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I've got an essay due in in just over 24 hours, I've done very, very little of it, and now the Uni system that lets me search for journal articles isn't working.

Woo fucking hoo.


Marketing aye? I've no done much ae mine either nor can I be fuckin arsed to.

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The essay. Looked more straightforward. Still quite a lot tae do.

Aye, I'm doing the essay too. The report just looked like a more complicated, more difficult piece of work.

I can't seem to get the journal search engine stuff to work today, so that's a bit bollocks, but if it's still not working tonight I'll be asking for an extension, methinks. Still, I've got quite a lot done already, so it's not too bad.

Actually finding articles about "Marketing-led organisations" seems impossible anyway, I've had to just steal stuff from other areas.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got my first exam tomorrow morning (Africa). Relatively confident that I covered everything especially Sachs view on development.

I would be in a much better position if the department hadn't decided to have our dissertation proposal hand in the same week that our exams start.

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Got my first exam tomorrow morning (Africa). Relatively confident that I covered everything especially Sachs view on development.

I would be in a much better position if the department hadn't decided to have our dissertation proposal hand in the same week that our exams start.

You have an exam in Africa? You can take in cheat notes, just get a meerkat to keep edge-y! :D

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On Monday I had Inference, which wasn't too bad, but today I had Applied Modelling and it was quite difficult. 3 out of the 4 questions were unlike anything in the past papers.

I only have to do 3 out of 4, so I picked the straightforward one, which I hopefully did well in, and then had to battle my way through two of the others.

Still, that's 2 down, 8 to go.

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Sources and Institutions of Scots Law Exam tomorrow afternoon. Not looking forward to it. I'm relying on at least 2 of 4 questions being good ones, or I might actually just cry.

Went okay. I didn't finish the 4th essay but the questions were tolerable. Roll on Delict.

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Who did that Marketing lecture? It's the only one I've missed, but it doesn't sound like I missed much.

I had a multiple choice "Tourism Management" test yesterday, and it was more like Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? rather than a test of academic ability.

The first question, and I shit you not, was:

"Where is the Ponte Vecchio?" A. Naples B. Rome C. Florence D. Milan

For some reason I have an image in my head of the lights in the lecture theatre dimming down dramatically for the start of the exam, and Chris Tarrant reading out the questions in a leather swivvely (sp?) chair. It amuses me greatly.

I have 2 exams down, 1 to go. Politics has already been marked, and a B3 was very pleasing to get, as I've been averaging a C1 or so since September. One exam to go and that's on Monday. A much more difficult layout than the previous 2, and this one makes up 60% of the entire module, as opposed to the previous 2 where they didn't matter a great deal in comparison. I've just got to plod through a shitload of material, but on the whole should be ok.

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Would any of the guys studying Politics at Strathclyde recommend it? I'm meeting with my advisor of studies next week and hopefully try to switch courses for next year.

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I dunno, it depends on what you're interested in. I've found the first two years to be okay, Professor Mitchell is boring beyond belief in first year but the rest of the lecturers are fine. The questions for essays and exams tend to be fairly open-ended so if you study the right areas they should come up and there's no nasty tricks. If you do the necessary work it's fine, if not you'll struggle.

On that note, I got my Modern Political Thought Essay back, a nice 68, which means there's no pressure at all on the monster exam. Got 70 and 68 for my history essays, hoping to break into 70s for the overall classes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm pleased to report back to whoever it was that warned me about sociology at the beginning of the year that it has indeed lived up to it's expectations and provided some of the most dry, soulless lectures around.

Thoroughly looking forward to never having to broach the subject again after my exam tomorrow.

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Would any of the guys studying Politics at Strathclyde recommend it? I'm meeting with my advisor of studies next week and hopefully try to switch courses for next year.

I'd agree with vikingTON, I've only just finished first year and James Mitchell is a bit of an arse but I've found what we've studied to be pretty interesting.

The tutorials for politics have also been pretty good so long as you're in with a group of people who actually like to talk.

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I'm pleased to report back to whoever it was that warned me about sociology at the beginning of the year that it has indeed lived up to it's expectations and provided some of the most dry, soulless lectures around.

Thoroughly looking forward to never having to broach the subject again after my exam tomorrow.

Let future generations heed the warning, my warning actually.

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