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I'm hoping to do Geography at either Glasgow or Edinburgh. I'd be happy to go to either, or even somewhere like Aberdeem if I had to, I was just wondering if anyone had any advice on the matter.


gc_smfc is doing Geography at Glasgow so you'd best ask him regarding course content. I was speaking to another guy today who recently completed a masters in town planning (after doing a Geography degree) and he seems to have enjoyed it.

Just do what you think suits you. I chose Stirling because of a cracking course, decent people and it being fairly local. I couldn't do Edinburgh Uni as it's full of snobs and wouldn't be able to live in Glasgow due to the large ned culture within the city and people coming up to you every 5 mins on the streets looking to give you a fuck1ng interview.


I love Geography me. 8)

Nah, I'm not really looking to specialise atm, knowing me I'd change my mind after a few months.

P.S. Cheers dave_bino. :)

You have to submit your ucas form by 16th January so not much point in changing after that...

At Glasgow you do three courses in your first year so if you don't like it you can always change.

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Just do whatever suits you mate. Make sure you go to the open days and get a taste of the whole university, the course and e-mail the lecturers to see what the course entails. Despite Edinburgh Uni being full of snobs(the mrs goes there), it does seem a cracking uni and probably one of the best in the UK. Edinburgh also a cracking city.

Yeah I will do.

I do love Edinburgh, and it has a great reputation, but I've heard its full of snobby, twattish types which worried me a bit. We'll wait and see.

All three are good unis.

Geography is one of the most employable degrees.

Which is always a plus. :)

As Dave_Binos said do what you enjoy, hense why I ruled out Geography.

Going to do either a sports managemnt course or Physical education at Edinburgh.

Yeah. I am enjoying Geography just now though, which is why I'm looking at doing it. At least you managed to rule it out before taking it at Uni, and hopefully you'll enjoy your PE.

Another possibly stupid question. Say you're looking at getting on a course and the requirements are 4 B's, and you get say AABC or AAAC or even ABBC. Would this be ok, or do you have to do achieve a B in at least four subjects?

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Yeah I will do.

I do love Edinburgh, and it has a great reputation, but I've heard its full of snobby, twattish types which worried me a bit. We'll wait and see.

Yeah. I am enjoying Geography just now though, which is why I'm looking at doing it. At least you managed to rule it out before taking it at Uni, and hopefully you'll enjoy your PE.

Another possibly stupid question. Say you're looking at getting on a course and the requirements are 4 B's, and you get say AABC or AAAC or even ABBC. Would this be ok, or do you have to do achieve a B in at least four subjects?

At HW the people at the Uni aren't snobs, just poor students :lol:

No idea about in town though

And for the grade thing it's up to the Uni but I think if it evens out (A=1, B=0, C=-1) then you should be fine, just get an A in the relevant subject anyway ;)

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Cheers man. :)

St Andrews seems very hard to get into, so I think I'll give that a miss. I didn't realise Dundee was so good for Geography either. I'd heard it was decent though. Looks like Edinburgh's going to be first choice at the moment, may change my mind once I see the places though.

Apply for St Andrews anyway, you never know, you might get in unexpectedly.

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gc_smfc is doing Geography at Glasgow so you'd best ask him regarding course content. I was speaking to another guy today who recently completed a masters in town planning (after doing a Geography degree) and he seems to have enjoyed it.

Cheers, I'll talk to him.

Oh and Fudge just completed a Geography degree at Glasgow. I was doing mine at Strath but it was very human based.

And Fudge as well.

I'm undecided as to whether I want to specialise in either Human or Physical Geography. I prefer Human Geography, but I like Physical as well and there seems to be more career prospects available in the Physical aspect of things, although you probably know a bit more about it than I do C.J

How did you find your degree?

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I think I've already said it at least once on this thread (each time people ask for advice), but Stirling wasn't the top course for me. I think in terms of the courses offered, both Robert Gordons and HW were better options (they had a fucking Tesla Coil!), but when I visited RGU, I really didn't take to Aberdeen or the uni. HW was cracking, I really liked the uni, I liked the course, and I didn't mind Edinburgh. I thought it would take some beating. I visited all the places myself just to get a feel for them.

