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What Dee Man says works up to a point, however the bitches still phone you and don't give a f**k if they annoy you.

In the past fortnight I have had the essenpee phone me constantly (By election) they don't give a f**k either.

So, take my advice and screen your calls via the answer machine.

Have a nice night now and don't have nightmares.

Yeah, you're right, I've just found out I'm already registered. :1eye Must have done it ages ago. :(

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I just ask politely for their company name and address so I can inform the TPS and it stops their calls. You still get the international calls claiming to be Microsoft wanting to cure your computer though.

"Hello sir, this is Microsoft. Do you have a computer?"


"Okay bye-bye sir."

I was quite surprised that was all it took.

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"Hello sir, this is Microsoft. Do you have a computer?"


"Okay bye-bye sir."

I was quite surprised that was all it took.

I got one of these a couple of years ago.

I told the guy that because I lived by the river I had a water powered computer but it was playing up a bit.

Took about 5 minutes before he figured I was taking the piss!

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Anyone know if the long running roadworks on the Erskine Bridge are likely to cause delays when crossing on a Saturday afternoon?

I'm probably going to be on a tight schedule for getting to St. Mirren Park on Saturday and over the bridge is the way I'll be going.

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"Hello sir, this is Microsoft. Do you have a computer?"


"Okay bye-bye sir."

I was quite surprised that was all it took.

I got one of those phone calls a few years back from an Asian dude and I was doing my best to be nice to the guy while telling him I wasn't interested. He wasn't taking the hint so I told him to f**k off and hung up the phone. A minute later my phone rang and I answered: "Hello", the reply: "No, YOU f**k off".


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Does anyone call the cinema, 'the pictures' these days? Never really hear it so much now and cinema sounds much more twattish when spoken for some reason.

Was speaking to someone about this the other day. We came to the conclusion that either is acceptable but saying movie absolutely isn't

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Guest The Phoenix

Anyone know a quick solution to lockjaw? I usually wake up in the morning and my jaws very stiff but it's lasted all day today and it's pretty irritating.

To reduce the overuse of jaw muscles that may cause the pain, try eating soft food, cutting food into smaller pieces, avoiding sticky or chewy foods, limiting wide yawns and singing.

I bet singing is your nemesis

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Has anyone else's Android P&B app stopped working recently?

I noticed it playing up a wee bit on the iPad last week but from that day onwards the one on my phone does nothing but show black when opened.

Maybe sound obvious but try turning your phone off and on. Before I got my current phone I had a samsung of sorts and had to turn it off and on to use the app quite a lot.
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