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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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They could easily have got another club outside the Championship for Vaughan, a few phone calls to say he was available on loan and he would have been snapped up very quickly indeed. They might not have got as good a deal as Dumbarton provided, but at least he couldn't do them any harm. It was a ridiculous deal without any need for hindsight. 

Very good interview from the guy asking the questions. The guy answering them not so much. Condolences to the Raith supporters who have suffered because of the shambolic manner in which their club has been run. 

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He didn't want to answer the question "will we be part time next season?" until he's spoken to the players tomorrow.
Surely that means Raith will be adopting some kind of part-time/ full-time hybrid next season?
If they were going to stay full time surely he wouldn't have been bothered about answering that straight.

Realistically, again another f**k up by the board. Before this interview he should have been told that type of discussion was off limits until individuals were informed. This is what we talk about as day to day incompetence.
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Realistically, again another f**k up by the board. Before this interview he should have been told that type of discussion was off limits until individuals were informed. This is what we talk about as day to day incompetence.

You're not alone. We're no strangers to boardroom incompetence down Airdrie way...

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Hmm not great, it's pleasing to hear that the youth system is staying and we want it to be a focal point of our team in the future and we do start getting a good few appearances from these players and when the time comes, a decent transfer fee. Hopefully this shortlist of managers is a lot better than last times presumably was, can't be any worse if Locke was the standout candidate, I also appreciate him wanting to inform the players about next season first as well before putting it all over the Internet.


Now the negatives, I really cant believe he thinks the Locke appointment wasn't a mistake, it's the biggest mistake the club has made in a long time and he should hold his hands up and say as much, if you can't trust a managers singing policy he's not the man for the job. I also refuse to believe that no other clubs were interested in Vaughan other than Dumbarton that's absolute nonsense. Finally the Bates deal, what he's saying is absolutely correct we can't have a player taking a wage unwilling to play for us, but we've basically now just told every player who wants away to stamp their feet and we will accept buttons to sell them, play the fucking game a bit eh. 

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I recall a story years ago, told by someone high up in Dunfermline, that Drysdale went to East End one day in 1999/2000 to discuss potential transfers. It ended up with Drysdale putting a list of our youth players down at the time and asking "pick you you want". Not sure how true it is but I have no reason to doubt it.

Regarding that interview the fact there's no apology and Gary Locke wasn't a mistake (but his recruitment was) is just absurd. If they can't admit that Locke's appointment was wrong then there can be no trust in then making a correct future appointment and every single one of them have to consider their position. A bit of humility there would've gone a long long way but essentially it was Gary's signings let us down and then Hughes was an arse to the players but spot moaning and let us sort it out.

My whole concern is I have no faith in any decision they will make.

At least we know they weren't planning for relegation. It's a bit like me opening up a shop and saying I don't plan for it to go out of business. Genius business minds at work in our board room!

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That was a very candid interview, yes, but all he essentially said was "The Raith Rovers boardroom is a giant fucking clown car and despite the fact we love the club, we really have absolutely no idea what we are doing and work on the blind faith that the manager does."

Youth development and recruitment are something that the board has to be heavily involved in, to try and pin that all down to the manager is ludicrous. In regards to the bit about managing Locke's recruitment, surely the trigger for that would have come when he was signing duds like McHattie, Skacel and Stevenson because they were his pals for someone in the board room to tell him "no" instead of running a "Rovers sign Jambos legend" headline and trying to slobber on Hearts' cock at every possible opportunity., unless they genuinely are so clueless that they had no idea those would be dud signings (appointing Locke in the first place probably indicated that tbf).

Found the whole bit where he said pretty much any player was fair game, contracted or not as well as Bates downing tools because he's on of ra peepul ridiculous and hilarious in equal measure.

I'd be seriously, seriously concerned about the future of the club if I was a Rovers fan tbh.

The chairman seemed to believe that the Rovers are far, far too big for League 1 as well which leads me to question where he actually thinks they should be.

Unbelievable scenes Jeff.

ETA - selling Vaughan to Brechin surely would ave had a more profound self-destructive effect...no?


Edited by TheMessiah
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4 minutes ago, Ding Dang Doo said:

I recall a story years ago, told by someone high up in Dunfermline, that Drysdale went to East End one day in 1999/2000 to discuss potential transfers. It ended up with Drysdale putting a list of our youth players down at the time and asking "pick you you want". Not sure how true it is but I have no reason to doubt it.



Yeah the guys "high up" at Dunfermline around that time were notoriously trustworthy tbf. 

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I might be missing the point here, but surely he should be involved in that interview panel, not handing it down to someone else?
The appointment of gary locke was a mistake and i think he knows that. He seems to be holding the info about next season close just now so will be interesting to see what he says after the decisions taken tomorrow.
Who was he told by that bringing vaughan back wasn't an option?
Get the feeling that there is worse to come and we could be going part time, just something about his tone. Hopefully i'm wrong.
I have seen raith relegated a fair few times since supporting them and usually i would expect us just to bounce right back nae problems, but i don't know if it is because of reaction on social media or the season we have just had, but this one feels different and worse.

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Yeah the guys "high up" at Dunfermline around that time were notoriously trustworthy tbf. 

The fact 3 of our youth players arrived at Dunfermline a week later leads me to think he was.

Good point made about Young's attitude. I think he slagged off Brechin, Stranraer and Peterhead in that interview. It's the same attitude that got us relegated.
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Highly uninspiring that it's going to be the same four entirely unqualified board members to hire the new manager. Alan Young - accountant, Eric Drysdale - banker, Mario Caira - local businessman and Val McDermid - crime writer. I have no doubt they have the club at heart, but they're not qualified in any way to judge a football manager. Realistically, what more do they know about the intricacies of football management than any other supporter in the stand? Would a chef be on the interview panel for a mortgage advisor? Or a nurse on the panel for a car salesman? We need to be looking to get someone with some kind of football background involved, specifically during the recruitment process.

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3 minutes ago, Hank Scorpio said:

Highly uninspiring that it's going to be the same four entirely unqualified board members to hire the new manager. Alan Young - accountant, Eric Drysdale - banker, Mario Caira - local businessman and Val McDermid - crime writer. I have no doubt they have the club at heart, but they're not qualified in any way to judge a football manager. Realistically, what more do they know about the intricacies of football management than any other supporter in the stand? Would a chef be on the interview panel for a mortgage advisor? Or a nurse on the panel for a car salesman? We need to be looking to get someone with some kind of football background involved, specifically during the recruitment process.

It would certainly give the board a scapegoat if it all went Pete Tong:ph34r:

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Highly uninspiring that it's going to be the same four entirely unqualified board members to hire the new manager. Alan Young - accountant, Eric Drysdale - banker, Mario Caira - local businessman and Val McDermid - crime writer. I have no doubt they have the club at heart, but they're not qualified in any way to judge a football manager. Realistically, what more do they know about the intricacies of football management than any other supporter in the stand? Would a chef be on the interview panel for a mortgage advisor? Or a nurse on the panel for a car salesman? We need to be looking to get someone with some kind of football background involved, specifically during the recruitment process.

What's Maurice Malpas up to these days?
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