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7 minutes ago, Empty It said:

They're delivering the items this morning, surprisingly they were very helpful, was fully expecting to have to fight for it.

You imagine that, in most of these cases, the driver arrives back at the depot with an extra bag and a sheepish admission anyway.

Although, considering the number of times people seem to catch supermarket delivery vehicles driving around with the doors/shutters open, maybe it just ends up on the road at a sharp corner.

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1 hour ago, BFTD said:

Much like feck, I get the impression that shite and pish are considered slightly less harsh than shit and piss.

Possibly because these decisions on taste are generally made in the Home Counties, where feck, shite, and pish are funny words used by those silly Celts.

They’d probably keech their breeks if they knew the truth.

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I seen itin a shop earlier and had a sort of renaissance. I remember having it as a kid, it being brilliant (without being able to actually recall the taste) then after a week or so my mither put it away, never to grace the light gain because the replacement cartridges cost too much and its too much hassle.

I'm not fussy and enjoy drinking water but if I can get 9L of Pepsi cherry like water without all the sugar then it seems like a decent investment.

Edited by Derry Alli
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My son was interested in SodaStream a while back, as he claims Pepsi tastes better from soda fountains than from cans or bottles.

Looked into it and they wanted about a fiver for the syrup, which makes up to 9 litres, and you then have to faff about with buying gas cylinders and stuff. Bollocks to that, although considering how much the ready to drink stuff has shot up in recent years, it's maybe more appealing now.

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5 minutes ago, Tony Ferrino said:

Accidentally turned on some sort of dark mode on here. Htf do I turn it back?



Try the customizer up top...looks like the little slider for on and off all the ad stuff uses.

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6 minutes ago, Tony Ferrino said:

Accidentally turned on some sort of dark mode on here. Htf do I turn it back?




Scroll down to the bottom left of the page, click on theme. 

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