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That moment when you've just graduated and you're in the quad and a Professor comes up to you and tells you on the sly that you've been awarded a 3-year stipendiary scholarship to do a PhD in Public Law at Glasgow Uni starting from September. Yeah. That. :D

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That moment when you've just graduated and you're in the quad and a Professor comes up to you and tells you on the sly that you've been awarded a 3-year stipendiary scholarship to do a PhD in Public Law at Glasgow Uni starting from September. Yeah. That. :D

You'll hate it, in the end.

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:lol: This is a thing you and xbl have going, isn't it? :P

Yeah, but he at least get's called doctor these days. I'm still doing my write up after hours from my work. It may just be me, certainly by disposition I prefer the faster pace of industry and actually being able to do things properly. I also think I get to do more innovative engineering than I ever did during my PHd, again, probably just blessed by the fact that my two jobs I've had in the semiconductor industry have been at decent leading edge companies. I am definitely more of an engineer than a pure scientist anyway.

You, you'll probably love it. I imagine the verbosity of a law PHd is fairly awesome - my missus is a corporate lawyer, so I sometimes get an insight to the wonderful world of regulations, contracts and the like, but a PHd, f**k me that'd be a masterclass in obfuscation and abuse of the English language.

No doubt it'll modfy the way you post here. Your posts will need a fucking index...... :P

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Yeah, but he at least get's called doctor these days. I'm still doing my write up after hours from my work. It may just be me, certainly by disposition I prefer the faster pace of industry and actually being able to do things properly. I also think I get to do more innovative engineering than I ever did during my PHd, again, probably just blessed by the fact that my two jobs I've had in the semiconductor industry have been at decent leading edge companies. I am definitely more of an engineer than a pure scientist anyway.

You, you'll probably love it. I imagine the verbosity of a law PHd is fairly awesome - my missus is a corporate lawyer, so I sometimes get an insight to the wonderful world of regulations, contracts and the like, but a PHd, f**k me that'd be a masterclass in obfuscation and abuse of the English language.

No doubt it'll modfy the way you post here. Your posts will need a fucking index...... :P


I guess the challenge is very different for law even than other arts/social science-type subjects, and again further removed from science and engineering. Whereas the latter is probably a lot about new data, inventions, adaptations etc, law is a lot more about critical assessment of written materials. My thesis proposal essentially hones in on the procedural aspects of how self-determination is facilitated within the UK constitution and whether that should change (questions like what role should the courts have, who should be allowed to have referendums, should it be different for different constituent nations or would a common framework be better etc).

It should be a lot of fun. There are teaching opportunities in level 1 and 2 public law courses so I'll be doing a bit of that too.

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I have a question regarding accommodation: Can I apply for this now or should I wait until I find out if I've met my conditional offer? The one I wanted to apply for is fully booked so I don't want to leave it too late. How do I go about it?

It's Stirling I'm talking about, if that makes any difference.

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It was six years ago now ( :( ) but I was a conditional for Stirling and I got all the information regarding applying for student accommodation pretty rapidly after I met my conditions. I wouldn't worry.

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Ye gods, the next generation of depressed PhD students, Ad Lib and VT. You'll hate it. It can be a truly miserable thing to endure.

ONe is doing a PhD in law, the other in history. Both are lovers of gigantic tracts of prose, the verbosity and pedantic nature of a law PhD in particular will warm the cockles of Ad Lib's heart. They'll be fine. It's just us poor engineers trying to innovate the future with two lengths of sticky tape and a multi channel oscilloscope (with only one working channel) who feel hard done by in the PhD stakes. :P

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Another question, chaps:

Am I likely to find out from Stirling if I've met my condition before the exam results are posted from the SQA? I'm sure I read on the results thread last year that a poster got an e-mail from a Uni saying that he was guaranteed a place. My thinking is, if I don't hear from them the day before I get my results, I haven't met my conditions.

I do apologise for all this panicking, but I'm absolutely shiting myself :lol:.

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Another question, chaps:

Am I likely to find out from Stirling if I've met my condition before the exam results are posted from the SQA? I'm sure I read on the results thread last year that a poster got an e-mail from a Uni saying that he was guaranteed a place. My thinking is, if I don't hear from them the day before I get my results, I haven't met my conditions.

I do apologise for all this panicking, but I'm absolutely shiting myself :lol:.

That was an error on the uni's part I'm sure. You should find out if you got the place at uni on the day you get your results.
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Another question, chaps:

Am I likely to find out from Stirling if I've met my condition before the exam results are posted from the SQA? I'm sure I read on the results thread last year that a poster got an e-mail from a Uni saying that he was guaranteed a place. My thinking is, if I don't hear from them the day before I get my results, I haven't met my conditions.

I do apologise for all this panicking, but I'm absolutely shiting myself :lol:.

I wouldn't think like that. I found out on the day exam results were received in the post on my UCAS page. I can't remember when the uni emailed me but it wasn't before that day.

My grandparents then took me for a congratulatory slap-up meal at Greywalls in Gullane. 8)

Anyway, good luck. First year is fantastic fun and starting uni is pretty exciting. Make sure you make the most of first year.

Edited by Enigma
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Ye I think generally ucas conditionals isn't updated until after the results are out. Sometimes can take longer

Speaking of Stirling uni, we have a football tournament up there over this weekend

Sent from my HTC Desire HD A9191 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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ONe is doing a PhD in law, the other in history. Both are lovers of gigantic tracts of prose, the verbosity and pedantic nature of a law PhD in particular will warm the cockles of Ad Lib's heart. They'll be fine. It's just us poor engineers trying to innovate the future with two lengths of sticky tape and a multi channel oscilloscope (with only one working channel) who feel hard done by in the PhD stakes. :P

I at least got to the end of mine without giving it all up and running away to work with wolves. Over the piece, it was worth the misery. I'm sure they'll be fine, but I wonder if they have any idea what is in store for them. :D

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I at least got to the end of mine without giving it all up and running away to work with wolves. Over the piece, it was worth the misery. I'm sure they'll be fine, but I wonder if they have any idea what is in store for them. :D

One will undoubtedly do it wrong, while the other will be on the verge of tears.

We're becoming an awfy well-educated lot on here. I wonder if Div would be open to giving doctors free Platinum membership :smartass

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