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In the Navy, they hog-tie you, smear your buttocks with Deep Heat and Vegemite then stick a rubber chicken up yer arse (allegedly), in the Navy, in the Navy...


Always wondered what rubber chickens were for..

Lucky for him that it didn't have a pulley in the middle :shutup

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In the past few weeks I have caught and safely released loads of large spiders taking great care not to harm them. At about 4 this morning, a huge one of them was making a high speed beeline for my brand new £800 puppy and at that point my caring side went straight oot the window. It was ruthlessly dispatched with a swift size 9. Don't know if it could have hurt the puppy but I was taking no chances.

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In the past few weeks I have caught and safely released loads of large spiders taking great care not to harm them. At about 4 this morning, a huge one of them was making a high speed beeline for my brand new £800 puppy and at that point my caring side went straight oot the window. It was ruthlessly dispatched with a swift size 9. Don't know if it could have hurt the puppy but I was taking no chances.

Are any spiders over there dangerous? My Gran used to squash them with her thumb.
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