyond their means to get/stay there) simply because it may be a little inconvenient to relegate them (or indeed expel them altogether) is not the right way to go, and if hte SFL had allowed that they you can be even more certain that we would be seeing more of it in the future.

As it is, the SFL have sent the message and the whole of Scottish Football....fans, shareholders, clubs, staff, players, directors and the associations will have to sit up and take notice if they don't want to suffer the same fate. If they can't learn that lesson and they do end up in the same situation then they, like you, have nobody to blame but themselves.

By the admission of Livingston 5 and the Livingston fans you would struggle to afford to put a Div 1 quality team out on the park this season and would very likely be the league whipping boys...or be tempted to pay players you still can't afford in order to compete. It therefore makes a lot of sense to send you back to a league where you can put out a competitive team and have you build from there....anything else is letting you have your cake and eat it and you can't seriously have expected that to happen...surely???

thanks. I want to make it clear it's not relegation that is winding me up. Most livi fans are very open in that they accept the conduct of the previous owners will have to cost us somehow. Relegation happened. Now everyone is being incredibly unpleasant and harsh to us on these boards (i can take it). I'm here to try and get some sense into the livi perspective on this, but when I get here it's just bloody awful comments and spiteful sentiments. Why shoulldn't I be pissed off. We finally get rid of our woes and have a strong trust driven community model in place and you all slag us off to f**k and hope we disintegrate completely. Sorry, it really is them against them now for me...

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I'm certainly not gloating but at the end of the day I'm happy that the SFL has seen fit to punish your club for a history of cheating and dishonesty that is unparallelled in Scottish football history.

That's a bit harsh....they've still got a way to go to match the OF :lol:

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Some of these posts are unbelievable! :barf

The way some of you are gloating is quite repulsive and perverse considering the overall state of Scottish football and the likelyhood of this repeating itself in the not too distant future. Your provincial, narrow minded, short visioned tripe spewing from your keyboards reminds me we, as livi fans, now have NOTHING to be ashamed of. NO-ONE to apologise to, no one to ask to be kind and not harsh. GIRUY. Why the harshest penalty possible, because only then did it secure promotion for two other clubs. Cynical? That word doesn't even cover it. One trouser leg up, get licking those frogs boys!

What a scene today in the meeting eh? The Airdrie chairman chairing the meeting that will see his club get promoted, Black, red faced and passionate, rallying the old gaurd. What a conspiracy of wanks! The SFL that is bigger than the rest of us and been around 100 years pish is easy to spout when it suits you. 5 minutes ago they were hell spawn and utterly redundant in your opinions! Plus the members effectively said, NO to the SFL policy of allowing Livi to continue. "oh but mumsy wumsy, now livi will have an unfair advantage in the lower leagues and might just bounce back up!" FFS !! Admit it, you just don't like to see other teams succeed because you are tight, mean and cynical MTF.

Pathetic, what a bunch of miserable misers (mostly). I hope the boot is on the other foot sometime, and oh boy, I don't think we'll have long to wait.....

To those amongst you who have been gracious and supportive of us, I apologise for my tirade.

Everyone else, ask yourselves how you would feel in our position and get a grip.

I doubt I'd be too rational if I was facing the loss of my club, so I won't take you to task for the various manfiest flaws in your arguments there.

I hope you're able to find a way of continuing in the third division or, failing that, in some other league next season.

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We as fans had zero control of the club and were at the mercy of several loose cannons. Now we are finally rid of them our fellow scots and football fans turn and say EXACTLY THE SAME SHIT OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

The fans of livi have a lot to answer for, but you lot are last in the list. I'm not being self righteous, look at the awful posts leading up to my outburst. Penis. Do you think all livi fans will lie down for some reason?


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I doubt I'd be too rational if I was facing the loss of my club, so I won't take you to task for the various manfiest flaws in your arguments there.

I hope you're able to find a way of continuing in the third division or, failing that, in some other league next season.

You couldn't fight your way out of a wet paper bag let alone take me to task.

Thanks for the sentiments.

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<< Sanctimonious Pish >>

Tough fucking shit.

Waving fivers at Morton fans when they were in the shit?

Waving fivers at Dundee fans in 2005 and gleefully singing "Dundee till July"?

Sneering at other clubs as backward while you bought your way to 3rd in the SPL?

I sympathise with decent fans like Edinburgh Livi and PLL.

But you epitomise the kind of Livi fan we're all more used to.

Get yourself to f**k.

Oh, and mind and wipe the spittle from your PC monitor. It must be fucking covered after that rant.

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Tough fucking shit.

Waving fivers at Morton fans when they were in the shit?

Waving fivers at Dundee fans in 2005 and gleefully singing "Dundee till July"?

Sneering at other clubs as backward while you bought your way to 3rd in the SPL?

I sympathise with decent fans like Edinburgh Livi and PLL.

But you epitomise the kind of Livi fan we're all more used to.

Get yourself to f**k.

Oh, and mind and wipe the spittle from your PC monitor. It must be fucking covered after that rant.


This guy is a fud.

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Tough fucking shit.

Waving fivers at Morton fans when they were in the shit?

Waving fivers at Dundee fans in 2005 and gleefully singing "Dundee till July"?

Sneering at other clubs as backward while you bought your way to 3rd in the SPL?

I sympathise with decent fans like Edinburgh Livi and PLL.

But you epitomise the kind of Livi fan we're all more used to.

Get yourself to f**k.

Oh, and mind and wipe the spittle from your PC monitor. It must be fucking covered after that rant.

