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Who's Going To Uni?

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Oh dear....by the sounds of things, Napiers isnt very good.....I thank u all for your insight, particulary vlad and that wool guy (cant remember name).

Anyway, i can see the benefits of both commuting and staying in residence. Most of my mates will be leaving perth, so this really puts me off commuting + i do want to meet new folk. But there are money issues. And if i dont go 2 napier then staying in halls/flat at abertay seems pointless as its a 20 min drive away!

The money issue isn't nearly as bad as you think it will be. Once you've got your loan and bursary, you'll get by. You might not be able to afford the same fancy designer clothes and gadgets, but everyone is in the same boat as you. So don't worry about the money, a little bit of common sense and that will take care of itself.

Where you go though, thats another matter!

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Oh dear....by the sounds of things, Napiers isnt very good.....I thank u all for your insight, particulary vlad and that wool guy (cant remember name).

Anyway, i can see the benefits of both commuting and staying in residence. Most of my mates will be leaving perth, so this really puts me off commuting + i do want to meet new folk. But there are money issues. And if i dont go 2 napier then staying in halls/flat at abertay seems pointless as its a 20 min drive away!

Napier halls are fucking extortionate, we got a new fully-furnished three level house in Newington for £500 a month less than we were paying for shitty student halls in Haymarket.

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I was wondering if I should go to the Humanism lecture tommorrow as it's not really relevant to what I'm doing but I have only been to 1 of the last 4 history lectures.

If I don't go I'll likely skive the politics lecture and just go in later on.

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Agree. People who commute in first years are just kidding themselves. First year is all about the social aspect!
Its not even just the nights out though Craig, it's the independence factor of it all.

I was away for 4 years at uni living in halls in 1st year, then a flat for the following 3.

Since graduating, i've since moved home to save some money and staying at home again is terrible. Yeh theres the bonus of food and washing etc, but cooking became something i quite enjoyed. There was the bringin birds back aswell.....

Don't listen to the negativeness. Commuting isn't preferable IMO... but if you have to, you'll be fine.

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It would probably take 30 seconds to fill in the form, but I agree, for many Freshers that's too much.

Anyway, not long in from a night of celebrations after Edinburgh University Students' Association AGM (remember by posts from while back). Outrageous 'No Platform Policy' motion was beaten... in fact, it was slaughtered... with myself being privileged enough to carry first opposition and summation. 'Boycott Israel' hammered, as was a motion on 'Bibles in Halls of Residence'.

My own 'Smoking Kills' passed strongly, but not with 300 - so looks like a compromise solution of putting tobacco/cigarettes under counter, and scrapping vending machines etc., will be taken forward. 'Low Carbon Travel' (banning EUSA using domestic flights) didn't get 300. 'Energy Efficiency' passed. Surprisingly, the constitutional reform motion failed to get 3/4 so it fell...

Marvellous night of glorious successes. Politics tastes sweet when you roundly gub the opposition.

Students being students, it would have at least provided extra bog roll.....

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I chose to commute because the university I wanted to go to happened to be in the city I live in, basically. I did think about moving away for a while, but in the end I was glad I chose not to, mainly because I'm happy with my course and I'm glad I didn't have to leave my friends and girlfriend.

For some people it's the right decision, for others it's better to stay put. It's enitrely up to you.

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as was a motion on 'Bibles in Halls of Residence'.

Ah, I remember those. The day I moved in, me and my dad were both carrying bags in. I opened the door, he walked in, had a quick look, immediately spotted the big bible on the shelf, and with a "you won't be needing this", dropped it straight into the bin. Happy days.

They stopped providing them automatically at the end of first year though, student council made it a requirement to tick a box if you wanted one. We're way ahead of your lot by the sounds of things! :D

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It would probably take 30 seconds to fill in the form, but I agree, for many Freshers that's too much.

Anyway, not long in from a night of celebrations after Edinburgh University Students' Association AGM (remember by posts from while back). Outrageous 'No Platform Policy' motion was beaten... in fact, it was slaughtered... with myself being privileged enough to carry first opposition and summation. 'Boycott Israel' hammered, as was a motion on 'Bibles in Halls of Residence'.

My own 'Smoking Kills' passed strongly, but not with 300 - so looks like a compromise solution of putting tobacco/cigarettes under counter, and scrapping vending machines etc., will be taken forward. 'Low Carbon Travel' (banning EUSA using domestic flights) didn't get 300. 'Energy Efficiency' passed. Surprisingly, the constitutional reform motion failed to get 3/4 so it fell...

Marvellous night of glorious successes. Politics tastes sweet when you roundly gub the opposition.

When I moved in to my room I found not one, but two bibles.

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I've got a bible in my University owned, but off-campus, halls-of-residence style flat.

Out of the six in my flat, I think four have been vandalised quite significantly.

As for the question at the top of the page, stay in halls first year, definitely. It's only 9 months, and it's not that expensive, and the worst thing that can happen is you have to live with some people you don't really like for a while, but you can go home at the weekend and see your pals. Then at the end of first year, you write it off as a poor experiment and start commuting from home for second year onwards.

It's more likely that you'll have a whale of a time in first year halls though, and you'll make friends who you can then either decide to live with in 2nd year, or you can still commute but also have friends in Edinburgh/Dundee too.

I think you should definitely live in halls for first year.

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Being in halls doesn't garuantee fantastic social life.

There is nobody in my flat I can go on nights out with regularly, all nice people but I feel like a bit of an odd one out. Of the music students, we're a reasonably tight knit group, but 3 of the 12ish of us live in Glasgow, which makes nights out a bit difficult.

I was never given a bible - giving out bibles would be a really presumptuous and rather pretentious act. Although I've found that there are far more christians in Glasgow than Clackmannanshire. I already know more christians than I did in Alva :o

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Don't listen to the negativeness. Commuting isn't preferable IMO... but if you have to, you'll be fine.

HJ - It wasn't my intention to be negative, just giving an insight into my opinion, that staying at halls/flat is the more enjoyable option of uni from years 1-4.

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I've got a bible in my University owned, but off-campus, halls-of-residence style flat.

Out of the six in my flat, I think four have been vandalised quite significantly.

As for the question at the top of the page, stay in halls first year, definitely. It's only 9 months, and it's not that expensive, and the worst thing that can happen is you have to live with some people you don't really like for a while, but you can go home at the weekend and see your pals. Then at the end of first year, you write it off as a poor experiment and start commuting from home for second year onwards.

It's more likely that you'll have a whale of a time in first year halls though, and you'll make friends who you can then either decide to live with in 2nd year, or you can still commute but also have friends in Edinburgh/Dundee too.

I think you should definitely live in halls for first year.

I agree Dunc, very sensible option you're stating

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