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I put in a decent shift in tutorials. I'll contribute when necessary and I try not to waffle on. My Politics tutorials are pretty good, everyone seems to get on and banter is had both with each other and with the tutor. Although the militant c**t (he told us with pride that he is facing charges over the student protests in Glasgow, and he also helps run a political paper which he tried to sell to us all*) who has just appeared finds it impossible to give an answer or even raise a question with giving us a 10 minute speech. My History tutorials are decent enough, again everyone gets on and contributes rather than sitting in silence. HRM tutorials are gash however with nobody having a fucking clue about what to do most of the time - myself included.

*He brought laughter to our Politics lecture on the Civil Service when he questioned the former Civil Service wifey on the CS's involvement in implementing the student fee increases in England. She completely blew his argument away and he was forced to resort to 'Well we pay your wages!' and was promptly shouted down by everyone as we all got up and walked out.

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Our tutorials are all about numbers and equations usually, so there isn't really much scope for discussion. The lecturer asks which questions folk were stuck with and then goes over them.

I can see why that might apply in a more science/maths based degree. It couldn't be further from the truth in areas like the humanities, though.

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I can see why that might apply in a more science/maths based degree. It couldn't be further from the truth in areas like the humanities, though.

I assumed that.

We have right and wrong answers most of the time, but the lines will be a lot more blurred in the majority of subjects.

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I assumed that.

We have right and wrong answers most of the time, but the lines will be a lot more blurred in the majority of subjects.

This is how my tutorials were, but for other things, like I did a building construction module and we were required to do techy drawings for the courseworks, so in the end all the tutorials were was him explaining what the differenent things were and where they went in said drawing.

Guy was a total p***k, I just didn't see why he didn't just put it in the lecture, instead of making us find him in his office if we had a problem.

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I speak as much as I possibly can in tutorials. Don't see why people don't.

Speaking in a turtorial is a waste of good energy. Energy that can be put to good use in other ways. Have you not learned yet that we have to be more efficient and sustainable. Using up energy that is not required is destroying our planet. :P

Also, why should I let everyone else know that I know the right answer. I don't care what anyone else thinks or knows. I attended uni for purely selfish reasons, to get MY degree, not to give others the answers, not to fuel my ego and not to relieve the lecturer of their duties.

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There are round about 20 of us in my new year and we largely keep quite quiet in the tutorials, even when we had our literature classes where there was so much opportunies for interpretation (which last one semester), it did rile the lecturer a bit though as he freaking loves the books he's teaching (so do I but I kind of avoid speaking out loud if noone else is in case it looks... kinda attentiony?).

My last year group (I'm resitting third year) where by contrast very active in most tutorials even in drier subjects such as media technology and politics. This year group were all close-knit so that's got to have had an effect discussion wise, my new cohorts aren't so. The old cohorts would use tutorial points to bicker between each other out of uni. When we were doing our literature module we all had opinions on Orwell, Hunter S Thompson and others and it really helped when we came round to essay writing and shaping our own views on the backs of others. In fact everyone else on my course hated one of the books we'd read (I hadn't :o) and said so which meant the lecturer replaced it for this year's intake, sparing them the pain of unreadable dirge!

(I'm studying Journalism if anyone looks perplexed by the range of subjects)

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Agree with this. I do Computing tutorials, which are more about answering questions and working through problems than they might be in other subjects, but we still expect something more. We have (attempted) discussions on issues, we expect first year students to give presentations and do their own research. So I agree with you, its more than Barry says.

For the first couple of years of my PhD, I did tutorials as well. Obviously, my stuff was pretty much maths based being in Electronics, but I did try to pepper the solutions with the wider applications of the theory, to try and let the kids see the circuits beign discussed in a wider view. For the first couple of terms that worked, while I had the robotics guys who tended to be extras from Big Bang theory.

This all came to a halt when I got stuck with a bunch of tailenders of the class one year. The kind of poeple who can work through a problem mechanically but had absolutely no grasp of the actual theory itself, the kind of people who trained for questions and to pass exams and who tended to put knoweldge in little boxes, so that they couldn't see the link between one class and the next. Total nightmares in other words.

On one Electromagnetics question they were asked to solve a lifting magnet problem. I finally gave up when these second year students, who apparently had made it through physics at high school and first year uni, took one look at the cross sectional drawing of the magnet and tried to solve the problem as if the magnet had three poles.

At that point, my temper went.

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I was there, albeit only to kill an hour between a tutorial and playing pool. The numbers I heard were about 2000, trouncing any previous protest at Glasgow Uni.

