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Cafe Anduluz diagonally across from Queen Street. Tapas. Thank me later. Recommend the black pudding and gambas pil pil

Exactly what I had two weeks ago in their west end one, weirdly enough. Agreed, absolutely superb.

They have a restaurant in Edinburgh as well, so he may well be familiar with it.
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2 hours ago, Dee Man said:

I got an iron infusion about 2 hours ago and I just got the biggest dizzy spell when I stood up there. Have any of you c***s ever had it and had any side effects?

Not dizzy but be prepared for either the most disgusting shites you have ever done or the worst constipation. 

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3 hours ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

Not dizzy but be prepared for either the most disgusting shites you have ever done or the worst constipation. 

That's quite a formidable challenge for my shites of the future considering how high the bar is.

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6 hours ago, JamieT1314 said:

Max's on queen st. Brilliant pub food and loads of good beer.

Used to drink in there in it's former incarnation (or maybe the one before that?) not a big fan of the sign outside the door exclaiming how great they are for not selling Tennents and other generic brands. Fair enough selling decent varieties of booze but don't be a pretentious dick about it.

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Q: There was a music shop in the Kingsgate Centre, Dunfermline during the 90s that I think was a mainstream chain store, that wasn't hmv or Virgin. What was its name?

If Pars fans remember the layout, it was midway between the Pilmuir St entrance and the big round bit with the glass ceiling (on the west side).

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Where did you eat out then Rab?

We ended up in some place called "Bills" as she didn't want to go to Tapas and we walked around for a bit looking for somewhere. I don't know Glasgow at all so it was a case of making do.

It was okay, that's probably all I can say about it.
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