I've got to confess to not knowing about the jibing and sneering you mention at the top of the post. I've never treated other clubs in scotland with anything other than respect. Your trreating us livi fans that have the nerve to come on here with some tarred brush that you think represents ALL livi fans. But you are simply wrong. We'll take our lumps. Thats life.

Your personal attack was weak, like your mind.

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Clearly you have an unbiased opinion on this as well. Shame you didn't get promoted on merit, too shit presumably. The fans who are left holding the shitty end of the stick are not the same people who 'did all those bad things to us mummy' boohoo.

You seriously mixed up if you think I'm blaming anyone other than the chairmen of our fooball clubs who seem to be as unnacountable as the posts on these forums.

I'll stick by my club, hopefully we'll get through this, and if things turn our way again it will be through honest endeavour, not sneaky playground bullying.

No fear, no apologies, only lions pride. GIRUY Pele, right up.

I am unbiased actually. I would have preferred to have been in the 3rd division and win something and get promotion on merit, but your excuse for a club has ruined that. If you and the other Livi whingers were just blaming the chairmen of your club, then you would have had my sympathy, but clearly, deep down, most of you think you are better than the rest of us and don't appear to give a stuff about anyone else. You are where you belong, the 3rd division. You better get used to Albion Rovers and the rest giving you a beating, because it will happen week in week out, if you even survive.

Honest endeavour and Livi! I believe it when I see it. You are not Lions, just losers.

I'll be betting on whoever plays Livi each week. I'll bet the odds on Forfar for the 3rd division title will tumble now.

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We as fans had zero control of the club and were at the mercy of several loose cannons. Now we are finally rid of them our fellow scots and football fans turn and say EXACTLY THE SAME SHIT OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

The fans of livi have a lot to answer for, but you lot are last in the list. I'm not being self righteous, look at the awful posts leading up to my outburst. Penis. Do you think all livi fans will lie down for some reason?

Oh, now we are fellow Scots are we? When it suits you of course.

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thanks. I want to make it clear it's not relegation that is winding me up. Most livi fans are very open in that they accept the conduct of the previous owners will have to cost us somehow. Relegation happened. Now everyone is being incredibly unpleasant and harsh to us on these boards (i can take it). I'm here to try and get some sense into the livi perspective on this, but when I get here it's just bloody awful comments and spiteful sentiments. Why shoulldn't I be pissed off. We finally get rid of our woes and have a strong trust driven community model in place and you all slag us off to f**k and hope we disintegrate completely. Sorry, it really is them against them now for me...

If you're on about the Trust Business Model then I am familiar with it and got a glimpse of it at the Supporters Direct Conference. You'll not get any argument for me that it is the way forward, not just for Livingston, but for all but a select few clubs in the UK. If I'm honest though, given the current situation of the club in terms of the financials, then it probably is a bit of a blessing that you you'll be implementing the plan at a lower level and then building on it.....given how much bad feeling their will be towards Livingston FC and how many local businesses/creditors that have been screwed once/twice/three times now, then you have a lot of "proving yourself" to do before they are going to dip a toe in this particular pool again, and without them then the model will struggle at 1st Div level and the next 3 years would be spent going backwards before you found a level that allowed you to start moving up again.

You might be pissed off and angry, but you have to accept that there's just as many non-Livingston fans who are perfectly entitled to be pissed off and angry as well. By your own admission the actions of past chairmen/owners hasn't been entirely honest and whilst Livingston were benefiting from that and lording it over other fans on the way up, other clubs were suffering as a result. If you're not willing/prepared to accept that then probably best you don't walk into the bear pit!!!

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If you're on about the Trust Business Model then I am familiar with it and got a glimpse of it at the Supporters Direct Conference. You'll not get any argument for me that it is the way forward, not just for Livingston, but for all but a select few clubs in the UK. If I'm honest though, given the current situation of the club in terms of the financials, then it probably is a bit of a blessing that you you'll be implementing the plan at a lower level and then building on it.....given how much bad feeling their will be towards Livingston FC and how many local businesses/creditors that have been screwed once/twice/three times now, then you have a lot of "proving yourself" to do before they are going to dip a toe in this particular pool again, and without them then the model will struggle at 1st Div level and the next 3 years would be spent going backwards before you found a level that allowed you to start moving up again.

You might be pissed off and angry, but you have to accept that there's just as many non-Livingston fans who are perfectly entitled to be pissed off and angry as well. By your own admission the actions of past chairmen/owners hasn't been entirely honest and whilst Livingston were benefiting from that and lording it over other fans on the way up, other clubs were suffering as a result. If you're not willing/prepared to accept that then probably best you don't walk into the bear pit!!!

The problem is not getting punished for our owners failure to manage the club, most livi fans accept there should be a penalty, this is old ground. It's the offensive mean and distasteful comments on here that has me riled.

I pity the next club that becomes inslovent, the precedent is set.

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Cheats never prosper.

Scottish football is full of 'cheats', especially the top two divisions. I am fairly sure St Mirren have done their fair share of 'cheating' in the past.

Who is really doing the moralising here?

Edited by LLD
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I was a creditor during the last admin and had Massone in court a few months ago to recover more than £4000 this time so I think I've got an idea what we are talking about.

I know many of the players and staff personally so I won't be making any apology for 'moralising' as you put it. Some of my friends are going to be out of a job because of this farce of a decision and it disgusts me that people think it's cause for celebration.

No, they are out of a job because of Livi's actions. How many times does it need to be said? The people who lost their job and the creditors due money are the only people I have sympathy for. The whinging fans should start a collection for them.

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