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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Graham for Tade is possibly a loss in terms of the latter's unorthodoxy and joy to watch, but still had a decent return at Morton so shouldn't be sniffed at.

A return roughly on par with Tadé's.

It's more the all-round effect that bothers me - we won't get away with lumping the ball at Graham to chase in the way we did with Tadé. The way the team is set up has to change, and hopefully Hamill can provide us with some support from midfield. His goalscoring record is poor, but I'm hoping he'll be quite attack-minded and put through some service for the strikers. As it is, I'm not convinced he's that kind of player.

The one thing that could work in favour is that I get the impression Graham is more of a poacher in his finishing (Morton fans have commented he has a knack of being in the right place at the right time). However, this will require decent service from out wide, which we lack.

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Can't really complain about Reynolds, I mean who else can we play for free ?

:lol: Thats not how loans work, you will be paying some of, if not all of his wages.

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Add me to the Craig Wilson fan club. If we are still after a defender and he'd be willing to come back it would seem crazy to sign anyone else.

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With the greatest respect in the world, I can't see why he wouldn't come back should Forfar be his only other option.

I really hope we can somehow scrape together enough pennies to bring him back. I suppose we'll soon see for ourselves what McGlynn's intentions towards our defence are when the other loan signing comes in.

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Re Wilson - perhaps he had become stale at SP. It could be that JMcG isn't wanting to run the risk of him coming back and becoming stale again.

HE may be better off finding another club. There's plenty in the SFL1 near enough for him - Falkirk, Dundee, Livi. Certainly too good for Forfar, but he could just be putting himself in the shop window.

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He didn't have a good second half of the season. I said this a number of times last season, though - quite a few of our players didn't perform in the second half.

We need a right back. Wilson offers us more than Murray can there, and an injury to Murray would entail a complete and utter disaster. We'd have to put Davidson there, and that's not a position he would be comfortable in.

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Davo at right back? That sounds almost Dalziel-like! :( Aye, but Wilson would offer us a competent right back with some experience at this level.

As for Reynolds, he's a decent signing. Playing him up front will surely do well for him. I think all parties will do well, Reynolds, if he puts in the work will get game time and will be working under another excellent manager in McGlynn. Saints will get their forward regular football and we get another option up front.

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Reynolds looks better playing out wide than through the centre.He puts in some nice crosses.He just looks awkward the way he runs.

Never got a lot of game time with us,so might improve the more he plays.

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:lol: Thats not how loans work, you will be paying some of, if not all of his wages.

I'd be surprised if Raith pay any more than the lad's expenses.

Re: Craig Wilson, this is how I see it. Rovers offered Craig a new F/T deal at a fairly significant drop in wages. Craig must have rejected the offer and I imagine he has said something along the lines of "I will only sign a P/T contract if that's all I'm going to get paid." Don't know if there is a quote to back this up, but I'm pretty sure, McGurn aside, McGlynn wants a completely F/T squad (I think the changing of two evening training sessions a week to just one backs this theory up too).

So I think if Craig isn't offered a deal worth taking for F/T football, he's quite happy to step down a league, play P/T, receive P/T wages and also bring in a further wage from a daytime job.

Well...it would make sense would it not?

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I'd be surprised if Raith pay any more than the lad's expenses.

There is not the slightest chance that Geoff Brown has sanctioned a long term loan out of a player for "expenses". They might have done it with a month loan for a player they wanted to get some fitness but not on a half season loan.

You might not be paying his whole wage (which most likely isn't all that high anyway) but you'll certainly be paying more than "expenses".

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Re: Craig Wilson, this is how I see it. Rovers offered Craig a new F/T deal at a fairly significant drop in wages. Craig must have rejected the offer and I imagine he has said something along the lines of "I will only sign a P/T contract if that's all I'm going to get paid." Don't know if there is a quote to back this up, but I'm pretty sure, McGurn aside, McGlynn wants a completely F/T squad (I think the changing of two evening training sessions a week to just one backs this theory up too).

So I think if Craig isn't offered a deal worth taking for F/T football, he's quite happy to step down a league, play P/T, receive P/T wages and also bring in a further wage from a daytime job.

Well...it would make sense would it not?

If you're right, then I think the club is looking at things the wrong way.

We've recently had to cut our cloth significantly, and I'm very surprised we haven't signed any part-time players. They won't need as much in wages, and it seems foolish to rule ourselves out of of perfectly capable part-timers by chasing an all full-time squad; particularly when you consider our present financial position.

McGlynn knows what he wants but maybe, and I emphasise the maybe, we would have been able to add a little more depth to the squad by signing a couple of players on part-time deals, rather than only signing full-time players. I'd imagine we'd manage to get an extra player in at least if we looked at things that way.

Whilst I'd agree that the club has been looking progressively towards a completely full-time squad, I do think that given the effects our financial position has had on the squad means it would be foolish of ourselves to rule out signing any more part-timers. We know from the past couple of seasons that the right part-time players can make the step up.

Edited by Michael W
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If you're right, then I think the club is looking at things the wrong way.

We've recently had to cut our cloth significantly, and I'm very surprised we haven't signed any part-time players. They won't need as much in wages, and it seems foolish to rule ourselves out of of perfectly capable part-timers by chasing an all full-time squad; particularly when you consider our present financial position.

McGlynn knows what he wants but maybe, and I emphasise the maybe, we would have been able to add a little more depth to the squad by signing a couple of players on part-time deals, rather than only signing full-time players. I'd imagine we'd manage to get an extra player in at least if we looked at things that way.

Whilst I'd agree that the club has been looking progressively towards a completely full-time squad, I do think that given the effects our financial position has had on the squad means it would be foolish of ourselves to rule out signing any more part-timers. We know from the past couple of seasons that the right part-time players can make the step up.

It's the age old criticism of McGlynn though, he's always gone for quality over quantity and even when the budget was better he chose to sign fewer but better players. He's on record as thinking he's getting better value for money that way.Have we had a start of season squad of more than 18 since he joined?

Given the last few years, I reckon he's got that pretty much spot on.

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It's the age old criticism of McGlynn though, he's always gone for quality over quantity and even when the budget was better he chose to sign fewer but better players. He's on record as thinking he's getting better value for money that way.Have we had a start of season squad of more than 18 since he joined?

Given the last few years, I reckon he's got that pretty much spot on.

18 is a squad size I currently dream of.

I see McGlynn's point of view and would agree with him on the whole. This season, I'm not so sure - a couple of injuries and we're in trouble.

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18 is a squad size I currently dream of.

I see McGlynn's point of view and would agree with him on the whole. This season, I'm not so sure - a couple of injuries and we're in trouble.

Well indeed, 18 would leave me in a world of magical lollipops and fluffy bunnies.

Obviously, there's a cut off point when you start changing that around but as Renton says above, this season the tema will consist of around 13 / 14 core players with a few bench watmers and last ten minuters from the 19s. as far as I can tell, the question for McGlynn is whether the 19s can adequately roles the roles vacated by Weir, Wales, Ferry et al . but for less money whilst players like Dougie Hill make the transition from playing regularly to playing every week.

Given the low bar set by Weir, Wales etc. I'm certain the 19s can make that step up and I'm also certain that Hill can make that step as well. I'm not half as concerned by this as many people seem to be.

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