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Livingston - all the threads merged

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Guest penelope pitstop
I was standing listening to the Interim Manager give his interviews to the press. That's where I got my info although I might have misheard him.

I was the only Livi fan to turn up at Almondvale today (and yes, I was working before you ask :P ) which surprised me. Usually events like this would attract a few fans trying to find out what was going on.

I suspect you may have misheard or possibly misinterpreted - insolvency is fiendishly complicated

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Guest penelope pitstop
Yoss, this administrator has a job to do, and hes doing a pretty good one so far by straight away making a public statement that livvi have no money and no income but could be saved if the SFL were to possibly waive the penalties and allow one fixture change so that interested investors wouldnt be put off.

What the guy has done , publically, is to challenge the SFL to put up or allow livvi to go bankcrupt. They are now in a totally impossible position and are dammed either way.

He states, after only 3 hours that he has had phone calls from interested parties who would back away if penalties were imposed. This guy is handcuffing the SFL knowing either way they will be gunned down.

I hope the Blazers and SFL have enough guts and strength to say enough is enough. Impose penalties, relegate Livvi and refuse to swap a fixture. If they dont, they should all resign and let in someone who has the strength to do what is correct and not politically expedient.

And that is why the SFL should have set rules as the English Leagues do. Go into administration and 10 point deduction - no negotiation no argument. If the SFL back off from imposing any penalty it it gives the green light to any club to simploy ignore all the rules relating to insolvency and avoid paying any one - especially HMRC and then go into administration periodically to bail themselves out.

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All he said was that he has to find out what the SFL's "attitude" is going to be. And yes he did say penalities might affect a takeover, but that's a no-brainer, I don't read it as blackmail. I didn't have a problem with it.

I agree, btw, relegation would probably be fairer than a points deduction - if Livi gained an advantage by overspending then they gained it last season while the debt was accruing. Don't know what Airdrie's attitude to a last minute re-promotion would be though.

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They were away trying to find a friend to take to the game tomorrow while you were just hanging around and doing nothing constructive. :rolleyes:

I wasn't hanging around and doing nothing though. I was working, chatting to staff, players and press, all of which I consider constructive :P

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No it is not blackmail it is a challenge to relax the rules, or the interpretion of them, to give a football club who have now entered into administration for the second time in 5 years a chance to survive.

PP is correct, anything other than strict penalties would give the green light for other clubs to follow suit.

I think theres an even bigger issue building here, that of the integrity of scottish football. The SFL must stand firm here and do what is correct, or reinstate Gretna, Meadowbank thistle, Clyde and all the recent clubs who have gone to the wall. They simply cannot let Livvi get away with anything.

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I wrote a reply including quotes, but hit a wrong button and lost it: here's a hasty new version...

My interpretation is that - [1] the administrator is telling the SFL the club is less likely to be sold if they receive a points deduction for entering administration; and [2] he needs cash from hosting a home game, and will play the 'we might go bust' card if they don't agree to move up 1/2 fixtures.

What I expect to happen is this... the SFL will fudge the points deduction, partly due to their being this slightly odd status over the legal process/status - partly due to there being no precedent for a mandatory immediate deduction - partly because they can fend off the storm. The SFL will also let them move forward a home game v Morton (from November 21st, clashes with ALBA Cup Final) or v Ayr (from March 13th, clashes with Scottish Cup QF) on the grounds that those games might have to move anyway. I anticipate there being some opposition within SFL... it will be fended off.

What should happen is this... Liv should be fined 10 points for entering administration, or if there is doubt about the status - as soon as that doubt is cleared up... No fixtures should be brought forward: the club is in huge debt, it shouldn't be given a competitive advantage over its rivals too.

Demoting Livi, or demoting Livi and promoting Airdrie, would be equally unacceptbale moves IMO.

Edited by HibeeJibee
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I wrote a reply including quotes, but hit a wrong button and lost it: here's a hasty new version...

