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Quick question.. I broke the screen on my laptop the other day. Man in shop says he can fix it so all good. When he fixes it, do you think he'll be able to see what I was looking at when it broke?

Probably not but flee the country just in case.

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Quick question.. I broke the screen on my laptop the other day. Man in shop says he can fix it so all good. When he fixes it, do you think he'll be able to see what I was looking at when it broke?

Aye, the broken screen ya fucking tube.

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Quick question.. I broke the screen on my laptop the other day. Man in shop says he can fix it so all good. When he fixes it, do you think he'll be able to see what I was looking at when it broke?

If he just fixes the screen no. If he accessess your hard drive and looks at your browsing history yes.
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Quick question.. I broke the screen on my laptop the other day. Man in shop says he can fix it so all good. When he fixes it, do you think he'll be able to see what I was looking at when it broke?

I worked at a PC repair shop where the regular tech had taken the shop laptop home for the weekend and broken the screen. It was a source of amusement for weeks as, when you turned it on, the screen displayed a garbled pic of some lassie with a cracking set of norks being raddled :P

We were all surprised that the image can be fixed on the display like that. Not sure if that can still happen on modern screens, so you might be fine :whistle

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