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Who's Going To Uni?

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I think school pupils all get told it's January or something. Last year the hard deadline where we wouldn't take anyone was the end of June. Anyone after that was in through clearing.

I was told it was the 15th January, got it in midway through December though.

Edited by Marr1
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2/3 of my exams out the way, first one was Maths which I've scooshed. Today was pretty brutal though, Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer. Been a while since I looked around after an exam and saw three quarters of the class turn to their mate and shake their heads/laugh about how disastrous it was.

I remember doing an exam like that. Got the obligatory 10 minutes reading time at the start. To a man, we sat there clueless. Needless to say we all did badly, luckily the exam counted for nothing.

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I was constantly wondering this in my second year but in third year now (totally different course but I'm sure its all much the same) and uni is far better in every way. I would recommend jumping ship for your second year, larger class sizes but all the lecturers have gotten back to concerns plus you will have more students around about you to help you. I also thought they introduce you to more literature in uni so its up to you whether you use it or not, never got any such help in college although our lecturers may have just been particularly unhelpful!


Was hoping you'd comment as I knew you'd jumped to uni from college when you posted last year. I've pretty much decided I'll go to UWS if I can get in. I'd imagine I'll get a conditional of getting a A/B in my graded unit!

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I hated 2nd year of college, we were basically given the graded unit and told it was all down to our research without any real insight into recommended references etc.The instructions weren't clear at all either and the specification was very badly worded and our tutor kept telling us all different things. Was online searching for stuff and getting nowhere for weeks on end as had no idea where the right resources were, was a pretty unhappy period for me tbh and i wish i had just jumped ship after the HNC. Uni i find is far better organised, if you want to get in touch with tutors then you still can email them and they will get back to you, i haven't even needed to as have found instructions to be clear enough. Only reason i stuck at HND was that i would have something to fall back on.

Yeah, the early good impression I had of my course is fading away. It's practical journalism I'm studying but it's sports journalism I'm ultimately interested in, and UWS is the only place that does it.

I reckon I've made up my mind that I'll go there if I can.

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I was in the very first intake of students for the Journalism degree at Caley and for most of us it was a disaster. Seems like they have ironed out many of the issues but half the stuff we were promised never came to fruition.

I do agree about it providing a wider range of courses than other Journalism courses but in our case the balance was not right and there wasn't enough journalism based stuff.

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I get asked a lot about the 'jump' from college to uni. The thing you have to remember is that students in uni going from year 2 to year 3 usually find it's a bit of a jump as well. Of course it'll be that bit more challenging.

Overall though, college students tend to do a bit better (in my experience) than they expect. Mostly it's a work ethic thing - in my classes students who went to college tend to turn up every time, whereas some who came straight from school start thinking that they can get by using course texts and the VLE and skipping a fair chunk of the lectures. Some can, but I always think that in the end their grades do suffer.

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We were quite lucky because our 3rd year results haven't counted towards our honours degree mark, don't know why, but it's definetly helped me with how well I'm doing just now. Agree about how College students tend to do better, it's certainly evident in our modules. I've put it down to needing to work harder. Got an exam a week tomorrow, which I'm not looking forward to, but it's my only exam this trimester yet. We've already have 3 group work projects that were a total of 6000 words (1st for that) and an individual assessment which was 4000 words (2:1 for that) now we have a 3 hour exam. Even the lecturers thought it was a bit much, but I suppose it's nearly done!

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Depends on the uni and their own rules as to when grades are counted. My degree was at Stirling and some grades in 2nd year counted, which went well against me as I had a big upswing in late 3rd/4th year.

I know now that whenever I set a deadline, students will not look at it or think about it until about 20 days beforehand, and start work properly until (at most) 5 days before. Then I get panicked emails and calls, and then I get people handing in late with various dog-ate-my-homework excuses. None matter - my deadlines are hard and any lateness is penalised.

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Third year results count towards your degree at Glasgow anyway which is when you start honours courses. I had a big upswing from second year so am looking for better for a decent classification now than I would if second year was taken into account

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I'm not a huge fan of group work for that particular reason. We had a course (3rd year Politics and IR) last term that was 80% group work. Fortunately I had a very decent group and we shared the workload just about evenly but certainly in honours courses I'm not sure about having to rely on other people. Other groups in our class certainly had issues.

However, I also see the point that most people will have to work as part of a team at some point in the future so it can help in developing some key skills.

Edited by 10menwent2mow
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Yeah I think it is down to the uni's themselves.

You are right regarding deadlines. However we have a 12 week trimester and the essays have to be in on week 12, however week 1-11 is teaching, so we don't get all the information until a week before the deadline.

I'm sure someone more organised than myself would be able to start their essay with information they already have....

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Yeah I think it is down to the uni's themselves.

You are right regarding deadlines. However we have a 12 week trimester and the essays have to be in on week 12, however week 1-11 is teaching, so we don't get all the information until a week before the deadline.

I'm sure someone more organised than myself would be able to start their essay with information they already have....

Surely you are given the recommended texts...The teaching (contact time) is only meant to be a small fraction of your learning.

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Surely you are given the recommended texts...The teaching (contact time) is only meant to be a small fraction of your learning.

We get 2 hours lecture and a 1 hour tutorial (all in a 3 hour block) for each module. Our recommended books etc are very vague though. We usually do have a core text book which has everything, but untill you're taught it, if it's brand new to you then it's not so straight forward.

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Group work is terrible. I believe had it not been for group work in third year I could have got a first rather than a 2:1. We got lumbered with two of the laziest guys in our class for a module that had a 50% mark on the group work, and got a terrible mark as a result, even with me and the other boy putting in a considerable amount of time and effort into it.

In fourth year we were handed a module that required group work and we managed to swing it that the group work would not count towards your overall grade, instead the essay you produced on the project overall made up 100% of the mark. I managed to get my first graduate job as a result of that project and result, so very happy.

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Honestly....One guy applies here with nowhere near our minimum entrance requirements. Out of curiosity I opened up his personal statement to see why he even bothered. The statement was basically a love letter to Glasgow Caley, saying why he always wanted to go there and thought their degree was the best.

I don't work at Glasgow Caley.

Funny thing in Scotland is people going to the 'local' university. Nowhere else has this. I get a lot of Glasgow applicants who'll never come as they get itchy as soon as they hit the motorway

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Honestly....One guy applies here with nowhere near our minimum entrance requirements. Out of curiosity I opened up his personal statement to see why he even bothered. The statement was basically a love letter to Glasgow Caley, saying why he always wanted to go there and thought their degree was the best.

I don't work at Glasgow Caley.

Funny thing in Scotland is people going to the 'local' university. Nowhere else has this. I get a lot of Glasgow applicants who'll never come as they get itchy as soon as they hit the motorway

This is something I've noticed also. I know a load of English Uni students, and none of them would dream of staying in their home city for Uni.

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I've been lumbered with a good few useless c***s for groupwork. I don't mind if someone isn't the best academically, but I had quite a few folk who were very unreliable for turning up to group meetings, doing research at home etc and generally gave you a book full of half arsed lazy excuses.

I managed to wing one in 2nd year with a guy who ended up dropping out not long after. We arranged to meet one day in the Uni library and he texted me at 9pm apologising cause he had the doctors. :lol:

I ended up becoming a wee grass and dobbing the c**t in at my personal tutor session. He didn't deserve to get off scot free with it, when I was grafting like f**k and working a shiteload on the side. A good group of lecturers pick up on these things and bare it in mind for future group projects, cause it only takes one dafty to bring the whole group down.

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