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Who's Going To Uni?

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Oh man, that's a name I haven't heard for a while, I had no idea you'd been around that long!

T'was my early days on here but I do remember she used to cause quite a stir on here! You can't beat a bit of P&B nostalgia, even the P&B nostalgia thread is pure P&B nostalgia these days...

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Poisonous atmosphere? It will take more than a handful of lefty commuswastikas in the Free Hetherington to create a poisonous atmosphere. The no money thing isn't a Glasgow exclusive phenomenon. The only impact the Law School seems to have faced is that they're no longer printing out the course guides for people. Too many students, by miles, yeah, but I'd imagine other Unis are the same. As for the Principal, he's probably the only guy who gives Nick Clegg a run for his money in the "unjustifiably hated" box.


We are failing absolutely as a university, as well as having to rent hotel rooms all over Glasgow for lectures - cause we can't afford new buildings but insist on taking on more and more students - we are also dropping down in every ranking. We dropped out of the top 100 in the world this year and the top 20 in the UK.

I also think our lack of money outstripps every other uni, bother our unions are hemorrhaging money. Moscatelli is hated, really hated, by both staff and students. Rightly or not, it makes for a poisonous and uncooperative atmosphere. I can't imagine he can even walk around his own campus given the amount of c***s who go to our uni.

When I joined the uni was good, by the time I leave it will be a fucking mess, it is getting worse by the year.

Edited by Supras
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We are failing absolutely as a university, as well as having to rent hotel rooms all over Glasgow for lectures - cause we can't afford new buildings but insist on taking on more and more students - we are also dropping down in every ranking. We dropped out of the top 100 in the world this year and the top 20 in the UK.

I also think our lack of money outstripps every other uni, bother our unions are hemorrhaging money. Moscatelli is hated, really hated, by both staff and students. Rightly or not, it makes for a poisonous and uncooperative atmosphere. I can't imagine he can even walk around his own campus given the amount of c***s who go to our uni.

When I joined the uni was good, by the time I leave it will be a fucking mess, it is getting worse by the year.

Hotel rooms? Since when? :o

We're not dropping down every ranking, though. I'd point out that we've risen up the Law league tables every year for 5 years (2nd in Scotland, 14th in the UK), are in the top 4 for most real subjects in Scotland and are in the top 20 for most of those UK-wide as well.

The funding situation is certainly more acute. We're going to have a £50 million deficit within 4 years unless they implement their cuts package in full and increase other revenue by £8million a year. It's Muscatelli by the way. I can't say I've seen or heard any animosity from staff towards him, but as for the students, I think you're giving disproportionate weight to a small number of very loud voices. The two Unions are certainly bleeding the Uni dry but then so is the main building generally. All that building work is symptomatic of the blasé neglect of the buildings over the last decade or so. They're only just getting onto making the Stair Building (Law building in the Square) semi-habitable. The only things that have been updated there in the last 30 years are the name tags on the doors and the computer equipment.

I have absolutely no idea who our principal is, let alone how popular they are!

Professor Gerry McCormac apparently.

Bear in mind that Muscatelli has been at the helm for quite a lot of changes at Glasgow asides this context of cuts. He's overseen quite a substantial restructuring of the University's departments into a College structure, the impending closure of several courses/departments, the investment of £12 million in a new intranet service called MyCampus which seems to be even worse than the old one Websurf, a protracted dispute with the Free Hetherington occupation, and a University that's probably got more lefty nutjobs and fragment groups than any other in Scotland. Does any other Uni in Scotland have the SWP blocking the thoroughfare to their two busiest buildings (Library and Fraser Building/Food Court) most days of the week as well as protesting outside one of their Unions half the time too?

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I take it the student loan is pisher in 4th year? That or the budgets cut. Mine is a bit less than previous years and as far as im aware my circumstances havent changed. You dont get travel expenses any more either. They just said it was added onto the loan which is why im baffled im gettin less.

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I take it the student loan is pisher in 4th year? That or the budgets cut. Mine is a bit less than previous years and as far as im aware my circumstances havent changed. You dont get travel expenses any more either. They just said it was added onto the loan which is why im baffled im gettin less.

They deduct £100 for every time you shit on your living room floor.

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Starting 3rd year Web Development at UWS Paisley next month.

Haven't applied to SAAS yet. The amount they give me is so pish I couldn't really care less about it until I absolutely have to.

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Btw it's 'their', so you might want to go to your nearest all-night library to complete your sanctimonious drivel more efficiently in future.

I find this a bit rich considering this:

There's a very straightforward way around such ghastly restrictions which I found: what you do is lend or copy the books or materials required for your work, which can then be used at any hour of the day you want. I'm sure it will suffice even the most unsociable students for a month, that is, if they can't just use the regular opening hours like anyone else would.

The word is "borrow", not "lend". Tit.

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How does the timetable look for the Stirling lads? I've 3 9am starts and in between 4-5 on a Friday. Helps free up the rest of the day I suppose :D

I've got five lectures. All on different days. Four of them at 9am.

I'm just thankful I'm back on campus, because there's no way I'd be dragging my arse to the vast majority of those if I still lived in town.

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I've got five lectures. All on different days. Four of them at 9am.

I'm just thankful I'm back on campus, because there's no way I'd be dragging my arse to the vast majority of those if I still lived in town.

What is your additional module this year? I chose Brands & Branding. Might change to another Marketing module if it doesn't float the boat. Yeah, I'm moving through to Riverside for my final year. Much better than getting through from Falkirk.

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I didn't either. Until reading this thread I thought it was Charles Kennedy purely because he sends out countless e-mails. Turns out to be Muscatelli, someone I've never heard of.

Is Chico still the Rector?

His election campaign was excellent back in the day, in the union getting some stick for not wanting a cheap pint. :lol: The added bonus was that he trounced that c**t Anwar, who though it was a good idea to come into the food factory and give everyone a patronising speech which was jeered by most.

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Is Chico still the Rector?

His election campaign was excellent back in the day, in the union getting some stick for not wanting a cheap pint. :lol: The added bonus was that he trounced that c**t Anwar, who though it was a good idea to come into the food factory and give everyone a patronising speech which was jeered by most.

I think he is but I'm not entirely sure. I knew of campaigns around May(?) time and he was up against a woman I'd never heard of although she is also supposed to be famous.

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