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The amount of friends some people seem to have on Facebook is something I've only really just paid attention to, and I find it odd. It seems not uncommon in the slightest for people to have between 400 and 650 friends, how the f**k does this happen? I have 185 and honestly wouldn't be able to get 3 times as many people unless I added every person I've met. If I see someone with 600 friends on FB I can't help feel that they must be a bit of a sad sack, which is presumably the opposite intended effect.

One bird on mine has nearly 1100 friends blink.gif . Realistically does anyone have more than 40 actual friends?

Colleagues, and people who attended my wedding reception but are really my wife's friends, make up the bulk of the "ballast" on mine. For obvious reasons I'm not about to go deleting either.

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I may be the greatest procrastinator ever. I got up at 8 today and have been putting off revision ever since.

Until you've used delimescaler on a bath with no limescale, do several day's washing up, 3 loads in the washing machine, a hoover of EVERY ROOM in the house, go round the house with a duster, re-arrange and print out lecture notes, re-arrange and synchronise all the files on your desktop with your laptop, cleaned the toilet, gone to the shop to buy in "essentials" and then gone on Pie and Bovril to engage in a fight about something you don't actually care about, probably with vikingTON, but renton and Ivo Den Bieman are optional, and xbl if you're really desperate, you are not worthy of the position TENTH greatest procrastinator with respect to exam revision.

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Until you've used delimescaler on a bath with no limescale, do several day's washing up, 3 loads in the washing machine, a hoover of EVERY ROOM in the house, go round the house with a duster, re-arrange and print out lecture notes, re-arrange and synchronise all the files on your desktop with your laptop, cleaned the toilet, gone to the shop to buy in "essentials" and then gone on Pie and Bovril to engage in a fight about something you don't actually care about, probably with vikingTON, but renton and Ivo Den Bieman are optional, and xbl if you're really desperate, you are not worthy of the position TENTH greatest procrastinator with respect to exam revision.

See the next time you've got an exam due, fancy coming and staying at my house :D

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I think I'm addicted to Red Bull. I've been drinking it excessively over the last week whilst trying to rapidly complete Uni assignments - I just can't get enough of it now. Help! :(

I genuinely think i'm addicted to energy drinks in general. Red Bull, Blue Charge, Red Rooster, Boost, Red Devil. I drink at least 2 cans of either every day.

I don't know what taurine is, but i hope it's not bad for you.

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I genuinely think i'm addicted to energy drinks in general. Red Bull, Blue Charge, Red Rooster, Boost, Red Devil. I drink at least 2 cans of either every day.

I don't know what taurine is, but i hope it's not bad for you.

Relentless is my favourite, followed by Monster (I like the one with the juice in it). Rockstar's "Energy Cola" is quite nice, and so is their rehydration lemon flavoured one. I try not and buy them because I only get them when I'm in town and they're quite expensive, but they're great.

I don't like Red Bull that much. Poundland sell an energy drink called Emerge, and although it doesn't have as high an energy level, it tastes pretty much the same. You can get four cans for a pound.

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Reading through the the World Cup 2018/2022 thread on Misc Other Football has just made it hit home that when the Russian World Cup comes round, I'll be just a couple of months away from turning 31 :(

The Phoenix is the one I feel sorry for, he'll be 212.

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Reading through the the World Cup 2018/2022 thread on Misc Other Football has just made it hit home that when the Russian World Cup comes round, I'll be just a couple of months away from turning 31 :(

It was when HJ suggested something about the WC not coming to Europe (after Russia 2018 obv) until 2034- I'll be in my 50s by then. <_<

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It was when HJ suggested something about the WC not coming to Europe (after Russia 2018 obv) until 2034- I'll be in my 50s by then. <_<

I thought they'd done away with the rotation system?

Russia shouldn't count as Europe anyway, commie b*****ds.

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I was out of lager and I couldn't be arsed going to Asda in the snow, so I went to Aldi instead.

They had the "usual" suspects, but only in 15 or 24 bottle cases, which I didn't want to carry down the road. So I settled on Steinhauser. 'Tis very good and only £3.89 for 6 bottles.

This is probably a RTBC, but like walking to Asda, I can't be arsed to find the thread.

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