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I hate wearing glasses but I wear them all the time in the house and wear them to gigs/football/etc.

I would get contact lenses but I don't like the idea of putting my finger near my eye. Although those I've spoken to who wear them say that they've "changed their life".

Remember, blinding yourself in one eye after trying to take out a lens whilst blootered would also change your life

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I feel almost duty-bound to try Guinness for the first time tonight... :unsure:

Guinness is fantastic (unless you buy it in Pontypridd, in which case it's vile <_< ) but don't drink it just because it's Saint Patrick's Day or you'll look like a twat.

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Guinness is fantastic (unless you buy it in Pontypridd, in which case it's vile <_< ) but don't drink it just because it's Saint Patrick's Day or you'll look like a twat.

I'm not a big Guinness man but I've had a few in the past and it's decent enough. Agree with the second sentence.

I just don't get the hype with this 'holiday'.

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back in my drinking days, i developed a taste for Guinness when the local Snooker club was selling it for £1.20 a pint. I think the biggest mistake people make when trying it is taking a sip of the head, that gives most folk the boke, getting straight into the black stuff is the way to go, delicious, and after 3 or 4 pints you appreciate it not gassing you up like lager does. for the full effect, you should really grow a big mouser for soaking up the head.

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back in my drinking days, i developed a taste for Guinness when the local Snooker club was selling it for £1.20 a pint. I think the biggest mistake people make when trying it is taking a sip of the head, that gives most folk the boke, getting straight into the black stuff is the way to go, delicious, and after 3 or 4 pints you appreciate it not gassing you up like lager does. for the full effect, you should really grow a big mouser for soaking up the head.


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Guest The Phoenix

I think I've got different values for cylindrical and spherical but those figures are for one of them.

I suspect my mild astigmatism is the main reason I struggle to see stuff without my glasses. It's hard to explain to people who don't have it but whenever you look at lights it looks like the object is blurred and is streaming in a line a bit like the trail an aircraft leaves behind it.

TBF, half the time you struggle to see the wood for the trees.

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1. Goto any webpage

2. Put this into the address bar: javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.images; DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5; DIS.top=Math.cos(R*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0);

3. Enjoy.

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Remember, blinding yourself in one eye after trying to take out a lens whilst blootered would also change your life

I can attest to this, however I wasn't pissed, I wad just a bit clumsy, right pain when you do it. I always wear glasses, apart from when I play sports, however my new glasses are takin a bit of gettig used to, bumped my prescription up to - 3.5 and - 4.25, hopefully I get used to them.

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Regarding the contact lens discussion- I understand why some folk are squimish about it at first, but if you stick at it quickly makes a difference (so much so that wearing glasses becomes a bit of a pain in the arse). I've worn them since I was about 11-12, and after a year or two of wearing them, taking putting them in/taking them out becomes second nature. I wore my contacts so much that some folk I knew for years were generally suprised when they saw me in glasses (although wearing them too much can be a problem.)

I wear monthly ones, but if you had the dough daily ones are brilliant.

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