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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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Thats tripe. I dont mind people seeing things differently at all, and Ive expressed that several times in my countless defences. What I react to is the constant nit picking and abuse I automatically receive whenever I post anything, even the most trivial of observations.

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I don't 'scan' your posts at all.

The posts of yours that I do come across are predominantly negative.

I appreciate that you are just typing it as you see it but the aloofness you display when someone hits you with a contrary opinion would suggest that you can't accept that other people see things different.

Thats tripe. I dont mind people seeing things differently at all, and Ive expressed that several times in my countless defences. What I react to is the constant nit picking and abuse I automatically receive whenever I post anything, even the most trivial of observations.


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For the record, I don't think we're "doing well in the league", particularly. There's quite a lot of middle-ground between thinking that and being Berk.

I'd agree with that. Our league performance sums up what it's like to be a Rovers fan at the moment really - dull, boring, occasionally average but mostly a let down.

I think our best result of the season was a 1-0 win at Alloa. Part-time Alloa. Who are eighth.

Or maybe a draw at Easter Road. Either way, it's not exactly been full of thrills and spills.

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I'd agree with that. Our league performance sums up what it's like to be a Rovers fan at the moment really - dull, boring, occasionally average but mostly a let down.

Does that not sum up being a Rovers fan in general? Generally full of disappointment but the very occasional high/medium point (depending on whether you're a half-full or half-empty type).

And yet we still love it.

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Results wise we've probably done all right

Footballing wise, this team are utterly disgusting to watch.

I'd be interested to hear how Murray's footballing philosophy went from ultra-attacking, two wingers, two attacking full backs, attack, attack, attack, great to watch and getting results, to stodgy 4-5-1, unwatchable, makes McGlynn look like a swashbuckler, sack this p***k, rubbish.

Edited by Scary Bear
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There's nothing wrong with 4-5-1 if you play it right but it's just horrible watching us use it. Then there's Murray's use of substitutions. Yesterday we were only one goal down and there was no sign of Murray making any changes despite us having a pretty decent looking bench now. Then we lose a second goal and suddenly it's double substitution time. It's pathetic.

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Even Davie Sinclair has taken to Facebook saying it's not good enough and time for a change.

I noticed that :lol:

I can't see how any raith fan could be on his side now. If rumours are true then that's Mcglynn away from Livi now which with them being our next game will probably be a lot harder to beat than recently..

So, the best thing is to get rid of Murray at the same time surely...

There are plenty of half- decent managers out there without a job at the minute. Terry Butcher, Derek Adams and Danny Lennon just to name a few..

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In theory I like the way the Rovers went about appointing a manager after McGlynn. I'd much rather promote from within and appoint an up-and-coming manager, hungry to make a name for themselves than one of the usual suspects on the managerial merry-go-round, and I have probably been one of the last to show support to the Grant Murray regime (a 'happy clapper', if you will). However, with no upturn in the quality of football on show and results-wise we are treading water at best, maybe it is time for a change.

If it was to come to it, I'd be happy with Danny Lennon or Terry Butcher, I have an inexplicable hatred of Derek Adams but could make my peace with his appointment were it to happen. Anyone who can take the current crop of players and make them more competitive on the pitch will do me fine.

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From a personal viewpoint. Lennon is a standout candidate. Will have support on his side from off, has done well at Cowden and Saints on limited budgets promoting 'attractive' football along the way.

Butcher would be fine if we could afford him.

Adams to me would be slightly more of a gamble, took County up from a very poor quality division on a large budget with huge squad. Once there he signed a load of average foreign guys and took County backwards. He isn't exactly liked much either by our fans so would need to hit the ground running to change that.

*anyone is an improvement on GM though

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The teams like a toddler that's long overdue a nappy change, arse nipping and reeking of shite but the board has done feck all about it. Agree that any change must be an improvement on the current state of affairs; I would like Butcher, unsure about Lennon and Adams, tho Lennon has Rovers pedigree. IMO Levein was outstanding, turning around an ineffectual team overnight, but no doubt he's well beyond our means.

(Half expecting someone to point out that playing one up front is better than playing with no forwards :rolleyes: )

Edited by Big Berk
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