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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Feckin' Spartans will have someone outside the SFL offices already waving a business plan.

What is the probelm with Spartans? :huh:

I was along at their new ground last week and they have excellent facilities. I also know a couple of people involved with them and they are decent people too.

As for Livi, I feel for their supporters. A lot of teams may have the odd bad regime now and again, but manage to get shot of them. Sadly for Livi, the ones that have followed all seemed to be worse than the previous mob.

I hope they can do something, although like many folk, I'm not sure what can be done to salvage things this time. I wouldn't be surprised if they were thrown out the league to be honest, given this is the second time they have gone into administration.

One thing is for sure though. I'll not be dancing on their grave.

Edited by qos_75
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You've got to feel sorry for the fans that have spent years and money following the team that they love, and that could all be taken away from them in the coming months due to their catastrophic owner. We were in a similar position months ago and managed to resolve it, so I hope for the fans' sake the club pulls through and gut the board.

Good luck.

Hang on a sec, Livingston's problems can't all be laid at the door of Massone. The club has been shockingly run since they first joined the league. That things have come to a head now is unfortunate for Massone. He may well be a corrupt, incompetent and vindictive chairman, but he's not the first at the club, and not the only one operating in Scottish football.

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Wasn't he in the Bay City Rollers? :ph34r:

Yes he was. His lesser known brother, David, had to make do with a job at The SFL.

Alan was in it as well....The Rollers, not the SFL. Derek got done for a bit of kiddie fiddling as well.

Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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What is the probelm with Spartans? :huh:

I was along at their new ground last week and they have excellent facilities. I also know a couple of people involved with them and they are decent people too.

As for Livi, I feel for their supporters. A lot of teams may have the odd bad regime now and again, but manage to get shot of them. Sadly for Livi, the ones that have followed all seemed to be worse than the previous mob.

I hope they can do something, although like many folk, I'm not sure what can be done to salvage things this time. I wouldn't be surprised if they were thrown out the league to be honest, given this is the second time they have gone into administration.

One thing is for sure though. I'll not be dancing on their grave.

I don't think you'll find too many people who would find that excessive or unusual punishment, to be frank.

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i really feel sorry for the livi fans, its not great to ever see a club go into administration. and i thought it was shocking of massone to charge £16 pounds to go and see livi against plymouth at bathgate.

according to daily record it cost more that it will to see man u vs valencia which is £15

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What is the probelm with Spartans? :huh:

I was along at their new ground last week and they have excellent facilities. I also know a couple of people involved with them and they are decent people too.

Nothing wrong with them when compared to Livvy. They seem to run a nice operation there and pay their way. They did seem to throw their toys out the pram when they lost out on league status the last time though, didn't they.

If Livvy are to be pumped out of existence (and by God, they deserve to be), then if Spartans can reel in their tendancy to portray themselves as the only candidate worth a league place at the expense of others, then I'm sure they'd be a worthy addition to the leagues.

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I know someone previously posted the quote from the SFL rulebook but I'm sure I read somewhere that if a club went into administration for a 2nd time they would be automatically relegated or docked points ?

Here's the rule here, as lifted from the SFL website. A little ambiguous though...

The Management Committee shall also have full power to deal with as it thinks fit, including power to deduct championship points before or during a season and/or to impose a player registration embargo on any club guilty of conduct contrary to the interests of the League and its member clubs or any registered player or former registered player, or potentially likely to prejudice the orderly progress of the League Championship and/or the League Challenge Cup competition in any season. Such conduct, for the avoidance of doubt, may include a club in or going into Administration, Liquidation, Receivership, Sequestration or any other insolvency procedure by whatever means or having a Judicial Factor appointed to its undertaking. For the further avoidance of doubt, a club in or going into any such procedure will remain responsible for the purposes of this Rule for the conduct of its undertaking by any Administrator, Liquidator, Receiver, Trustee in Sequestration, Judicial Factor or other such officer appointed to it.

Edited by Captain Jack Harkness
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Here's the rule here, as lifted from the SFL website. A little ambiguous though...

Aye, cheers man but I'm sure there was something about going into Administration for the second time.......must be imagining it :D

It will surely be a points deduction they will receive which will then make the league pointless........(no pun intended !)

Edited by SpiderDee
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Hmm, this might have been the slowest car crash in the history of mankind. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but the administrators will spend two or three weeks valuing and selling the assets right?

My guess (and, sorry to say, now my hope) is that they'll start the season and then the gates will close too late to promote anyone else. This will only be avoided if the SFL take pre-emptive action, and I suspect we're pissing into the wind with that hope.

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Hang on a sec, Livingston's problems can't all be laid at the door of Massone. The club has been shockingly run since they first joined the league. That things have come to a head now is unfortunate for Massone. He may well be a corrupt, incompetent and vindictive chairman, but he's not the first at the club, and not the only one operating in Scottish football.

Possibly the first time I have/will ever agree with a County fan.. any other club/fans I'd feel sorry for but this has been on the cards for Livi for a long, long time, Massone's just caught the tail end of it. He's a muppet though and I'm sure he hasn't helped

Aye, cheers man but I'm sure there was something about going into Administration for the second time.......must be imagining it :D

It will surely be a points deduction they will receive which will then make the league pointless........(no pun intended !)

you talking pish again??? :P

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Livingston have been placed in financial administration for the second time in their 14-year history.


Fucking hell! How did the 1st division forum miss this!

Sorry. That should have read: How the feck did you miss the first division forum?

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Guest Craig The Bear
Fucking hell! How did the 1st division forum miss this!

Sorry. That should have read: How the feck did you miss the first division forum?

Sorry didnt know there was a first division forum.. :huh:

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