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Drinking Guinness last night and today my arsehole burns with the heat of a thousand suns.

And it's rancid as well.

Life getting you down? No girlfriend? No Job? Huge Debt? Feel like the bottom's fallen out of your world?

Drink 12 pints of Guinness and it'll feel like the world's fallen out of your bottom!

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Bought a pair of Sennheiser HD202 headphones from Amazon for £22.99, stuck on The Prodigy and the bass nearly blew my head off.

Absolute quality headphones. I canny believe that people pay 10 times the price for those Dr Dre Beats things just to look 'cool'

People are silly.

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Bought a pair of Sennheiser HD202 headphones from Amazon for £22.99, stuck on The Prodigy and the bass nearly blew my head off.

Absolute quality headphones. I canny believe that people pay 10 times the price for those Dr Dre Beats things just to look 'cool'

People are silly.

i like monster headphones, but the beats wouldnt work with my style of music, however the gratitude ones do.

i remember first time i put in in-ear skullcandy earphones.. mind blown.

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So I`m sitting there enjoying a wee dram in front of the fire & channel hopping, and suddenly BANG! WTF? Went outside & there`s a car crashed right into the opposite side of the house! A girl is out & rambling into her phone in eastern European of some sort. Turns out she`s Polish. Been snowing heavily here for last wee while & she must`ve just done the epic snow fail of hitting the brakes, especially on a slight downhill, lucky she didn`t hit anybody else, or seriously injure herself, got away with a burst lip. Her car is a certain write-off though! The old stone cottage will take much more than a Vauxhall Astra to cause it any structural damage.

Now back to my Bowmore.

Edit: ach pish, that`s the Police here now, they`ll be asking all sorts of daft questions, never actually show up when you want them to, do they?

Edited by Desert Nomad
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The old " she was just passing by when her car slipped on ice officer and then my trousers just happened to fall down and she accidentally became impaled on my penis as I tried to mop the oil stain from the front of her thong with a twenty pound note " excuse being deployed here methinks ;)

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You know how when someone is being just so deliberately obstructive for the sake of it that you go beyond irritated and just feel sorry for them because they know no other way to behave? It's a strange thing, but I have sympathy for someone today :)

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