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Who's Going To Uni?

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Guest honestrae95

I've just firmed my conditional to do Law at Glasgow with Dundee as my unconditional insurance. I went to the Law open day at Glasgow and was highly impressed, so we'll see what happens but I should get my conditions. Strathy also gave me a conditional but I decided against using them as an insurance. Too risky IMO.

What halls have you applied for at Glasgow? I'll probably end up there but I want to go to their Applicants' Day and Edinburgh's before I accept an offer.

I'm going to apply to QM, then the Apartment things that they've got. I enjoy a good party but I've been well informed that Murano is best to be avoided. Good party scene, but cramped, noisey and a bit pish! QM gives you the best of both worlds, modern and clean yet still parties to attend!
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The two most popular are Murano and Queen Margaret, Murano is in Maryhill and is basically a shithole but is good for parties and that, but feels slightly like a prison. QM is far less social but you'll be able to sleep and not be mugged regularly.

QM sounds more appealing, take it that's where you stay? Roughly when did you send off your application for accommodation? I wasn't planning to do it until the end of the month so that I can see the halls first but I don't want to wait too long and get stuck in shite ones.

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QM sounds more appealing, take it that's where you stay? Roughly when did you send off your application for accommodation? I wasn't planning to do it until the end of the month so that I can see the halls first but I don't want to wait too long and get stuck in shite ones.

Aye I'm at QM, it's better than Murano IMO. Although my flat has been extremely dodgy all year with stuff breaking. Can't really remember but I did it fairly early I think.

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I'm going to apply to QM, then the Apartment things that they've got. I enjoy a good party but I've been well informed that Murano is best to be avoided. Good party scene, but cramped, noisey and a bit pish! QM gives you the best of both worlds, modern and clean yet still parties to attend!

Yeah, the more I read about it the more I think that QM looks better. Tbh I'm not a massive party goer, I don't mind going to them but I doubt I could cope with them constantly like it seems to be at Murano. It's reassuring to know that there should be at least one other football fan about, I'd hate to be stuck with a bunch of cricket folk or fans of some other shite sport.

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Guest honestrae95

I'm going to apply to QM, then the Apartment things that they've got. I enjoy a good party but I've been well informed that Murano is best to be avoided. Good party scene, but cramped, noisey and a bit pish! QM gives you the best of both worlds, modern and clean yet still parties to attend!

Yeah, the more I read about it the more I think that QM looks better. Tbh I'm not a massive party goer, I don't mind going to them but I doubt I could cope with them constantly like it seems to be at Murano. It's reassuring to know that there should be at least one other football fan about, I'd hate to be stuck with a bunch of cricket folk or fans of some other shite sport.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking- QM just looks better. Haha yeah, at least there'll be somebody I can shame my sorrow with when Ayr lose! There's quite a few guys that I know well who are applying to QM, and they're very decent guys so we'll be fine- they ain't cricketers!

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I have exams on the 22nd, 29th, 30th, 3rd and the 8th so not bad really.

As for living in Murano I stayed there a few years ago and I didn't find a problem with too many parties etc and I am by no means a big fan of too many parties.

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I have my last exam on the 7th before some weird online one on the 15th of May. Fucking shite, given it'll most likely be a piss easy exam. Not really sure if I have to hang around in Glasgow as I'd like to be away before then.

Edited by Bonksy+HisChristianParade
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Some are in the evening as well. Mine are reasonable, two Friday afternoons. One of them is only 1 and a half hours long for some reason, and we're told the topics beforehand for both subjects!

I was hoping to do an international conference in Beijing, and had written my application, but they are both early May meaning I can't go.

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Weird to think there'll be freshers this year born in 1995. :(

Jeez that just makes me feel old and I'm only 20 FFS. Still it's just another year group added to the number of lassies I can make a fool of myself in front of.

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My only law exam is on the 23rd April, then I have the politics exam that might actually require some reading on the 24th April. Then 20 days of f**k all before my last politics exam on 15th May. The exams are insanely early this year.

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My only law exam is on the 23rd April, then I have the politics exam that might actually require some reading on the 24th April. Then 20 days of f**k all before my last politics exam on 15th May. The exams are insanely early this year.

Did you do Legal Profession and Ethics in 2nd year? What's the story with the exam? I'm not really sure what to expect from it - do you just do it from your laptop at home?

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It was the same for me. Can't believe there's no scope for scheduling it a bit better.

It's unbelievably poor. None in the last week of exams. I'd much rather have a couple then than 5 in for 1 week. 4 in 3 days the week after with 1 the following week. What would be even better is having the exams for the 5 courses taught in the first semester in December.

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See when you get your degree, how do they aggregate all of your marks for individual modules for your final grade?

Is it simply a case of an average of every module you do? How does your grade for your dissertation factor in?

Going into 4th year and never really understood how it works :lol:

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Last exam on the 22nd of May then done with University forever, can't wait to leave.

What have you got lined up after?

I've got three exams this May: 9th (War, Terrorism & Conflict) / 13th (Managing Equality & Diversity) / 22nd (Employment Relations)

Managing Equality & Diversity is shit. The other two have been very enjoyable, and I'm actually taking pleasure in doing my essays for them.

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