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Is there a technical name for a drunken facebook meltdown? Lassie I know had one last night- she's just split up with her long-term boyfriend and at about 4am went on a series of "all men are b*****ds" rants, then started posting lyrics from Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler, although she's now deleted them.

I'm thinking facevomit, but hoping there's an existing term that's better.

(and before you ask, I already have, but it was about 8 years ago. She lives a bit far away now tho...)

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To be honest yoda,Febrez is much better and more effective

I shall combine both. That should do the trick. If it doesn't then I'll either pass out from the fumes or they will cause my carpet to mutate into some evil carpet monster.

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I asked this on the Snow thread but it hasn't been answered.

Can anyone tell me if the sun's rays can melt snow / ice even if the air temperature is below freezing?

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I asked this on the Snow thread but it hasn't been answered.

Can anyone tell me if the sun's rays can melt snow / ice even if the air temperature is below freezing?

They can't 'melt' them, but they can cause sublimation - snow turns straight from a solid to vapour

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