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Most of the roads around here have a layer of ice on them.

I suppose, its either untouched snow here, or fairly compacted snow with no ice, so I wouldn't know what everywhere else is like.

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Can someone explain why the West of Scotland is supposedly so badly affected, when there's only four, four inches of snow recorded in Glasgow? I appreciate it's a different shitstorm further east.

Edited by vikingTON
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Is it wrong of me to say, if they are that bad, why not walk on the road, there isnt exactly a deluge of traffic atm.

True and she has been on the quieter streets, but unfortunately not an option for her as she was on whifflet street at the time, which is the main thoroughfare between the m8 and coatbridge, it was very busy with traffic.

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Can someone explain why the West of Scotland is supposedly so badly affected, when there's only four, four inches of snow recorded in Glasgow? I appreciate it's a different shitstorm further east.

It's the constant very low temperature that is causing the problem. That four inches of snow fell on top of the snow that was already there.

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This thread just proves how different people see the same things in completely different ways. My experience of Stirling's roads is that they are not exactly clear, but they are very driveable - I think the council has done has done a pretty good job. I hate councils generally, so that's a huge compliment coming from me.

The M9 was a sheet of glass this morning.

Again, I saw this in a completely different way. I have driven the entire length of the M9 twice in the past two days and it has been pretty clear, at least in the inside lane (and for significant stretches in the outside lane), except for the couple of miles nearest the Newbridge roundabout.

As for the situation on Monday morning, there was significantly more snow than was predicted in any forecast I saw. The handling of that situation (by whichever agency is responsible) was still wholly inadequate.

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Interesting. Fancy posting us a link to this? Not that I don't believe you, I'm genuinely interested.

Sure: http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/uk_forecast_weather.html

Please keep up to date by viewing our warnings page, and if you have fresh snow to report let us know using the link below. Accumulated totals (from all snow events so far) show 29 cm lying snow at Edinburgh, 11 cm at Glasgow, 18 cm in Aberdeen; in eastern England, 22 cm in Albemarle, with 13 cm in Leconfield, with 7 cm lying snow in Aldergrove, Northern Ireland. Issued at 1215 on Wed 08 Dec 2010.

Falkirk was recorded as something like 34cm on Monday, or maybe at the weekend.

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This thread just proves how different people see the same things in completely different ways. My experience of Stirling's roads is that they are not exactly clear, but they are very driveable - I think the council has done has done a pretty good job. I hate councils generally, so that's a huge compliment coming from me.

Again, I saw this in a completely different way. I have driven the entire length of the M9 twice in the past two days and it has been pretty clear, at least in the inside lane (and for significant stretches in the outside lane), except for the couple of miles nearest the Newbridge roundabout.

As for the situation on Monday morning, there was significantly more snow than was predicted in any forecast I saw. The handling of that situation (by whichever agency is responsible) was still wholly inadequate.

I agree with this. Saying 'Stirling' is very vague and of course different parts of it will be worse than others. Town Centre isn't great fun to walk about in but it's ok. It gets progressively worse as you go into the Riverside. I've been in my flat almost all day for the last 12 days or so and the only gritter I've seen was on the street that Riverside Primary is on. I took a trek round the Riverside area today and it is a total ice rink, looks bonnie tho :)

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Can someone explain why the West of Scotland is supposedly so badly affected, when there's only four, four inches of snow recorded in Glasgow? I appreciate it's a different shitstorm further east.

I suspect it is affected as it is temperatures lower than -7c. This makes grit inaffective and when traffic cleared on Monday we got ice. Depends where they measure the snow depth however as some areas of Glasgow will have deeper snow than others- if they measure it at the airport Paisley never gets the same snow as the surrounding areas at Castlemilk pon hills up to EK where folk have struggled.

However is Glasgow badly affected? I drove from Glasgow City Centre to Hillington, in just about 10 mins, traffic moving 40-50mph on the M8 and indeed the guy in the shop along from us came from Greenock and said it was alright all the way up the M8.

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Can someone explain why the West of Scotland is supposedly so badly affected, when there's only four, four inches of snow recorded in Glasgow? I appreciate it's a different shitstorm further east.

Eh, hello? Minus 15 last night, and the night before - it's now four inches of ice. Away back to the hookers, idiot.

Anyway, I agree with most of what the sensible posters are saying on this thread. Bascially XBL is a fucking moron.

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Eh, hello? Minus 15 last night, and the night before - it's now four inches of ice. Away back to the hookers, idiot.

Looks like you have a lot to learn about how snow turns into ice before you can even progress to the hookers.

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