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I responded to a post on a Facebook Cycling Group written by someone who lives in the Scottish Borders, not too far from where I grew up. I've heard the stereotype of Americans who think all British people know each other but this is genuinely the first time I've experienced it first hand.


ETA: And I've only just noticed that I misspelled "Lake".
ETalsoA: Yes, I know he wasn't asking about 'all' British people. Just if I knew one family out of the 1/2 million or so people who live in the Lake District.

Edited by Shotgun
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11 hours ago, Cerberus said:

49 people dead in 1 day?

The Campaign is a load of pishe, it just highlights the normal day in Thailand.  It's actually 365 dangerous days.  Average 66 deaths per day!

No.1 in the world now.

ETA- Those figures are not accurate, this is only deaths at the scene of the accident, not if they die in hospital or even on the way.  It's a fucking disgrace & nobody gives a shite.  Seething as I see the madness everyday.  

Edited by SlipperyP
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