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Livingston - all the threads merged

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I can't remember who but someone said the attendance was over 600 & stressed there was only 100 Livi fans which therefore = 500 Albion Rovers fans in their mind. Perhaps they were at it to stick the boot in? nah! who would do that to Livi fans! :rolleyes:

Was it on here, Livi Lions, or elsewhere?

I certainly don't remember such a post, and on re-checking the match threads on both this site and Livi Lions I can't find any post stating that there was 100 Livi fans and by extension 500 Rovers fans. The only post that come close on here is this one by the owner of the Rovers' site but it makes no mention of numbers. He also made a pretty much identical post on Livi Lions. There's also a claim of 300 Rovers supporters made by another of our number later in the same Livi Lions thread.

By the way, the victim mentality is getting a bit wearing now as well.

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Did I just step into a time machine and arrive by accident in an O-Grade History exam?


If you think Livingston's under-19 team are going to walk Division Three, I think you're sadly mistaken. They might make the play offs at best but with a big points whack, which is expected, nothing else.

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Question for Livi fans - would you rather piss off everyone in Scottish football but eventually stay in 1st Division with a 15 or 20 point penalty leading to almost certain relegation to Div 2, or accept your relegation with as much good grace as you can now muster then romp through the 3rd Division this season? Either way you're in Div 2 next season, but one way with low morale and enemies everywhere and the other way with a winning team and a good name in the Scottish game. Discuss.

I'd question the part in bold. Football fans, as well as those officially involved in the game, have very long memories.

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Question for Livi fans - would you rather piss off everyone in Scottish football but eventually stay in 1st Division with a 15 or 20 point penalty leading to almost certain relegation to Div 2, or accept your relegation with as much good grace as you can now muster then romp through the 3rd Division this season? Either way you're in Div 2 next season, but one way with low morale and enemies everywhere and the other way with a winning team and a good name in the Scottish game. Discuss.

This has been discussed time & time again but is pointless due to the fact that it is not up to the fans to decide which way to go. Actually on a thread on Livilions the vast majority are happy with division 3.

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:( ay, probably.

(though we did beat your 19s + Armand One + rubbish Kenyan trialist comfortably in the half they played at Links Park)

If we can keep hold of the good youngsters for now, we'll be alright. It's the fringe U19s, I'm worried about.

Was it the ginger defender who mucked up for your winner? He had a mare against Albion as well.

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By this has been a grand thread eh! There will probably never be another like it. It has even slid through the ether from one forum to another. P&B certainly owes a real debt of gratitude to Livingston FC (and could we have it in cash please payable to D McGruther at Mazars)

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By this has been a grand thread eh! There will probably never be another like it. It has even slid through the ether from one forum to another. P&B certainly owes a real debt of gratitude to Livingston FC (and could we have it in cash please payable to D McGruther at Mazars)

Sadly Jimbo we could be here again same time same place next year

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Was it on here, Livi Lions, or elsewhere?

I certainly don't remember such a post, and on re-checking the match threads on both this site and Livi Lions I can't find any post stating that there was 100 Livi fans and by extension 500 Rovers fans. The only post that come close on here is this one by the owner of the Rovers' site but it makes no mention of numbers. He also made a pretty much identical post on Livi Lions. There's also a claim of 300 Rovers supporters made by another of our number later in the same Livi Lions thread.

By the way, the victim mentality is getting a bit wearing now as well.

For the love of God!!!!! :lol::lol::lol:

I told you I can't remember where it was, you lot are like a dug with a bone!!! :lol:

& for the record the high horse mentality is getting very wearing now too. ;)

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Nobody will believe you,all our games administrators are of the highest quality both legally and morally.

It would be pertinent to observe the impressive number of Scottish football officials who've gone on to hold high office within FIFA, UEFA and so on... not bad for incompetents in a nation of 5M.


The SFL will get away with all this shit coz Livi can't afford to take it to a higher non-vested interest court.

A Court of Law would not find in their favour anyway regarding the demotion. The SFL rules give their MC full powers to order Livi's demotion. Courts rule on legalities, not footballing moralities...

Yes, it's a joke. As long as we have people sticking up for them, Skyline Drifter for one, we'll never see commonsense. A 20 point deduction would have been adequate. Relegation this year from DIV 1, or promotion next year from DIV 3, the end result is going to be the same, Livi in DIV 2.

I felt Livi deserved a 15pt deduction + transfer embargo in Division 1. However, the SFL MC has decided differently. I will therefore - alongside Skyline and others - defend the right of the SFL MC to make that decision, and others, as defined within their rules... without agreeing with the decision they made. A party I dislike may win the next election: I don't claim they're illegitimate.

:(:(:( What are the SFL playing at though? announcing the results before the appeal is held? They have obviously had words with all concerned to publish this as decided which I think is very unfair. :angry:

I find it humorous that people think the SFL shouldn't comment on this, or that they should all be uber-neutral. This isn't Scots Law, it's Football Law. Livingston will be judged by their peers in accord with the SFL rules to which they subscribe. There is no judge or jury - a community verdict.

It's a disgrace quite frankly. They cannot go about like that before the decision has been made.

Brown McMaster and David Longmuir have no votes at the SGM. They can say what they like...

He has publicly declared the knowledge of the outcome of the vote before it has taken place! He should NOT do that as he is involved in it all. :angry:

He hasn't done that. No decision has been made. He's no vote in the decision. These are facts.

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From my own point of view I give thanks that we have Kenny Mclean.

I wouldn't be WJR: to quote a Junior sub-forum post: "who is that bloke? isn't he a boy..." - :lol:...

The EOSFL has no time to launch into farcical bouts of self-desecration, like SFL appears to do!! It's far too busy - making sure fans don't get told at 4:50pm on Friday a game isn't being held...

Who says we're going to romp the 3rd division?

Quite. In fact, I think any club will find it exceedingly hard to romp away with a divsion, starting with a massive points deduction, incurred as the result of scratching an official league fixture...

By this has been a grand thread eh! There will probably never be another like it. It has even slid through the ether from one forum to another.

Still plenty of room to drop Jimbo... Livi in the EOSFL? Livi in the Juniors? Livi in the Amateurs...?

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Just had a look at the points difference between 4th and 5th place finishes since the Third Division was established. Largest was 13 points. Add 50% and round up... a 20pt deduction for scratching the game v East Stirling seems fair IMO. Still leaves them with a vague opportunity of promotion...

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Interesting thread running on LiviLions (which, btw, is populated by an immense number of 100% blinkered Livi fans...) calling on Jim Ballantyne to resign as he can no longer be a Div 2 rep on the SFL Management Committee. Only problem is, he isn't a Div 2 rep - he's an elected Office Bearer.


Ballantyne has actually acted very honorably in all of this, by not participating in committee votes.

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Oh FFS it's such fun keeping company with the likes of Frankenstein & Dracula, what did I ever have to look forward to before, this is the life! ;) It must be close to the dying minutes as Vikington (frankenstein) is once again present, Have a seat Sir you may have to wait a wee while. :lol:

I've already dug your grave. I wonder whether I should style for the first proper dance. Another time.

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