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He was the first stand up comedian I ever saw. I'm not sure I could stomach him for a live show now. Same with Michael McIntyre. Saw him earlier in his career but now he does my head in. Both were good live though.

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After 22 days of (attempted) moustache growing I’ve come to the conclusion I am shite at growing any sort of facial hair. I am quite enjoying the ‘tache though and we’ve raised a fair whack for charity. But, if any of the good patrons of P&B wish to donate to charity knowing I’ve grown a shite moustache for the cause that’d be excellent. (Pictures available on request)

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9 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Give us this day our daily bread eh?

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19 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

"Take this, all of you, and eat it" 

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I've always been lucky enough to avoid the flu. I'm just spewing up near constantly, feel nauseous when I stand up and my body aches. Hardly slept last night but sleepy and fuzzy feeling so when I close my eyes I'm having these creepy awake dreams.

that's cold turkey. you need smack.
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It's kicking off on Oxford Street.


Police were called at 16:38hrs on Friday, 24 November to a number of reports of shots fired on Oxford Street and underground at Oxford Circus tube station.


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About a week ago I switched the TV over and caught a bit of Erasure singing ‘A little respect’.  

I have had it in my head since then, even playing on YouTube to try to exorcise it; it won’t go away.

And I agree with Turk.


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