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As Leon Trotsky found out.....sad.gif

I've always been amused by that particular assassination.

He was murdered, with an icepick, in Mexico. An icepick! I like to think that the assassin had started off following him in Siberia, carrying the icepick as an inconspicuous weapon, but then ended up wearily trailing him across the globe before finally catching up with him in a Mexican office block, still wearing a parka and a massive beard, with tennis rackets strapped to his feet, waving his icepick furiously.

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Apparently, Dunc, it was even more sinister.....

Death of Trotsky

Skull fractured with pickaxe

Thursday 22 August 1940

Leon Trotsky, the exiled Bolshevik leader, died early this morning from injuries received when he was attacked in his home in a suburb of Mexico City some thirty hours earlier. His skull was fractured.

A trepanning operation was performed yesterday, and specialists had been summoned from the United States.

The attack was made upon Trotsky by Franck Johnson, who is described as a French Jew. Trotsky, it is stated, invited Johnson to take afternoon tea with him and Johnson was therefore not searched, as are most people entering Trotsky's carefully guarded home in the city suburbs. According to the police Johnson had a small pickaxe, of the type used by Boy Scouts, hidden in his trousers. He is alleged to have attacked Trotsky suddenly, battering his skull and injuring his right shoulder and right knee. According to one of his bodyguards Trotsky's last words before he became unconscious were "I think Stalin has finished the job he started." Trotsky escaped without injury a couple of months ago when hundreds of machine-gun bullets were fired into his house by a gang of twenty men.

That Stalinist chunt Baden-Powell has a lot to answer for!ohmy.gif

Edited by Kilt
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I agree with the "single action" point, but frankly, using an ice axe unless they are armed and make an attempt to attack you is a bit over the top!

I don't see why it should have to be a level playing field between intruder and home owner. Personally, I'd opt for the nice wee ping putter I've got in my cupboard but you know, ice axe could be useful too :lol:

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I don't see why it should have to be a level playing field between intruder and home owner. Personally, I'd opt for the nice wee ping putter I've got in my cupboard but you know, ice axe could be useful too :lol:

Maybe it's just me that thinks this way, but violence on a personal level can only ever be justified by an immediate physical threat to yourself or those under your care.

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Maybe it's just me that thinks this way, but violence on a personal level can only ever be justified by an immediate physical threat to yourself or those under your care.

That's hardly an exact science though. For example if you saw someone being mugged in the street or an old lady having her bag snatched would you jump in? I'd like to think I would.

Edited by Jimmy85
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It is completely disproportionate and achieves absolutely nothing. It is still at the very least assault. Make what efforts you can to get them to leave your property, and if they attack you, by all means, fight back, but come on... chasing them down the street?

In this hypothetical scenario, THEY'VE GOT MY STUFF! If they left the valuables and ran for it, then fair enough, but if they're legging it with my stuff, then as far as I'm concerned I'm going to get my stuff back.

What you need, xbl, is a fucking portcullis.

That would rock!cool.gif

I think actually chasing someone down the street then beating them up is excessive because that goes beyond spur of the moment instinctive action. However, I think that in the home you should be able to take most courses of action that involved a single action. For example, smacking and intruder with a baseball bat is ok, but repeatedly hitting them while they were incapaciated on the ground isn't.

The closest weapon to my bed is an ice axe and I'd have absolutely no qualms about putting that through someone's skull if I went downstairs to find them trying to nick my TV. I could certainly live with myself and hope that I'd be let off relatively scot free.

I agree with the first paragraph. Thats why I'm in two minds about the whole thing. Closest weapon I've got is actually a wee penknife, but then I'm very close to my bedroom toolbox too, so I've got an array of hefy screwdrivers, and (my probable weapon of choice), a hefty hammer. If I found someone trying to rob my home, I'm not exactly going to offer them a hand. No, I'm going to protect my stuff, no matter what it takes.

Maybe it's just me that thinks this way, but violence on a personal level can only ever be justified by an immediate physical threat to yourself or those under your care.

Other Possible Reasons

Pint Spilling.

Nicking My Stuff.

Attacking my family.

Looking at me, pal.

(feel free to add more)

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I served a man at work today. We exchanged pleasantries. The man said to me 'Allright mate? How you doing? You allright, aye?'. I of course told him I was 'no bad', but it dawned on me that he had asked me three times how I was doing, whilst answering his question himself. Should I respond with three 'no bad's'?

I thought I should share this with you all. Thanks for listening.

He sounds like Tobes.

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I served a man at work today. We exchanged pleasantries. The man said to me 'Allright mate? How you doing? You allright, aye?'. I of course told him I was 'no bad', but it dawned on me that he had asked me three times how I was doing, whilst answering his question himself. Should I respond with three 'no bad's'?

I thought I should share this with you all. Thanks for listening.

Similarly, I always say "Thank you" twice. I can't help it.

"Cheers, pal. Thanks."

I don't know why. I think it's cos "Cheers" doesn't quite seem like saying "Thanks", and for some reason, I always say "Cheers" first. It's just odd.

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I think actually chasing someone down the street then beating them up is excessive because that goes beyond spur of the moment instinctive action. However, I think that in the home you should be able to take most courses of action that involved a single action. For example, smacking and intruder with a baseball bat is ok, but repeatedly hitting them while they were incapaciated on the ground isn't.

The closest weapon to my bed is an ice axe and I'd have absolutely no qualms about putting that through someone's skull if I went downstairs to find them trying to nick my TV. I could certainly live with myself and hope that I'd be let off relatively scot free.

Totally agree. And I have an excellent possible repertoire of attacks on any would be thief in my gaff with a pool cue, guitar and several glass tumblers within reach.

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Totally agree. And I have an excellent possible repertoire of attacks on any would be thief in my gaff with a pool cue, guitar and several glass tumblers within reach.

I've always wondered about this, do you think a guitar would be an effective weapon? I have my doubts.

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I've always wondered about this, do you think a guitar would be an effective weapon? I have my doubts.

Yeah. It's big, heavy and hard as f**k (fnarr). It's a dreadnought acoustic and if I swung at at your head I would make a big dent wherever it landed.

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I call everyone "pal" and "bud".

The only time I ever call anyone "neebur" is when I meet someone with a really strong regional accent - it invokes some sort of primal tribal instinct in me and I suddenly feel the need to declare where I'm from by ending every sentence with "neebs". It's completely unintentional.

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Yeah. It's big, heavy and hard as f**k (fnarr). It's a dreadnought acoustic and if I swung at at your head I would make a big dent wherever it landed.

I realise you could do some decent damage with it but you would need to surprise your oppenent with it because it would be quite cumbersome. I don't think it would be much use in a dual or an enclosed space rumble.

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I'm sick of you.

I'm not really. My post was irrational. I don't mind being called 'mate' or whatever. It's the constant repetition of it, and the fact that junkies with no teeth and unbelievable body odour feel they need to call me it. I'm certainly not your mate, ken.

One thing I do enjoy working on the tills, is the old women regulars that come in at the same time every week without fail. They're old and struggle and ask me to pack their bags for them, but 'not too heavy, am auld ken', sometimes I'll even give them a loaf for free, just cause I'm nice.

You sound ace. I wish I was your neebur :(

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