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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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I'd take Spence back. He's a good player at this level and as well as hopefully strengthening us, weakens a rival.


Here's a managerial name from the left field: Tam Courts. He's young, 35. He's won them the East Super-league twice after guiding them from relegation in his initial season with them. I know no more about him than that but McKinnon also started in the Juniors, albeit with the benefit of having been a full time pro. Obviously the board have a shortlist and he won't be on that.


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As shite as our board is, I don't think they would consider someone like him. Mckinnon started in the Jr's but was a well thought of coach at the sfa. The position were in tam wouldn't be a good appointment, it's too much of a gamble.

I'd take Spence back in a heartbeat at this level. Absolute p***k of a guy but scores goals. He seems to wholed a grudge against us though

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9 minutes ago, grumswall said:

As shite as our board is, I don't think they would consider someone like him. Mckinnon started in the Jr's but was a well thought of coach at the sfa. The position were in tam wouldn't be a good appointment, it's too much of a gamble.

I'd take Spence back in a heartbeat at this level. Absolute p***k of a guy but scores goals. He seems to wholed a grudge against us though


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7 hours ago, Enigma said:

I'd take Spence back. He's a good player at this level and as well as hopefully strengthening us, weakens a rival.


Here's a managerial name from the left field: Tam Courts. He's young, 35. He's won them the East Super-league twice after guiding them from relegation in his initial season with them. I know no more about him than that but McKinnon also started in the Juniors, albeit with the benefit of having been a full time pro. Obviously the board have a shortlist and he won't be on that.


Some really good Managers in the Junior Superleague.

Most probably better than the Dinosaur list that gets drawn up every time a managerial position becomes available. 


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"Drysdale confirmed that, thus far, none of the contracted players have handed in transfer requests."

With this being good news, I can't help but feel that one or two will put one in when a new manager is appointed, regardless of who it is.

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Seven players under contract? I thought it was 9. Thomson and Davo released?


The article just makes me question even more how the board acted this season! Did we not have our own policies or just let the manager do what they like.


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50 minutes ago, Zen Archer said:



However, I personally recognise that neither of last season’s managerial appointments worked out as we envisaged, and also that, for different reasons, the circumstances of certain player transactions were not clearly enough explained to supporters at that time, and I’m sorry for that.

So he's apologising for the circumstances of the transfers not being explained clearly, but failing to acknowledge that the transfers themselves - Vaughan especially - were dreadful decisions which contributed massively to your relegation.

That's the most backhanded apology possible. Saying the circumstances weren't explained clearly enough to supporters implies that supporters just don't understand the decisions and therefore can't see that the board were right to sanction those transfers, despite everything which followed. He's still taking digs at all of you.

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1 minute ago, Ancient Mariner said:

In the FFP interview with Drysdale he is reported as saying

"selection process that involves speaking to several high-respected football figures"

I presume that none of them will be the same ones spoken to who recommended Gary F Locke 

I was thinking the same thing when I read the article. Not once did he really take any responsibility and properly apologise to the fans. I have no faith in Eric Drysdale to make any correct decisions and that article should had read that he was extremely sorry for the decisions he made and is resigning from his post.

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Just hope that, for his own sake as much as the fans, Drysdale HAS eventually learnt something this time.

In most of his dealings this season he has come across as a patronising div or a feckless numpty. 

Any more screw ups and the fans will seriously be calling for his head, lifelong supporter or not!!


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2 hours ago, raith1974 said:

I was thinking the same thing when I read the article. Not once did he really take any responsibility and properly apologise to the fans. I have no faith in Eric Drysdale to make any correct decisions and that article should had read that he was extremely sorry for the decisions he made and is resigning from his post.


“However, I personally recognise that neither of last season’s managerial appointments worked out as we envisaged, and also that, for different reasons, the circumstances of certain player transactions were not clearly enough explained to supporters at that time, and I’m sorry for that.“These issues came back and bit us on the backside, of that there is no doubt. ‘‘However, it’s important that we learn from these lessons of last season, move forward now, united, and select a manager that we believe has the attributes required to lead us in the direction we want to go.”

What more are you actually wanting him to say?

Of course he has apologised - and accepted his part in it - remember - he will have been part of  group of directors who picked the manager, and several others would have been part of the decision making process. he clearly accepts the decisions are wrong, and pledges to learn from that.

We are all disappointed, brassed off, and angry about last season..... , but some folk just want to moan for the sake of it.



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The man is the voice of the board. He criticised the fans, he's been part of a group that made mistake after mistake and sorry recognising they've made mistakes and learning is not apologising, let's see who we get appointed next week and see if he has learned anything. For me he should have been the first to leave.

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"Certain player transactions not clearly enough explained". 

No, Eric, they were explained quite clearly to us; it just so happened that they were absolutely fucking moronic. That this still hasn't been appreciated says it all. 

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