My interpretation is that - [1] the administrator is telling the SFL the club is less likely to be sold if they receive a points deduction for entering administration; and [2] he needs cash from hosting a home game, and will play the 'we might go bust' card if they don't agree to move up 1/2 fixtures.

What I expect to happen is this... the SFL will fudge the points deduction, partly due to their being this slightly odd status over the legal process/status - partly due to there being no precedent for a mandatory immediate deduction - partly because they can fend off the storm. The SFL will also let them move forward a home game v Morton (from November 21st, clashes with ALBA Cup Final) or v Ayr (from March 13th, clashes with Scottish Cup QF) on the grounds that those games might have to move anyway. I anticipate there being some opposition within SFL... it will be fended off.

What should happen is this... Liv should be fined 10 points for entering administration, or if there is doubt about the status - as soon as that doubt is cleared up... No fixtures should be brought forward: the club is in huge debt, it shouldn't be given a competitive advantage over its rivals too.

Demoting Livi, or demoting Livi and promoting Airdrie, would be equally unacceptbale moves IMO.

Howdo HJ?

I wonder how the administrator can give any assurance to the SFL that he can fulfil the league fixtures, where will the money come from for players' and coaches' salaries?

You know me HJ but for the benefit of anyone who reads this and sees that my team is Spartans let me say that my own view is that Spartans should not be queueing up to apply for a non existent vacancy in the SFL.

We don't dance on graves.

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Either that or livingston.

I did actually type Livingston but deleted it as I wasn't positive. Thanks for confirming it.

Oh and I was grouchy earlier and shouldn't have replied as I did to your initial post. :)

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Evening WJR. Congratulations to Spartans on winning their first trophy at the new ground before the season has even started... pity your close rivals for the League title last season have quit!!

I wonder how the administrator can give any assurance to the SFL that he can fulfil the league fixtures, where will the money come from for players' and coaches' salaries?

My presumption is that he will say "give me a steady run of home games, with a bit of help at the start; forward me some £££ of prize-money (e.g. minimum even for finishing 10th); and we'll hobble on". I think SFL will look at it as attractive - the various alternatives are very messy indeed.

You know me HJ but for the benefit of anyone who reads this and sees that my team is Spartans let me say that my own view is that Spartans should not be queueing up to apply for a non existent vacancy in the SFL.

We don't dance on graves.

I'm sure that Spartans will have drawn immeasurable experience from their previous unsuccessful bid ;):D ... One must also see some irony in the fact that the ground you've just vacated was originally the home of Ferranti Thistle... who moved to Meadowbank... and then to Livingston... Meadowbank, now the home of Edinburgh City... Spartans closest rivals... who also used to play at City Park... and also may be likely to bid for any vacancy. Scottish footie. It's incestuous <_<...

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My presumption is that he will say "give me a steady run of home games, with a bit of help at the start; forward me some £££ of prize-money (e.g. minimum even for finishing 10th); and we'll hobble on". I think SFL will look at it as attractive - the various alternatives are very messy indeed.

Can't really see that working HJ - it didn't work for Gretna who had to only stagger along for a few games far less a season. Livi don't have the home revenue and the advance prize money would have been unlikley to even cover Leith Griffiths' wages.

V disappointed that Dalbeattie have quit but wish them and all their players who have moved on all the best.

The general irony is not lost on me!

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get yerself a rule book if they fucking do.


F*ck off Chico and go and try and climb our new fence. Who the f*ck at Spartans is even talking about about applying?

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get yerself a rule book if they fucking do.


I see Stewart Gilmour is on the SPL board now, btw. I hope everyone's fences are in order ;) ...

Anyway - Spartan's have an unfair reputation for appeals: U-21 outfielders, goalies signed after date of original tie, etc. They equal it all out with Dean Hoskins 'n Kenny Young. Balanced karma.

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Hey Andy thanks, but rest assured i did not take any offence to your remark.

Tell you what though. I will take offence if Livvi get away with this. Even to the extent of trying to organise away fans boycots of Almondvale. I will never forget what this club did to mine when we were hours away from extinction.

They deserve all they get.

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