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I used to help run cave tours during my uni days when I needed some cash during the summer. Best job I ever had (but sadly not sustainable having an extra person all year round).

People, caves and animals are a bad combination. I once came face to face with a badger in another cave when I was flat out in a narrow 'tube' section. We took an immediate dislike to each other. I also accidentally crawled through some intestines of some description after something had turned our dig into a new home (probably a stoat of some description). Smelly.

Haha, nice one. Think I might consider something similar for the summer. My mate did wildlife tours last year, not really rewarding financially but in terms of natural beauty and excitement - very much so.

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I saw a seagull winding up a Jack Russell in Prestwick today. The dog was on it's leash going fucking mental at this bird having the audacity to just stare it down from 10 yards away.

You probably had to be there tbh.

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Gulls are fucking vermin.

... which we're never allowed to touch. Never before have I been able to get revenge on them without breaking the law, hence today was my chance.

It wasn't too difficult a situation for it to eventually get out of imo and it's almost guaranteed to grow up to be a right c***.

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... which we're never allowed to touch. Never before have I been able to get revenge on them without breaking the law, hence today was my chance.

It wasn't too difficult a situation for it to eventually get out of imo and it's almost guaranteed to grow up to be a right c***.

A noble deed imo.

Few slices of bread dabbed in bicarb soda can do the trick as well.

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I once "caught" a herring gull whilst fishing off Scrabster pier. Damn stupid bird caught my bait mid cast, had to cut the line.

I also saw one trapped inside a fishing net at Burghead harbour. I'll try and dig the photo out tomorrow (that's if I remember).

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Me and my dad once stopped at Arbroath for a chippie on the way home from a Saints game, we made the mistake of opening a window whilst eating. Fucking huge big b*****ding gulls fighting to try and get in the windows for a good 15 minutes before we just launched our food and drove off watching them all scrap like f**k in the background. Horrible creatures

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