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No pie kicking needed, paid in full

That's good news. I hate how people think they can just withhold monies due when you've already done the job.............happens more than you think yet its always the "cowboy builder" stories that get reported!

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That's good news. I hate how people think they can just withhold monies due when you've already done the job.............happens more than you think yet its always the "cowboy builder" stories that get reported!

This was a strange situation. I knew the guy was ill but he had said he thought he had a few years left in him. Basically went into the hospital on the Thursday night and passed away the next again day. She apologised for not answering and was fine, I'm sure she's been through enough in the past few weeks.

Ive only ever once had real problems with a non payment. Done a basement conversion in Leith a few years back for an Asian family. Got to the stage i was going to go and rip everything out as they took the royal piss for months. The beat part was they moaned for weeks to get an outside tap installed. I went round one day for payment and found all the kids had set up a dodgy car wash at the side of the road.

I take pride in my work and work for very reasonable rates or i wouldn't get any work. I get lots of work through word of mouth so for me to do a bad job would hurt my business. Although their are plenty cowboys out there. Quite a few times I've had to go to jobs which have been started and had to be completely ripped out and started again

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A near-dead pigeon has just landed on my roof with a mighty thump. Missing most of its feathers, it cant move and you can see parts of its body split open yet its blinking. Feels horrible leaving it there but doubt it will survive long enough to get it anywhere to help it. Part of nature. :(

Edited by meanmistermustard
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Pretty violent thunderstorms here last night, and, for the first time, a strike very near my house.

Flash and clap at exact same time, sounded like an explosion, scared the crap out of me, especially as it happened just as I was locking the front door/closing the blinds

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Pretty violent thunderstorms here last night, and, for the first time, a strike very near my house.

Flash and clap at exact same time, sounded like an explosion, scared the crap out of me, especially as it happened just as I was locking the front door/closing the blinds

Didn't hear anything last night, disappointed. :( Looking forward to our turn this summer soon, only had one day with thunder in the Sneck last spring/summer and that wasn't much.

Talking of Thunderstorms

Watching the stormchasing in the USA over on TVNweather http://tvnweather.com/live live streams from the chasers as they drive around tracking, monitoring and filming storms around the mid-west. Up until 2am this morning watching it, big cells as well real motherships, plenty of lightning and driving through one town in Kansas the tornado warning siren going off as a storm moved by, but unfortunately no tornadoes seen. There can be up to 50 vehicles driving around when the weather gets lively that stream to the site. The main man who owns the site is Reed Timmer who has been on a number of storm chaser documentaries and a couple of series about storm chasing, drives around in vehicles called Dominator 1,2, or 3 which look like this..


The site is good and depending on who you follow you get some great views of the storms and pick up some interesting facts (and listen to some cheesy power rock on the cd player with a couple of them) if the team stream sound as well, the only frustration is when the team you are following are aware of a tornado close by the news gets around superfast and everyone and their dog can pile onto your stream and it crashes, has happened a couple of times.

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A near-dead pigeon has just landed on my roof with a mighty thump. Missing most of its feathers, it cant move and you can see parts of its body split open yet its blinking. Feels horrible leaving it there but doubt it will survive long enough to get it anywhere to help it. Part of nature. :(

I take it you live under a flight path. Or live in an area with flying cats. Or cats that are good at throwing.

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This evening in a rampage of manliness, I destroyed not one, not two, not three, but four wasp nests that some little c***s had built in my sheds.

For fans of Horrible Histories, the was great Stupid Deaths moment where in a frenzied attack, the little b*****d flew right into a spiders web. I took great pleasure in beating the little shit to death with my frisbee as I wore my rather professional anti-wasp ski jacket / tourie and goalie gloves wasp-killer outfit.

Neighbours looked impressed... or confused seeing as it's a warm sunny evening. Not sure which yet.

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I have to go to Bristol and Bath tomorrow.

I need to get to Hairmyres from Cumbernauld tomorrow morning via public transport. I reckon you'll get there quicker than my destination.

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