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The New Raith Rovers Thread

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I know this may go down the wrong way, please try and take it as intended but why should disabled folk get a discount...

I understand if you are confined to a wheelchair then you are confined to one certain area of the ground that's fair enough, but those with other 'less serious' disabilities who can choose to sit where they like should pay the same as 'able bodied' folk in my opinion.

Now Rovers_Lad let me explain myself and I am not suggesting for one minute that you fall into this camp,

I'm not some cruel heartless b*****d before anyone else jumps in here and obviously I know there are different levels of 'disability' but what really boils my piss is guys going to the football who have a 'minor' disability and therefore registered disabled but they live a normal life, hold down a normal job and even earn more money than some 'able bodied' folk I know, yet they get into grounds at discounted prices and often draw lots to see who there nominated "carer" is for that day so they can get in for free, I've even heard "if you get me a couple of drinks in the pub I'll get you in free as my carer"

This is the same thing that crops up all the time with student pricing. It's not about rewarding or advantaging certain groups, it's about enticing as many people to the game as possible.

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This is the same thing that crops up all the time with student pricing. It's not about rewarding or advantaging certain groups, it's about enticing as many people to the game as possible.

Bingo. A good idea would be 1 child free, or if you have say 2 kids just pay for one. That's a good deal.

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That's a handful of people at most, strange that it "boils your piss". I'd be directing my ire at the folk who set the prices in the first place, if prices were lower and more affordable you maybe wouldn't see folk doing this. If someone with a minor disability wants to use that to get in for a more realistic price then so be it. On many occasions I've flashed my student card this season to get in for a discount and I haven't been a student for about 4 years. I reckon most of us would take the opportunity for a discount if they were presented it.

Well done you, getting in on the cheap. Just don't be coming on here any time soon bemoaning lack of players, lack of progress, lack of options etc. You do realise the club is a business don't you? An unusual business granted; one whose success relies heavily on goodwill and esprit de corps and is majorly affected by weather, injury, discipline and cash.

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Struggling to think the last time I paid the full whack at an away game, always seem to get through the concessions turnstile and I'm nearly 30. I'd never do it at home games (naturally) but when it comes to away games....f**k em.

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Well done you, getting in on the cheap. Just don't be coming on here any time soon bemoaning lack of players, lack of progress, lack of options etc. You do realise the club is a business don't you? An unusual business granted; one whose success relies heavily on goodwill and esprit de corps and is majorly affected by weather, injury, discipline and cash.

Can you tell me what progress the game has made through the increased prices in the last 10 years? I'm always reading about how the quality isn't what it used to be in this league yet everyone is paying more. In any case I doubt my rogue fiver that goes missing from your club twice a season isn't hindering you from signing Messi.

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I'm not talking about the game in general, or your fivers. I'm talking about individual clubs, and how they have to find a very fine line to balance the books, as we've all seen in recent years. We're paying more because life costs more. Clubs like ours rely on gate money as an important element of the operation, and to cheat them does no-one any favours. You, sir, are a cad.

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I'm not talking about the game in general, or your fivers. I'm talking about individual clubs, and how they have to find a very fine line to balance the books, as we've all seen in recent years. We're paying more because life costs more. Clubs like ours rely on gate money as an important element of the operation, and to cheat them does no-one any favours. You, sir, are a cad.

Ach the way I see it is if I didn't get in for a half I'd probably not go to as many away games so they'd be better off with my £8 than nothing at all.

Obviously I don't do this at my own club but sack paying full whack away from home.

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Ach the way I see it is if I didn't get in for a half I'd probably not go to as many away games so they'd be better off with my £8 than nothing at all.

Obviously I don't do this at my own club but sack paying full whack away from home.

Agreed. I couldn't give a toss about other teams finances and whether I'm diddling them out of money, if it's away from home and not a shared gate then I'll chance my luck at a concessions gate. Now before folk start saying "ah but if everyone had that mindset then we'd be out of pocket as well with away fans doing the same at Starks", well if the turnstile operators were checking things like dates on student cards and/or challenging folk that are clearly not concessions we'd not have that issue.

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I'm not talking about the game in general, or your fivers. I'm talking about individual clubs, and how they have to find a very fine line to balance the books, as we've all seen in recent years. We're paying more because life costs more. Clubs like ours rely on gate money as an important element of the operation, and to cheat them does no-one any favours. You, sir, are a cad.

So all your bluster about how I was hindering progress was a pile of nonsense then. Of course it's a fine line but people getting in for discounts isn't a new thing. Christ, 15 years ago I was lifted in for free every week! Clubs make their money from season tickets, the "walk up" fan is staying away - why do you think that is? It couldn't possibly be that the price of a ticket is too expensive for the shite they need to watch, could it?

It costs more because life costs more. Really? I look around various other countries in Europe and I don't see them paying £20 for this standard of football, in fact I see them paying less for a better standard of football in some cases. We're being done. I, sir, personally couldn't give two shites if you think I'm a cad. Dry yer eyes.

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The article on the back of the Fife Free Press confirms that the Disabled Season Ticket reduction has been removed. Apparently because it is being abused.

My son has benefited from this scheme for years and many away teams operate the the carers go free scheme as well.

To be fair to the club Eric has been in touch with me directly as well which is very much appreciated.

I am not intending to have a go at anyone in particular but the whole thing just does not make sense.

1) How on earth can this be abused? When I buy my sons ticket I need to provide DWP/DLA letters proving his disability. The season ticket has his picture on it. So it can't possibly be transferred. It is checked every week at the gate so only my son can use it with his carer. I am mystified how this can be abused by anyone unless they are forging season tickets or DLA letters.