And the Against Cuts group leading the main protest is just a front for a socialist group :lol:

Kinda boring, lots of standing around and I couldn't help but feel all the work councils should have maybe been at work.

And I'm actually all for cutting sociology.

I'm all for cutting sociology too - but cutting Modern Languages just isn't on.

Why does it not surprise me it's to socialists that are behind it - at Glasgow the socialists are a pain in the arse. They're like Sheridan went on a shagging spree in Hillhead.

To be fair, the name alone implies that they are "a wee bit cunty".

That's the old postgrad club, which went bust. ACAAN are occupying the building.

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That's the old postgrad club, which went bust. ACAAN are occupying the building.

Stupid cnuts managed to lose £50K. Have they ever thought that it is partially their actions that are forcing the university to make cuts. The university should board the place up with them inside, pikey barstewards.

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Why does it not surprise me it's to socialists that are behind it - at Glasgow the socialists are a pain in the arse. They're like Sheridan went on a shagging spree in Hillhead.

That's the old postgrad club, which went bust. ACAAN are occupying the building.

Glasgow Uni socialists are without doubt the most annoying people on earth, they have no idea what debate is ie they just tell your their own crackpot ideas then if you dare to try and answer back at them they just get louder and coming up longer and more complex arguments until you eventually give up.

When they occupied the computing building over some Palestine issue they said that GU should give scholarships to Palestinian students and refuse entry to Israeli ones. I pointed out that is affirmative action and actually slightly illegal and also fascist, which kinda goes against everything they stand for. Their response to this...... no intellectual argument or points, no reasoning at all.... gather round me and say i was a war criminal and write about me on their facebook page (i believe infidel was the term used) laugh.gif

I agree that cutting courses and staff is wrong but i just don't wanna associate myself in any way to their wee "club"

Apart from them Glasgow is a good uni to be at, word of warning if you're wanting to do a science degree just don't expect any work to be handed back on any short timescale dry.gif

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Speaking in a turtorial is a waste of good energy. Energy that can be put to good use in other ways. Have you not learned yet that we have to be more efficient and sustainable. Using up energy that is not required is destroying our planet. :P

Also, why should I let everyone else know that I know the right answer. I don't care what anyone else thinks or knows. I attended uni for purely selfish reasons, to get MY degree, not to give others the answers, not to fuel my ego and not to relieve the lecturer of their duties.

Yet you are quite happy to talk absolute pish on here.

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I'm all for cutting sociology too - but cutting Modern Languages just isn't on.

Why does it not surprise me it's to socialists that are behind it - at Glasgow the socialists are a pain in the arse. They're like Sheridan went on a shagging spree in Hillhead.

That's the old postgrad club, which went bust. ACAAN are occupying the building.

Apparently, the Hetherington was donated for use by students as a club though - its not Muscatelli's to sell. I think this is the reason why the university are just letting them get on with it. One of my pals says theres free food going about as well.

Sociology isn't being cut, anthropology is being merged into sociology basically to get rid of one member of staff. Had a lecture from her yesterday and she was practically in tears. My problem with what is happening at the university is that you rarely hear Muscatelli taking about striving to improve academic standards, its always about saving money here, there and everywhere.The university has a budget surplus. Glasgow University is a publicly funded institution, the emphasis shoud be on providing a decent education which helps graduates get jobs. Cuts to modern languages and nursing - 2 areas with high employability after graduating - are being proposed. If Muscatelli wants the university to be private he should just go ahead and do it. I should add I am the opposite of a socialist - but universities arent set up to make money and shouldnt be run as such.

I was on TV last night, was walking past someone as they were interviewed :P

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I'm pretty sure the University doesn't have a budget surplus. It's facing a £50 million shortfall over the next 4 years if it doesn't start cutting back and that's allowing for a recovery in donations...

Your source being the unbiased Anton Muscatelli? Glasgow University Guardian says that the university was working with a £7.3m budget surplus. Yeah its perhaps an unreliable source, but no less so than Glasgow University's bank manager Principal....

I should add that, as a student of the university, I have been sent a summary of what happened at the meeting of the university court yesterday. It basically consists of recommending cuts to subjects on the basis that they do not appeal enough to overseas students (they pay high tuition fees) or they don't provide enough research (again a moneyspinner)

And the university is still advertising for expensive members of staff whilst proposing these cuts - they are looking for 22 medicine lecturers. In other words, the university does have money - its just using the economic situation as a cover to steer it down a particular path

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