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A few doctors came up because my mum's not feeling up to scratch. She's away to the Western just now. The holder that they carry all their gear in looks amazing though. It has an oxygen canister and all that pish on it, and by the looks of it, if you fold it out it turns into a stretcher with wheels, or you can fold it in a way that it turns into a stretcher with a continuous track type idea going on.

I want one. Not for any real reason, and I don't think it would benefit me in any way, it just looks sweet.

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I must say, I'm looking quite sensational in my new blue shirt.

Let's see what delights downtown Cowdenbeath holds tonight.


LMFAO :lol::lol::lol:

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Danny Whopper (nickname for reasons that will become obvious) is a guy who stays in my town. He likes a drink and likes to tell stories. Now everyone has told a wee white lie at one time or another, maybe even embellished the truth ever so slightly to make a true story that little bit funnier. This guy however is in a league of his own. Some of his best include...

Fighting in the Vietnam war (despite being 55 and scottish).

His helicopter ditching twice in The North Sea (On one of these occassions he was 6ft from the sea bed, kicked his rigger boots off and swam to the surface).

Was in a bank in Dublin when a robbery ensued. Masked men shout "Everybody on the floor...... You anaw Danny".

Another robbery when he was in France. He was walking past a bank this time and he heard a cop say, (Inspector Clouseau Voice) "zis looks like the werk of zee Govan Team"

Now my personal favourite.

After a serious accident where he survived a 60ft fall (all true btw) a few of his mates went to see him in hospital. Danny's lying in bed with his arms and legs in traction when his mate points out the nurse is a darling. "Aye" says Danny "Ah shagged her last night" laugh.gif

This guy says it with a straight face and really expects you to believe it. I've asked a few peoples if he's all there and apparently he's not daft. I'm not convinced though, I think he's a bit of an acid casualty.

I think everyone knows a guy like this. I myself have a mate who's partial to the odd outlandish claim - and this person doesn't do any kind of drugs!

Here is a post I made on a previous thread about his stories:

I know someone who is a complete Walter Mitty. Over the last few years he's come out with such gems as:

Was once a passenger on a ship that capsized in the middle of the Atlantic;

Has spent some time in a Turkish prison for suspected gun-running;

He invented the Rotastack (the hamster interlocking cage / tunnel thing) and had the idea stolen from him at a trade show;

His dad was kidnapped by - wait for it - Goran Ivanisevic's dad, who is apparently quite the criminal;

His great-great grandad or similar was the photographer for the Tutankhamen expedition;

Another distant relative was the Confederate general who lost the American Civil War to Lincoln's Union.

Sadly, I wish I was making these up, but I'm not.

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It's my 21st birthday in around 35mins time.

I'm unsure whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. On the plus side, I know I'm closer to graduating and getting a job, on the negative side, I know that my days of little responsibility are drawing to a close.

Obviously This was inevitable and I appreciate that, but a milestone such as this one makes me think a bit more about the future.

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It's my 21st birthday in around 35mins time.

I'm unsure whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. On the plus side, I know I'm closer to graduating and getting a job, on the negative side, I know that my days of little responsibility are drawing to a close.

Obviously This was inevitable and I appreciate that, but a milestone such as this one makes me think a bit more about the future.

Have one on me at your expense. 8)

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I was walking through a revolving door tonight and instead of walking out the exit, I walked into the glass next to it. My mates were rolling on the floor laughing. It was very funny.

:huh: maybe you just had to be there eh?

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A work colleague of mine recently stayed at this Hotel.

It's the worst case of tortured English I've seen for some time and thought it worth sharing

Loving it!laugh.gif

I must admit, with a bit of second-guessing, a relaxing drink at the end of the day on the terrace over a small Vesper sounds delightful!biggrin.gif

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My wifes mums kids look like there away to be taken off her, not sure how to feel, happy cause they will get a better life i think, sad because they will get split up

Considering your wife is one of her mums kids,is she being taken away from you ????huh.gif

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