2) The club is keeping the concession gate, which includes a disabled concession (still advertised) at £9 per game. So its £9 at the gate for 18 league games is a cost of £162. £58 cheaper than buying a season ticket. Even with the other offers this won't make up £58.

3) Normal season tickets are far more regularly abused. I know its common place for people who are not attending to give their season ticket to a mate. The season ticket is NON-TRANSFERRABLE. This is abuse which costs the club money.

4) As we can see from some posters on here, abuse of student tickets does not seem to be uncommon. I wonder if jobseekers are abusing their discount as well.

I also assume that I could be one of the people who are seen to be abusing this. One of the people that RoversMad so ignorently refers to as a "minor disability"

My son is perfectly abulent, fit (actually he is a very good athlete) and able bodied. However he is Autistic and no way could he attend without a carer. Being disabled is not always about being physically incapable, or being confined to "certain areas of the ground". There are many other "hidden" disabilities that are far more disabling, limiting and challenging than having a physical or noticable disability.

I appreciate the club has to make difficult decisions but I think the abuse (if there is any) by disabled supporters is going to be far less than the abuse by other groups.

Putting the emotional stuff aside, Arriving at a strategy where a season ticket is so much more expensive than paying at the gate is just strange.

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The article on the back of the Fife Free Press confirms that the Disabled Season Ticket reduction has been removed. Apparently because it is being abused.

My son has benefited from this scheme for years and many away teams operate the the carers go free scheme as well.

To be fair to the club Eric has been in touch with me directly as well which is very much appreciated.

I am not intending to have a go at anyone in particular but the whole thing just does not make sense.

1) How on earth can this be abused? When I buy my sons ticket I need to provide DWP/DLA letters proving his disability. The season ticket has his picture on it. So it can't possibly be transferred. It is checked every week at the gate so only my son can use it with his carer. I am mystified how this can be abused by anyone unless they are forging season tickets or DLA letters.

2) The club is keeping the concession gate, which includes a disabled concession (still advertised) at £9 per game. So its £9 at the gate for 18 league games is a cost of £162. £58 cheaper than buying a season ticket. Even with the other offers this won't make up £58.

3) Normal season tickets are far more regularly abused. I know its common place for people who are not attending to give their season ticket to a mate. The season ticket is NON-TRANSFERRABLE. This is abuse which costs the club money.

4) As we can see from some posters on here, abuse of student tickets does not seem to be uncommon. I wonder if jobseekers are abusing their discount as well.

I also assume that I could be one of the people who are seen to be abusing this. One of the people that RoversMad so ignorently refers to as a "minor disability"

My son is perfectly abulent, fit (actually he is a very good athlete) and able bodied. However he is Autistic and no way could he attend without a carer. Being disabled is not always about being physically incapable, or being confined to "certain areas of the ground". There are many other "hidden" disabilities that are far more disabling, limiting and challenging than having a physical or noticable disability.

I appreciate the club has to make difficult decisions but I think the abuse (if there is any) by disabled supporters is going to be far less than the abuse by other groups.

Putting the emotional stuff aside, Arriving at a strategy where a season ticket is so much more expensive than paying at the gate is just strange.

Is all this info coming from Eric? There's nothing to say disabled punters can get in for a concession price. Also what's the script for getting in as a disabled fan? Show disabled badge to turnstile operator? Show proofs at the office to then get a ticket to get in?. Also what's happening with a carer now going with a disabled person, pay as a full paying adult?

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good post Graeme especially regards the different levels of disability

not a go at you graeme but why is eric or the club not making this info that the club keeping the £9 concession for patg disabled to all as opposed to through an individual?

there's no mention of this in the original early bird season ticket announcement on the web,there is not even a mention of disabled (season tickets)at all on the latest further early bird sales opportunities,what a total mish mash

it does not make sense to have concession patg for disabled yet having a season ticket at full price

who is going to decide at the turnstile if someone is disabled or not?what happens if a disabled punter turns up on a Saturday with a carer,does the carer gain free entry?

every aspect of gaining entry into starks is abused,oap,students and juniors

just wish the club could show some clarity instead,punters have to email or phone the club to find out,

you beat me to it raithie with similar questions,must be telescopic

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I also assume that I could be one of the people who are seen to be abusing this. One of the people that RoversMad so ignorently refers to as a "minor disability"

Sorry if you took offence but 'ignorant'? How come? Obviously I am aware there are different levels of disabilities, my post was quite clearly aimed at the guys who hold down a job, can go to the bookies/pub etc without any issues then come 3 o clock on a Saturday they need a carer to accompany them to the football.
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I don't know about the patg. I know I need to show the DLA/DWP letters to buy the season ticket. I don't know if I would need to take this every week with me. I hope not. It's pretty important documentation for lots of other stuff. The renewal notice on the web says that the patg concessions remain.

I am sure something will work out. My son is also mad about the Flyers but they don't run a similar scheme. This is pretty much the reason we don't have Flyers season tickets and only go to selected games. At the end of the day it won't break his bank but we always make an effort to support the club by renewing early.

It's not a great message for the club to be sending out.

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Graeme,the renewal notice on the web only says concession prices will stay at £9 ,nothing to say thats inclusive of disabled especially when you take into account disabled are paying full price season ticket,its no surprise some are thinking that the concession for patg is not inclusive of disabled

very confusing and misleading

with regards showing proof at the gate,again no clarity, the likes of an OAP does not have to show any sort of proof patg

if the club had taken their time before putting out the announcement and making sure they had covered all basis we might not have been so confused,well me anyway lol and not having this discussion

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