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Who's Going To Uni?

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That thanks for that widge, I need to sort out where I want to be first then what I want to do, being on the tools isn't a long term goal for me, although I enjoy working and earning a lot and studying would be something new to me! Would have to work as well I don't think I could be a full time student.

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Is 26 too old for me to go to uni?

Absolutely not. Just don't do the whole 'mature student' thing which involves speak down to your first year class-mates and doing the whole "tut, grow up" thing in class. You'll just come across as a w****r, more so if you think you're better than them. We had a couple of them in our years, one of which (thankfully) ****ed off by the end of Second Year. "I'm so much better than y... oh wait, I dropped out."

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Managed to get one of my applications to Glasgow changed from Business Economics to Statistics after having a change of heart. Got an unconditional this evening which I'll probably accept. Pleased with that.


To my shame, I had an unconditional at the end of 5th year but I lied to my mum saying saying that I needed a B in Higher Maths so I could stay for 6th year and doss about for a year. No chance I was going to be one of those guys with the 'not 18 until xx/xx/xx' stamped on my student ID. Serves her right for believing a teenager I suppose. It was kind of true though, I would have needed a B to get onto the MEng programme but I wasn't too fussed about that at the time. Anyway, 6th Year was the bollocks. biggrin.gif

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To my shame, I had an unconditional at the end of 5th year but I lied to my mum saying saying that I needed a B in Higher Maths so I could stay for 6th year and doss about for a year. No chance I was going to be one of those guys with the 'not 18 until xx/xx/xx' stamped on my student ID. Serves her right for believing a teenager I suppose. It was kind of true though, I would have needed a B to get onto the MEng programme but I wasn't too fussed about that at the time. Anyway, 6th Year was the bollocks. biggrin.gif

Cheers! Unfortunately due to having a December birthday I'll be 17 for the first few months of uni.

Edited by Meathead
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Got my exam results back on Tuesday there. Got an A5 in History and a B1 in Central and Eastern European Studies

Absolutely delighted with them - didn't expect anywhere near as good as that for my first uni exams.

Must have done really well in the CEES essay which made up 50% because I thought my exam was a disaster. In a similar vain I got a B2 in the history essay so must've done pretty well in the exam

Delighted anyway biggrin.gif

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That thanks for that widge, I need to sort out where I want to be first then what I want to do, being on the tools isn't a long term goal for me, although I enjoy working and earning a lot and studying would be something new to me! Would have to work as well I don't think I could be a full time student.

When I read this I remember thinking "Noon!? This is way too early to start working"

Managed to get one of my applications to Glasgow changed from Business Economics to Statistics after having a change of heart. Got an unconditional this evening which I'll probably accept. Pleased with that.

Craigkillie teaches Stats at Glasgow IIRC. Also "Business Economics" is really just "Economics" for your first two years at least.


To my shame, I had an unconditional at the end of 5th year but I lied to my mum saying saying that I needed a B in Higher Maths so I could stay for 6th year and doss about for a year. No chance I was going to be one of those guys with the 'not 18 until xx/xx/xx' stamped on my student ID. Serves her right for believing a teenager I suppose. It was kind of true though, I would have needed a B to get onto the MEng programme but I wasn't too fussed about that at the time. Anyway, 6th Year was the bollocks. biggrin.gif

I never had that. Strange that I probably get ID more now than I did in first year.

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If you think it's been bad so far please significantly lower your expectations.

I'm expecting MyCampus to get a lot worse year on year for at least the next 4 years.

Although to be fair to the Business School it makes an absolute fortune for the University, much more than any other department. And they didn't get that through caring about undergraduates.

Engineering school has to be at least on a par for not giving a shit about undergrads. Got my results last night though 3 As and a B. cool.gif

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First year Engineers at Glasgow always seem to get loads of As. One of my friends has a ridiculously good GPA after first year and another guy I know got all As in his first year exams in December. Very few people in Law in first year get an A, particularly in Delict and Contract.

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Craigkillie teaches Stats at Glasgow IIRC. Also "Business Economics" is really just "Economics" for your first two years at least.

Sort of. I'm doing a PhD, and as part of that I take a couple of tutorial groups and help out in a lab. I don't teach any lecture courses.

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  • 2 weeks later...

47% for Scottish legal System, considering that it was easier if you were doing full Law rather than a split one and the fact I was a lazy git for the most of that semester. That is glorious, I don't have to go back for a summer exam barring an unexpected and unlikely travesty in Social Policy for now.


Edited by Sloop John B
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I got an email back from SAAS saying I've got a conditional offer form Heriot Watt, problem is I filled the form out wrongly and said I wanted to join in second year instead of third, is it possible to phone up the university and ask them to change it?

Feel like a bit of a twat...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Unfortunately I didn't get that scholarship award I was in London for the interview for in January. It was very competitive (we were the final 20 of 100 ish and of the 11 who were there the day I was for interview, 9 were Oxbridge graduates or final-year students). It was quite a surreal experience and I felt I'd done as well as I could in the interview so I'm not that disappointed. It means I'll just be doing the Diploma in Legal Practice at Glasgow next year and might look at doing a Masters either straight after that or once I'm qualified as a solicitor.

On slightly happier notes, I've had all my essays for this year back. An A1 and an A2 in my Politics Honours essays (both of which count for 50% of the respective modules) and an A4 in my Constitutional Law essay (25% of the module). Making decent progress with my Dissertation due in March, then a daft generic politics paper to write over Easter, two politics exams, a law exam and that's me done! This semester has gone somewhat frantically.

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Well done on getting to the interview Ad Lib. I'm also confirmed as leaving uni in the summer having got one of those fabled jobs people say are lacking at the moment. It also means significantly less travelling to London for job interviews which I'm very pleased about - I was meant to be there just now instead of watching the CL! Still need to get a 2:1 minimum but have a comfortable first average and had two As this year so far I'm hoping to go higher than that. I actually finished the bulk of my dissertation in December, and a little bit more in the last few days. Most people in my course are just starting and thank f**k I'm not one of them.

Still got significant coursework and two exams to go, but I'm stress free really.

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Unfortunately I didn't get that scholarship award I was in London for the interview for in January. It was very competitive (we were the final 20 of 100 ish and of the 11 who were there the day I was for interview, 9 were Oxbridge graduates or final-year students). It was quite a surreal experience and I felt I'd done as well as I could in the interview so I'm not that disappointed.

How many people got a scholarship? What was it for?

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How many people got a scholarship? What was it for?

Was called the Thouron Award. It's essentially a scholarship which funds up to 2 years post-graduate study at the University of Pennsylvania with a $26k stipend for 6 or so UK resident UK graduates and 6 or so UPenn graduates to study in the UK on similar terms. I had applied to the LLM programme at UPenn. My application for that is actually still active so it will be interesting to see if I'd have been offered a place, but I can't take it up anyway now the funding situation is implausible.

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