But then I arrived in Stirling, and as soon as I got off the train, something just felt right. I just felt like I could happily make it my home for the next few years, and while the course wasn't as good as other places, the uni seemed really nice, the campus was awesome, the little I saw of town seemed really nice and friendly, and it was actually quite an easy choice to make.

I applied in 2001, started in 2003, and I still live there now. :)

Think that's you settled in Stirling for another few years then? In regards to universities, Edinburgh, Glasgow and St Andrews are all far, far superior uni's. Another good thing about Stirling is the fact that property is far cheaper. Renting a flat(which I will probably do as of next year) is far cheaper than in Edinburgh and Glasgow for a flat of similar standard.

Edited by dave_binos
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Think that's you settled in Stirling for another few years then? In regards to universities, Edinburgh, Glasgow and St Andrews are all far, far superior uni's. Another good thing about Stirling is the fact that property is far cheaper. Renting a flat(which I will probably do as of next year) is far cheaper than in Edinburgh and Glasgow for a flat of the same standards.

To be honest, St. Andrews was on my list, and had a better course, but I imagine I would have been miserable there. Not my sort of place at all. I didn't visit the uni, but I was in the town and tried to imagine myself living there. I just couldn't see it. I wasn't prepared to spend four years in somewhere where I didn't want to be.

So yes, I imagine that even after leaving education (whenever that is, hopefully soon), I will stay in Stirling. In many ways, its my home now.

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Just do what you think suits you. I chose Stirling because of a cracking course, decent people and it being fairly local. I couldn't do Edinburgh Uni as it's full of snobs and wouldn't be able to live in Glasgow due to the large ned culture within the city and people coming up to you every 5 mins on the streets looking to give you a fuck1ng interview.

While Glasgow has its flaws, I would question those two.

I've not found neds to be a problem in the West End or Maryhill, in fact in the West End they're close to non-existent and the few I've seen in Maryhill tend to keep to themselves. Admittedly, all I see of Maryhill outside buses is Queen Margaret Drive and the bit of Maryhill Road next to the student flats.

Interviewers, I've only been accosted by one from the Glasgow Uni Guardian, and I was only going to Tesco I humoured him - The result of this meeting: I was quoted on the front page and allegedly had "strong feelings" on the issue. My name was also spelled wrong :lol: If you don't want to give an interview just say you're running late and they'll leave you alone.

Now people handing out leaflets - they get on my tits. I reckon I've thrown about a redwood's worth in the bin.

Although, I must say Stirling is a very nice place. I wouldn't rule out heading there once I've been suitably educated.

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Yeah I will do.

I do love Edinburgh, and it has a great reputation, but I've heard its full of snobby, twattish types which worried me a bit. We'll wait and see.

I was unsure between Edinburgh and Glasgow and the main thing putting me off Edinburgh was what you mention above. I decided to go for Edinburgh and haven't regretted it in the slightest. There are a few twats here but there's also a lot of decent people as well.

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Geography is one of the most employable degrees.

Always found it a mind-numbingly boring subject, but massively lucrative if you go into the geology side and get a job for Oil Companies. I know a couple of guys who have that background and they are rolling in it.

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Always found it a mind-numbingly boring subject, but massively lucrative if you go into the geology side and get a job for Oil Companies. I know a couple of guys who have that background and they are rolling in it.

What, oil?

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At HW the people at the Uni aren't snobs, just poor students :lol:

No idea about in town though

And for the grade thing it's up to the Uni but I think if it evens out (A=1, B=0, C=-1) then you should be fine, just get an A in the relevant subject anyway ;)

What the hell are you havering about kid?

I have a degree in Chemistry, with a B at higher (have an AH, but applied and got an unconditional from 5 different courses in Chemistry at Glasgow and Strathclyde before I got that), and a Computing post grad with never having done computing.

It doesn't matter what the grades are for the individual subjects, as long as you have what they ask for overall.

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Interviewers, I've only been accosted by one from the Glasgow Uni Guardian, and I was only going to Tesco I humoured him - The result of this meeting: I was quoted on the front page and allegedly had "strong feelings" on the issue. My name was also spelled wrong :lol: If you don't want to give an interview just say you're running late and they'll leave you alone.

I don't think I've ever been interviewed; they must not think I'm a very approachable person.

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