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Who's Going To Uni?

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Yeah, me too. Granted I'm still at college so cannot comment on uni yet, but I can count on one hand the amount of times I've went for a beer with people in my class, and I've known them for nearly two years.

Maybe your just not invited!

Just kidding!

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Yeah, me too. Granted I'm still at college so cannot comment on uni yet, but I can count on one hand the amount of times I've went for a beer with people in my class, and I've known them for nearly two years.

Not quite like that for me, I have made a lot of mates, moved through here for University etc and the social side has been phenomenal, but if I wasn't doing a degree which I think will make me money in the job market I would not be at University.

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Yeah, me too. Granted I'm still at college so cannot comment on uni yet, but I can count on one hand the amount of times I've went for a beer with people in my class, and I've known them for nearly two years.

In fairness, you're not a teenager moving away from home for the first time. You're going to a local place, so you will be commuting rather than living there, and the guys who commute are always left out of things. Its not a deliberate conscious thing by either side, but it generally seems to happen. The people staying locally already have their own friends and family, and don't have the same sort of excitement that going to a new place has. They also tend not to live in halls, and so miss out on all that. Thats why I recommend that people (by which I mean school leavers) go somewhere away from home for uni if they can, if they don't do that, then I don't believe (personal opinion) that they are getting the most out of uni.

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Excellent choice. I've done zero work this year in Business. I studied for about half an hour before my exams last semester and got As. That tactic doesn't work as well for Law though...

QM Halls are really good as well. I stay in Murano and I sort of wish I stayed in QM. If you were to stay in Murano then make sure it's a large mixed flat and not a small one. I have a small flat and this semester it's three girls and me, which isn't ideal. QM are slightly more expensive iirc, but are much nicer and it also means you tend to get a lot of posher girls there. Posh girls are hot and dirty, which is a winning combination I'm sure you'll agree.

It gets better in honours, no tutorials, food in the second hours of lectures and videos.

And if you want your coursework checked by the lecturer before you hand it in you can. And they start off giving you an A1 then wait for you to f**k it up.

As for Law I've been reliably informed you need to suck dick to get a first biggrin.gif

Luckily then, I originally wanted to do Law but the open days made it look extremely boring so chose Business instead biggrin.gif

Yeah, Murano put down as second choice but I think it was small I chose, QM are a bit more expensive but the fact you get your own shower was too good to overlook! That is certainly is a bonus then..

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Yes, silly you. Another 'University of Lifer' who believes that universities are job factories, as opposed to gaining knowledge and social experiences for their own sake.

Anyone who claims they go to university to gain 'social experiences' needs to reconsider their priorities. You have social experiences when you are in school. If you've not worked it out by then you should be a bit worried. As for knowledge, you can learn all the history or the theories you want but the vast majority of it isn't going to be helpful in the working world except on the off-chance you end up working in academia or something career specific, which these days, is pretty rare.

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I only go to 'University' because when I left school I had nothing else to do. I'll probably drop out at some point in the next 18 months.

Getting steamin' is fun, but learning about inflation and taxation really is a load of boring shite, tbf.

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I only go to 'University' because when I left school I had nothing else to do. I'll probably drop out at some point in the next 18 months.

Getting steamin' is fun, but learning about inflation and taxation really is a load of boring

shite, tbf.

I know it's probably completely different at uni level but Higher Economics is the most boring, mind numbing shite I've had to put up with in 6 years of secondary school.

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I know it's probably completely different at uni level but Higher Economics is the most boring, mind numbing shite I've had to put up with in 6 years of secondary school.

My school didn't even offer Higher Economics, I just picked it as part of my Marketing Management degree, as I thought it'd be dead straight forward. I wouldn't take much notice of my experience though, I spent most of my 5th year at school mucking about in the common room, in my pants, throwing darts at the wall. For that reason I go to a kiddy-on ex-polytechnic. I'd imagine it'd be taught a lot better at a proper University like Edinburgh or Glasgow, where the lecturers have a basic grasp of the English language.

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Yes, silly you. Another 'University of Lifer' who believes that universities are job factories, as opposed to gaining knowledge and social experiences for their own sake.

Another Morton supporter going to Uni to make pals.

As unbearable as it would sound to a 'University of Lifer' :lol: like myself, why don't you become pals with McKee and save you both the hassle of going to Uni?

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I know it's probably completely different at uni level but Higher Economics is the most boring, mind numbing shite I've had to put up with in 6 years of secondary school.

Glasgow university business management is nothing like Economics.

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Yes, silly you. Another 'University of Lifer' who believes that universities are job factories, as opposed to gaining knowledge and social experiences for their own sake.


preparing for life as a checkout girl

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I feel like I've been a student for too long, but I've got a humanities degree and can't seem to find a job I want to do. Sort of found myself spending all my money to be at uni part time and working three days a week in the same job I had before I ever walked onto a university campus.

Starting to consider teaching.

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Starting to consider teaching.

Yep, the classic next turn for the people with not much else to do.

Not a dig or anything but I've noticed the people who always wanted to be teachers being outnumbered by those who just come in when they have f**k all else on.

I didn't think it was, or else I wouldn't have taken it. But I might end up taking it as part of the course.

Well, you don't have to. It might have changed but in Glasgow you choose three subjects in first and second year. You will obviously be doing Business 1A and 1B over two terms and then two others. You can choose anything in the social sciences section - history, politics, sociology, economic and social history public policy, entrepreneurship is a popular one for business students too. There are plenty of others too. You could choose economics but it would be just that - a choice.

And first year economics isn't that difficult - hell I managed it. Just don't do second year.

In second year you will have a partly maths section but it isn't that difficult whereas in honours you can pretty much avoid any maths if you want to.

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